1 . Before every ride, you should:

Make sure your bike's brake lights work properly.
Make sure the paint on the bike is not peeling.
Make sure your bike is completely clean.
Make sure you can see your helmet in your mirrors.

2 . If you wait one hour to ride after having one alcoholic drink:

You cannot be arrested for drinking and driving.
Your riding skills will not be affected by the alcohol.
Effects from the alcohol may still remain.
You will be fine as long as you ride slowly.

3 . When passing another driver, you should:

Move out of their blind spot as quickly as possible.
Linger in their blind spot.
Decelerate in the passing lane.
Not worry about your own blind spot.

4 . When passing, you:

Should ride within the speed limits.
Should decelerate.
May ride 10 mph above the maximum speed limit.
May ride 15 mph above the maximum speed limit.

5 . The front brake:

Should only be used when you need to stop quickly.
Should be used only under slippery conditions.
Is not as effective as the rear brake.
Is safe to use, if used properly.

6 . A cushion of space that is larger than usual is required in all of the following situations, except:

When your motorcycle will take longer to stop than usual.
When the pavement is slippery.
When traffic is heavy and someone may try to squeeze in front of your motorcycle.
When you can see through vehicles ahead of you.

7 . Riding gloves are often:

Made of leather.
Made of wool.
Not pre-curved.
Unsafe for the rider.

8 . It is best to not ride directly alongside another vehicle because:

You may be riding in its blind spot.
It is distracting to have a vehicle next to you.
Other drivers may want to use the lane.
It would be difficult to see what is happening behind you.

9 . Refusing to take a breath test when requested to do so by an officer:

Is your right and will have no negative consequences.
Is not a serious offense.
Is recommended.
Will result in legal consequences.

10 . What may help if you experience slippage of your drive chain?

Tightening the chain
Loosening the chain
Using the throttle more
Applying the rear brake

11 . Consequences for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) may include:

License suspension.
Community service.
All of the above.

12 . Protective eyewear:

Is never required.
Is required if a motorcycle is not equipped with a windshield.
Is required if a motorcyclist has held their license for less than two years.
Is not recommended.

13 . When parking a three-wheeled motorcycle on the side of the road, it should be:

Close to oncoming traffic.
Angled with the rear wheels touching the curb.
Angled with the front wheel touching the curb.
Parked parallel to the curb.
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14 . To lower the chance of a crash, you should do all of the following, except:

Be visible.
Communicate your intentions.
Be prepared to react to hazards.
Hope another driver sees you.

15 . When changing lanes on a road with several lanes, you should:

Check only the lane next to you for traffic.
Check the lane next to you and the next lane over for traffic.
Rely only on your mirrors.
Not worry about signaling.

16 . What is the best lane position for a motorcycle operator?

The left position in the lane
The center position in the lane
The right position in the lane
There is no single lane position that is best for all situations.

17 . Braking in a turn is:

Easier than braking on a straightaway.
More difficult than braking on a straightaway.
Done safely by using the front brake only.
Done safely by using the rear brake only.

18 . A diamond-shaped sign is a:

Road hazard sign.
Interstate route sign.
School crossing sign.
Speed limit sign.

19 . This sign means:

Don't drink if you are going to drive.
Slippery when wet.
Road curves ahead.
You are approaching a hill.

20 . An engine will seize due to:

A lack of fuel.
A lack of oil.
A lack of coolant.
Improper tire inflation.

21 . If your motorcycle begins to wobble, you should:

Keep riding, as the wobble will likely correct itself.
Quickly brake.
Close the throttle to slow down.
Accelerate quickly.

22 . When riding a three-wheeled motorcycle, you should stay in:

The left side of the lane.
The right side of the lane.
The center portion of the lane.
Whichever portion of the lane you want.

23 . One way to tell if your rear tire has gone flat while riding is if:

There is a hissing noise coming from the rear of the bike.
The back end is jerking from side to side.
You are unable to accelerate.
The rear brake does not work.

24 . Gloves can:

Make it difficult to control a motorcycle and should be avoided.
Help other drivers identify you.
Provide an improved grip on the handlebars.
Offer no protection.

25 . If your friend has been drinking alcohol, it is a good idea to do any of the following, except:

Arrange for a safe ride home for your friend.
Occupy your friend with activities to distract them from drinking.
Keep your friend from leaving until they are sober.
Allow your friend to ride their motorcycle.