1 . When approaching a blind intersection with a stop sign, riders should:

Ignore the stop sign and move forward to get a better look.
Stop at the stop sign then proceed through the intersection.
Stop at the stop sign before moving forward to improve their view of cross traffic.

2 . This sign means:

Divided highway ends.
One-way traffic ahead.
Two-way traffic ahead.
Keep to the right.

3 . Intersections are usually:

Safe since there is so much traffic there.
A dangerous spot for riders.
Difficult to figure out.
Safer than the open road.

4 . Most crashes happen:

On long trips.
On short trips.
At speeds faster than 70 mph.

5 . When looking through a turn to see where you are going, you should:

Turn just your head.
Turn your head and shoulders.
Turn just your shoulders.
Turn your entire body.

6 . When riding on a slippery surface, you should:

Increase your speed.
Use only your rear brake.
Avoid making sudden moves.

7 . When being passed by another vehicle, motorcyclists should be alert to:

The other vehicle's extended mirrors.
Objects being thrown from the other vehicle.
Both of the above.

8 . Before every ride, you should:

Modify the exhaust system.
Clean and adjust your mirrors.
Clean your wheels.

9 . To lean your motorcycle to turn, you should:

Press the handgrip in the direction of the turn.
Press the handgrip in the direction opposite of the turn.
Press both handgrips and try to shift your weight.

10 . While braking a motorcycle with a sidecar, you may need to:

Steer straight ahead.
Steer slightly in the direction of the sidecar.
Steer slightly in the direction opposite the sidecar.
Steer sharply in the direction of the sidecar.

11 . This road sign means:

Turn right after making a complete stop.
Right turns are not permitted.
Left turns are permitted.
None of the above.

12 . To swerve, you should:

Turn the handlebars quickly.
Shift your weight quickly.
Press the handgrip in the direction of the turn.
Press the handgrip in the opposite direction of the turn.

13 . Which of the following surfaces is unlikely to provide poor traction for motorcyclists?

Manhole covers
Painted lane markings
Dry pavement
Metal plates
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14 . During normal turns:

The motorcycle and rider should lean in the same direction.
The motorcycle and rider should lean in opposite directions.
The motorcycle should not lean.

15 . An experienced rider:

Changes positions within their lane as conditions change.
Stays in one portion of a lane at all times.
Weaves within the lane to be more visible.
Travels only on the oily portion of the lane.

16 . Maintaining a space cushion between your motorcycle and its surroundings is important because it:

Prevents distractions from other vehicles.
Allows you time to react to unexpected situations.
Keeps traffic flowing at a steady pace.
Keeps other drivers alert.

17 . The first thing you should do if your throttle becomes stuck is:

Operate the engine cut-off switch.
Twist the throttle back and forth.
Jump off the motorcycle.
Weave back and forth in your lane.

18 . When entering a turn, a rider should:

Speed up.
Reduce their speed.
Move their shoulders to match the angle of the turn.
Sit up as high as possible.

19 . When being followed by a tailgater, you should:

Allow them to pass.
Speed up.
Not change how you are riding.

20 . If the front wheel locks, you should:

Continue to hold the brake and the skid should end.
Release the front brake and not use the front brake.
Release the front brake and then quickly squeeze the front brake.
Release the front brake immediately and re-apply the front brake smoothly.

21 . A proper lane position should do all of the following, except:

Increase your ability to see.
Help you avoid surface hazards.
Encourage other drivers to share your lane.

22 . When slowing or stopping, you should use both brakes:

Only if the pavement is wet.
Only when riding in the city.
Every time.

23 . This sign means:

No parking.
Divided highway ahead.
Left turn signal.

24 . When the road is slippery, maintain a following distance of at least:

One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.

25 . When turning a three-wheeled motorcycle, there is a tendency for:

The rear outside wheel to leave the pavement.
The rear inside wheel to leave the pavement.
The front wheel to leave the pavement.
All wheels to leave the pavement.