1 . When driving under wet conditions, what does a lack of spray from other vehicles indicate?

Ice has formed on the road.
The pavement is dry.
The spray is caught on the underside of the vehicle.
The tires have soaked up all the moisture.

2 . If stopped on the side of the road, how should you alert other motorists?

Rely on your taillights.
Sound your horn.
Use your four-way emergency flashers.
Keep the driver's side door open.

3 . When trying to put out an electrical fire:

Use water.
Use a B or C extinguisher.
Use an X extinguisher.
Use a Q extinguisher.

4 . How many seconds of following distance per every 10 feet of vehicle should you maintain when traveling more slowly than 40 mph?

One second
Two seconds
Three seconds
Four seconds

5 . Empty trucks often take longer to stop than fully-loaded trucks.


6 . In very hot weather, the air pressure in tires may increase.


7 . As temperatures begin to rise and ice on road surfaces begin to melt:

It is especially safe to drive.
The road will become more slippery.
Traction will increase.
It will be easier to identify slippery spots.

8 . When driving a 50-foot truck at 50 mph, you should maintain a following distance of at least:

Four seconds.
Five seconds.
Six seconds.
Eight seconds.

9 . Black ice is a very thin layer of ice.


10 . If being tailgated, you should open up your following distance.


11 . Good drivers consistently look ____ seconds ahead of their vehicles.

Two to three
Five to six
12 to 15
30 to 45
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12 . Truck tractors with air brakes built on or after March 1, 1997 must be equipped with:

A flag.
White warning lamps.

13 . Excessive vibration may be a sign of tire failure.


14 . When traveling on a downgrade, a vehicle will:

Slow down.
Travel at the same rate as on level roadway.
Speed up.
Likely swerve to the right.

15 . Frequent blinking may be a sign of fatigue.


16 . A vehicle must have at least two mirrors.


17 . When it is difficult to see, such as at dawn or dusk, what is the best way to make your vehicle more visible?

Use your high beam lights.
Use your low beam lights.
Use only your clearance lights.
Do not use any lights.

18 . When driving on packed snow, you should reduce your speed:

By at least one-half.
By about one-third.
By about one-quarter.
By about one-eighth.

19 . If being tailgated while driving a large vehicle, you should do all of the following, except:

Reduce your speed gradually.
Increase your following distance.
Speed up.
Try to let the other vehicle pass.

20 . Repeatedly rubbing your eyes could be a sign of fatigue.
