1 . When driving with trailers, you should:

Make quick, sudden changes.
Avoid making sudden moves.
Accelerate by pushing the accelerator to the floor.

2 . The trailer hand valve:

Should always be used for parking.
Should only be used for parking on a downgrade.
Should never be used for parking.

3 . What is the Johnson bar?

A hand valve that works the trailer brakes
A valve that indicates the fuel level
A valve that measures the amount of liquid in the air brake system
A valve that allows for the release of excess pressure in the braking system

4 . Before a trip, you can make sure air flows to all trailers by:

Checking for moving air inside of each trailer.
Listening for air at the rear shut-off valve.
Feeling for air at the front shut-off valve.

5 . What is a tractor protection valve?

A valve to keep air in the brake system should there be a bad leak
A valve that prevents a truck from being stolen
A valve that prevents the driver from driving too fast

6 . After completing a pre-trip inspection, you should ensure that the:

Service line valve is closed.
Trailer hand brake is applied.
Emergency line valve is open.

7 . If you are backing and the trailer begins to drift off-course, the driver should:

Return the steering wheel to the 12 o’clock position.
Turn the top of the steering wheel in the direction of the drift.
Turn the top of the steering wheel in the direction opposite of the drift.

8 . The service air line is attached to the:

Relay valves.
Supply line.
Emergency air line.
Steering wheel.

9 . Rollovers are most likely to happen when:

Drivers turn too fast.
Driver turn too slowly.
It is windy.
It is raining.

10 . The emergency air line:

Is controlled by the foot brake.
Is connected to the relay valves.
Supplies air to the trailer air tanks.
Prevents skids.

11 . If unsure if a trailer has an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS), you can:

Look under the trailer for wheel speed sensors coming from the back of the brakes.
Remove a tire and look for the ABS sensor on the axle.
Assume it does have ABS.
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12 . Rollovers happen when:

Drivers turn too quickly.
Drivers turn too slowly.
It is raining.

13 . When backing up while coupling a trailer, the tractor should be positioned:

Directly in front of the trailer.
Directly next to the trailer.
Parallel with the trailer.

14 . Failure to keep the fifth wheel plate properly greased could:

Cause the trailer to disconnect.
Cause steering problems.
Cause braking problems.
Affect the lights.

15 . When driving a vehicle equipped with an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS), brakes should be applied:

In the same way as they would be in a vehicle without ABS.
As the vehicle is placed in neutral.
With the hand brake.

16 . Pushing in the trailer air supply control will:

Supply the trailer with air.
Deactivate the air brakes.
Prevent the vehicle from skidding.

17 . If the trailer begins to skid, it is best to:

Release the brakes.
Quickly turn the steering wheel one way, then the other.

18 . What is another name for the service line?

The control line
The utility line
The open line
The parallel line

19 . The trailer hand valve:

Should always be used for parking.
Should only be used for parking on a downhill.
Should never be used for parking.
Should only be used when transporting cargo.

20 . Trailers with low underneath clearance can present challenges when driving over:

Railroad tracks.