1 . When operating a motor vehicle, it is a secondary offense to use a handheld wireless communication device:

To read, type, or send written communication.
As a radio.
As a GPS navigation device.
To play music.

2 . Any motor vehicle operator convicted of evading arrest for the violation of any Nebraska law can have their license revoked.


3 . A stop sign is shaped like a(n):


4 . This sign tells you that:

No turns are allowed on the road.
The road narrows ahead.
There is a series of curves ahead.

5 . If your vehicle begins to skid, you should:

Turn your steering wheel into traffic.
Turn your steering wheel in the direction you want to go.
Release the steering wheel.

6 . When stopping on snow or ice, drivers who are operating vehicles equipped with an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) should:

Pump the brakes.
Press and hold the brake pedal firmly.
Stay off the brakes and wait for the car to drift to a stop.

7 . Motorists should maintain a safe operating distance when driving near a cyclist.


8 . If oncoming headlights are blinding you while you are driving at night, you should:

Look toward the right edge of the road.
Switch your lights to high beams.
Turn your lights on and off.

9 . This sign means:

Trucks entering.
Truck exit only.
Steep downgrade ahead.

10 . When driving under snowy or icy conditions:

It is safe to use your cruise control.
Make speed and directional changes more gradually than you would otherwise.
Drive as you would under normal conditions.

11 . What happens if you drink alcohol while taking prescription or over-the-counter medicine?

The medicine reduces the effect of the alcohol.
The alcohol will help the medicine cure a cold.
The combination could multiply the effects of the alcohol or medicine.
There is no effect because they are different substances.

12 . To be safe when crossing a railroad, you should:

Look both ways, but only when the red light is flashing.
Listen, look both ways, and then proceed if it is safe to do so.
Cross especially quickly when a train is approaching.
Quickly pass under any lowering gates.

13 . Drive below the posted speed limit when:

Anything makes conditions less than perfect.
You see a police car.
Entering a highway where there are other cars.
You are on a four-lane road.
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14 . You are making a left turn from a two-way street onto a one-way street. When you have completed the turn, your car should be:

In the right lane of the street.
In the center of the street.
In the left lane of the street.
In the lane with the least traffic.

15 . Headlights must be used:

After 6 p.m. and before 7 a.m.
After 7 p.m. and before 6 a.m.
After 8 p.m. and before 7 a.m.
From sunset to sunrise.

16 . You are involved in a minor collision at an intersection. There are no injuries and there is very little vehicle damage. You should:

Leave your vehicle in the traffic lane until law enforcement arrives.
Move your vehicle out of the traffic lane, if possible.
Not move your vehicle for any reason.

17 . When completing an emergency roadside stop, it is not necessary to put on your parking brake.


18 . If you are turning onto a street with more than one lane traveling in your direction, you should:

Turn into the lane closest to your previous lane.
Turn into the lane marked with an arrow.
Turn into the middle lane.
Turn into any lane.

19 . A steady yellow light at an intersection means:

Yield to other cars.
Slow down and prepare to stop.

20 . Which of the following is true about traveling in a vehicle equipped with airbags?

A safety belt should not be worn by the driver of a vehicle equipped with airbags.
When combined with safety belts, airbags provide improved protection in a crash.
Children age 12 and under can safely sit in the front seat of a car that is equipped with airbags.

21 . When approaching an intersection that has a stop sign but no painted crosswalk, you must:

Stop your vehicle inside the unmarked crosswalk.
Stop before entering the unmarked crosswalk.
Stop at the stop sign. It does not matter if you are in the crosswalk or not.

22 . Which of the following recommendations does not promote safe night driving?

Keep your windshield clean.
Be aware that tinted windows reduce visibility in the dark.
Carry a flashlight in your vehicle.
Look into the headlights of oncoming vehicles.

23 . Never park a vehicle:

In front of a public or private driveway.
Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection.
Within 30 feet of any flashing signal located on the side of the roadway.
All of the above.

24 . Failure to secure children under age six in a federally-approved child safety seat is a traffic violation punishable by a $25 fine and one point assessed against the driver.


25 . Road markings are used to guide and regulate traffic. Broken white lines:

Indicate that there is two-way traffic.
Separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.
Indicate that you are in a no passing zone