1 . Riding alongside a car:

Is encouraged.
Can place you in a blind spot.
Is not an issue unless the roadway is wet.
Can make driving easier for the other motorist.

2 . You should do a pre-ride inspection:

Before every ride.
About once every 10 rides.
Once a month.
Once a season.

3 . To provide the best protection to the wearer, boots or shoes should:

Be made of a soft material.
Have long laces that are not tucked in.
Cover the ankle and provide support.
Have tall heels.

4 . What could happen if a motorcyclist takes a turn too fast?

They may end up in another lane.
They may leave the road.
They may brake too hard and skid.
All of the above.

5 . When the road is slippery, maintain a following distance of at least:

One second.
Two seconds.
Three seconds.
Ten seconds.

6 . When downshifting, the first thing you should do is:

Roll off the throttle and release the clutch lever.
Roll off the throttle and squeeze the clutch lever.
Ease out the clutch lever.
Firmly press down the shift lever.

7 . Which factor does not play a role in a person’s blood alcohol content (BAC)?

The amount of alcohol consumed
Body weight
How quickly the alcohol was consumed
How often alcohol is consumed

8 . This sign means:

No parking.
Divided highway ahead.
Left turn signal.

9 . When traveling on a motorcycle with a sidecar, the passenger should ride:

On the motorcycle seat.
In the sidecar.
Either on the motorcycle or in the sidecar.
Neither on the motorcycle or in the sidecar.

10 . Why should you use both the front and rear brakes every time you slow or stop?

Using only one brake will cause the brakes to wear unevenly.
It develops good braking habits for emergency situations.
Using both brakes is the only way to slow down a motorcycle.
The brakes only work when both are applied.

11 . Long-term exposure to wind noise:

Is recommended.
Can cause hearing loss.
Is not harmful.
Is less damaging than listening to music.

12 . Which of the following surfaces is unlikely to provide poor traction for motorcyclists?

Manhole covers
Painted lane markings
Dry pavement
Metal plates

13 . When riding in a staggered formation, the third rider in the group should ride _______ behind the leader.

One second
Two seconds
Three seconds
Four seconds
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14 . Which of the following does not offer protection to a motorcycle rider?

A leather jacket
Boots that go over the ankle
A baseball cap that fits snugly

15 . Signals on a motorcycle:

Serve little purpose since motorcycles are smaller than most other vehicles.
Are very important to alert other motorists to a rider's intentions.
Should not be used if no vehicles are close to the motorcycle.
Are more complicated than those on a car.

16 . To be seen in the rearview mirror of the driver ahead of you, you should:

Ride in the center portion of the lane.
Ride in the left portion of the lane.
Ride in the right portion of the lane.
Ride in a weaving pattern.

17 . Scan the road ______ ahead of your motorcycle.

12 seconds
10 seconds
Five seconds
Three seconds

18 . If your motorcycle is being chased by a dog, you should:

Kick the dog away.
Ride alongside the dog.
Stop until the dog loses interest.
Approach the dog slowly, then speed up.

19 . A motorcyclist should attempt to avoid obstacles on the roadway. If avoiding an obstacle is not possible, the motorcyclist should:

Speed up before coming into contact with the object.
Stay seated so the seat can cushion some of the impact.
Tilt the motorcycle to the left before coming into contact with the object.
Try to approach the obstacle at as close to a 90-degree angle as possible.

20 . When riding with a passenger, you should:

Maintain your usual space cushion.
Brake later than usual.
Ride a little more slowly than usual.
Ride a little faster than usual.

21 . If no traffic is present when you are taking a curve, it is a good idea to start:

On the outside of the curve.
On the inside of the curve.
Near the edge of the curve.
Wherever you prefer.

22 . This sign means:

Don't drink if you are going to drive.
Slippery when wet.
Road curves ahead.
You are approaching a hill.

23 . Riding at night:

Is discouraged.
Is made safer by wearing reflective clothing.
Is not safe because other drivers cannot see your turn signals.
Should only be done in the city.

24 . When approaching railroad tracks that cross your lane at an angle, it is usually:

Safest to ride straight within your lane to cross the tracks.
Dangerous to ride straight within your lane to cross the tracks.
Not safe to cross tracks on a motorcycle.
Safest to cross the tracks by riding on the shoulder of the road.

25 . Which of the following is not a possible cause of a wobble on your motorcycle?

Incorrect tire pressure
Improper loading
Unsuitable accessories
Uneven road