1 . If you are at fault in a traffic crash and do not pay for the damages:

Your driver license and/or plates will be suspended for one year.
You will save money.
Your car will be repossessed.
You must buy a new car.

2 . A speed limit is:

The maximum or minimum legal speed you can travel on a road under dangerous conditions.
The maximum or minimum legal speed you can travel on a road under ideal conditions.
The suggested speed to travel on a road under ideal conditions.
None of the above.

3 . Consuming which of the following substances may impair your ability to drive safely and may result in an arrest for driving under the influence of intoxicants (DUII)?

Beer, wine, and other liquor
Controlled substances, such as illegal drugs or prescription medicines
Inhalants, such as glue or paint
All of the above

4 . Motorcycles are entitled to:

The bicycle lane.
The same full lane width as other motor vehicles.
Half the width of a lane.
The width of the sidewalk.

5 . If another driver cuts you off in traffic, you should:

Pull next to the driver and yell at them.
Let it go.
Flash your high beams at the driver.
Get back at the other driver by cutting them off.

6 . If another car is in danger of hitting you, you should:

Sound your horn.
Wave your arms.
Use your emergency lights.
Flash your headlights.

7 . A yellow light that flashes on and off means:

Stop and look for other vehicles, then go if there is no traffic.
Stop and wait for a green light.
Speed up to clear the intersection quickly.
Slow down and proceed with caution.

8 . To drive safely at night, you should:

Increase your following distance.
Not drive if you are tired.
Make sure your headlights are working properly.
All of the above.

9 . This road sign means:

One-way road.
No right turn.
Sharp right turn in the road ahead.

10 . An "End school zone" sign indicates:

That the speed limit is 20 mph.
The beginning of a reduced speed zone.
The increased possibility of encountering pedestrians.
The end of a reduced speed zone.

11 . Double solid yellow lines painted down the middle of the road mean:

Railroad crossing ahead.
Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Passing is not permitted from either direction.
Passing is permitted from either direction.

12 . This road sign means:

Turn right after making a complete stop.
Right turns are not permitted.
Left turns are permitted.
None of the above.

13 . You are coming to an intersection and have a green light. Pedestrians are crossing against the red. You should:

Honk your horn.
Speed up and pass in front of the pedestrians.
Stop to let the pedestrians cross safely.
Drive close to the pedestrians and frighten them so they’ll think twice before crossing against a red light.
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14 . When a stop is required at an intersection and no markings appear to indicate a stop line or crosswalk, a driver:

Is not required to stop.
Is required to slow down to make sure crossing traffic is clear.
Should stop only at a place where they can see at least 200 feet on either side, even if they have to enter the intersecting roadway.
Should stop where they have a clear view of approaching traffic before they enter the intersecting roadway.

15 . This sign means:

Two-way traffic.
Lane shifting.
Low clearance.
Added lane.

16 . This sign means:

Trucks under 18,000 lbs. allowed.
Hill ahead.
Truck stop ahead.
No trucks allowed.

17 . A steady yellow signal light means:

The traffic signal is changing from green to red.
You should slam on your brakes.
You should increase your speed.
The car in front of you is going too slowly.

18 . Compared to driving during the day, driving at night is:

Less dangerous.
No more or less dangerous.
More dangerous.
Easier on your eyes.

19 . This sign indicates that:

There is a steep hill ahead.
No trucks are allowed on an upcoming hill.
A logging road is ahead.
There are trucks on an upcoming hill.

20 . To ensure that your physical condition does not cause you to drive in an unsafe manner, you should:

Keep physically fit and have regular physical examinations.
Know the effect of any medicine on your driving ability.
Drive within your physical limitations.
All of the above.

21 . It is best to keep a space cushion:

Only in back of your vehicle.
Only on the left and right sides of your vehicle.
Only in front of the vehicle.
On all sides of the vehicle.

22 . This sign tells you that:

No turns are allowed on this road.
The road narrows ahead.
There are a series of curves ahead.
The road may be slippery when wet.

23 . If you are stopped by a police officer, you should:

Unbuckle your seat belt and lower your window.
Get your paperwork ready before the officer reaches your car.
Stay in your vehicle with your hands on the steering wheel and wait for the officer to approach you.
Get out of your car and walk toward the patrol car.

24 . When sharing the road with a truck, it is important to remember that trucks generally:

Require longer distances to stop than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on a downgrade than smaller vehicles do.
Require a smaller turning radius than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on an incline than smaller vehicles do.

25 . Taking drugs along with alcohol:

Increases the risk of causing a crash.
Is no more dangerous than consuming alcohol by itself.
Lessens the effect of alcohol on your ability to drive.
Has no effect on your general driving ability.