1 . If being tailgated, you should speed up.


2 . If you’re not sure how to handle a fire, you should:

Use water.
Stay inside the vehicle.
Wait for the firefighters.
Keep the vehicle running.

3 . Truck tractors with air brakes built on or after March 1, 1997 must be equipped with:

A flag.
White warning lamps.

4 . When trying to put out an electrical fire:

Use water.
Use a B or C extinguisher.
Use an X extinguisher.
Use a Q extinguisher.

5 . Good drivers consistently look ____ seconds ahead of their vehicles.

Two to three
Five to six
12 to 15
30 to 45

6 . When driving a 50-foot truck at 50 mph, you should maintain a following distance of at least:

Four seconds.
Five seconds.
Six seconds.
Eight seconds.

7 . If being tailgated while driving a large vehicle, you should do all of the following, except:

Reduce your speed gradually.
Increase your following distance.
Speed up.
Try to let the other vehicle pass.

8 . A cargo van carrying a light load is usually taller than when it carries a heavy load.


9 . When driving on packed snow, you should reduce your speed:

By at least one-half.
By about one-third.
By about one-quarter.
By about one-eighth.

10 . If a tire fails, you should:

Use the brakes.
Stay off the brakes.
Wave your arms at other drivers.

11 . Driving outside of your lane may be a sign of fatigue.

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12 . When mirrors are properly adjusted:

No part of the vehicle should be visible in the mirrors.
A part of the vehicle should be visible in the mirrors.
More than half of each mirror should show the vehicle.

13 . Black ice is:

Usually thick – about half an inch or more of ice.
Usually thin.
Not a hazard when driving.
Not really ice.

14 . When driving in the winter, which of the following should receive extra attention in a pre-trip inspection?

Coolant and antifreeze levels
The air conditioning unit
Oil levels
The air filter

15 . On a wet road, you should reduce your speed:

By about one-half.
By about one-third.
By about one-quarter.
By about one-eighth.

16 . As temperatures begin to rise and ice on road surfaces begin to melt:

It is especially safe to drive.
The road will become more slippery.
Traction will increase.
It will be easier to identify slippery spots.

17 . In very hot weather, the air pressure in tires may decrease.


18 . In very hot weather, the air pressure in tires may increase.


19 . Smooth steering may be a sign of tire failure.


20 . Black ice is a very thin layer of ice.
