1 . When driving in rain, you must:

Use low beam headlights.
Use high beam headlights.
Use parking lights.
Use no lights.

2 . This sign means:

Slippery when wet.
Tow-away zone.
Steep downgrade.
Roadwork ahead.

3 . You want to back out of your driveway. You see children playing nearby. Before you start to move your car, you should:

Rev your engine to warn the children that you are moving.
Sound your horn so the children will hear you.
Walk to the back of the car to be sure the way is clear.
Tell the children to stay away from the driveway.

4 . The act of turning your head and checking your blind spot before changing lanes, driving away from a curb, or merging your vehicle into traffic is:

A bad driving habit.
A good driving habit.
Not necessary if you use the rearview mirror.

5 . The best way to deal with tailgaters is to:

Speed up to increase the distance between you and the tailgater.
Slam on your brakes to get the other driver to back off.
Change lanes or gradually slow down to encourage them to pass.
Ignore them.

6 . When driving near a blind pedestrian who is carrying a white cane or using a guide dog, you should:

Slow down and be prepared to stop.
Take the right-of-way.
Proceed normally.
Drive away quickly.

7 . A third conviction of driving while intoxicated (DWI), or a third refusal to submit to a test determining blood alcohol concentration (BAC), will result in:

Loss of license for at least three years.
An option to enroll in the Ignition Interlock Device Program.
License suspension for 18 months.
A night in jail and a fine of $500.

8 . Talking or texting on a cell phone while driving will not significantly increase your chances being involved in a crash.


9 . Which statement about speed is true?

Driving too slowly on certain highways can be dangerous.
Speeding can kill.
Speeding is not dangerous if you are a skilled driver.
Both "Driving too slowly on certain highways can be dangerous" and "Speeding can kill."

10 . You are making a left turn from a two-way street onto a one-way street. When you have completed the turn, your car should be:

In the right lane of the street.
In the center of the street.
In the left lane of the street.
In the lane with the least traffic.

11 . This road sign means:

You are about to enter a one-way street from the wrong direction.
U-turns are prohibited.
You may proceed if the way is clear.
Come to a complete stop before proceeding.

12 . Is it legal cross a double solid yellow centerline to pass?

If there is no oncoming traffic.
If the vehicle ahead of you is driving under the speed limit.

13 . This sign means:

Divided highway ends.
One-way traffic ahead.
Two-way traffic ahead.
Keep to the right.

14 . At a school crossing sign, you should:

Always stop, whether there’s a stop sign or not.
Watch for children and be ready to stop.
Always sound your horn when you see children.
Be ready to help children crossing the street.

15 . This sign means:

There is a detour ahead.
You must stop for flaggers.
The road ahead is closed to traffic.
The highway ahead is undergoing maintenance.

16 . When approaching a flashing yellow light, drivers should:

Increase their speed.
Come to a complete stop.
Turn on their headlights.
Slow down and proceed with caution.

17 . Which of the following statements about railroad crossings is true?

It is against the law to go around lowered gates at a crossing.
You must stop at a railroad crossing when directed to do so by a flagger.
Not all railroad crossings are equipped with flashing red signals and gates.
All of the above.

18 . This road sign means:

Do not enter.
No parking.
No U-turn.
No left turn.

19 . When you drive through an area where children are playing, you should expect them:

To know when it is safe to cross the street.
To stop at the curb before crossing the street.
To run out in front of you without looking.
Not to cross the street unless they are with an adult.

20 . When a stop is required at an intersection and no markings appear to indicate a stop line or crosswalk, a driver:

Is not required to stop.
Is required to slow down to make sure crossing traffic is clear.
Should stop only at a place where they can see at least 200 feet on either side, even if they have to enter the intersecting roadway.
Should stop where they have a clear view of approaching traffic before they enter the intersecting roadway.

21 . This road sign means:

All traffic must turn right.
No right turn.
All traffic must go straight ahead.
A road joins from the right.
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22 . Pennant-shaped signs indicate:

School zones.
No passing zones.
Speed limits.
Railroad crossings.

23 . You come to an intersection that is blocked by other traffic. You should:

Go slowly until the traffic ahead moves.
Get as close as possible to the car in front of you.
Stay out of the intersection until you can pass through.
Sound your horn to make the cars move up.

24 . This is a ____ sign.

Wrong way
Do not enter

25 . What should you do if your accelerator sticks while you are driving?

Reach down and attempt to pull it up.
Shift to park.
Shift to neutral and apply steady pressure on the brake.
Turn the engine off.

26 . Double solid yellow lines painted down the middle of the road mean:

Railroad crossing ahead.
Pedestrian crossing ahead.
Passing is not permitted from either direction.
Passing is permitted from either direction.

27 . How can you lower the risk of hydroplaning?

Do not speed when the roads are wet.
Use tires with proper air pressure.
Replace tires with bad tread.
All of the above.

28 . A single broken yellow line down the center of a two-lane road indicates:

Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.

29 . If you stop at a railroad crossing with more than one track:

Wait to proceed until you have a clear view of all tracks.
Stop on the first railroad track and watch for another train.
Go through as soon as the train passes.
Go through when one of the tracks is free.

30 . This sign is used to prevent:

Entrance to full parking lots.
Entrance to road construction areas.
Entrance to dead-end streets.
Entrances from the wrong direction on one-way streets and expressway ramps.

31 . Before switching on the ignition, you should:

Be sure only backseat passengers have buckled their seat belts.
Be sure only adult passengers have buckled their seat belts.
Be sure only child passengers have buckled their seat belts.
Be sure all of the vehicle's occupants have buckled their seat belts.

32 . This green arrow on a lane use control signal means:

You may use this lane.
No traffic is allowed in this lane.
You have the right-of-way.
You must merge into this lane.

33 . This sign means:

T intersection.
Lane shifting.
Side road.
Do not block intersection.

34 . When driving on roads that may be slippery:

Always drive at the maximum speed limit.
Use cruise control to maintain a steady speed.
Reduce your following distance.
Do not make any sudden changes in speed or direction.

35 . When approaching a steady green traffic light, drivers should:

Continue driving, unless there are vehicles or pedestrians already in the intersection.
Stop if a police officer is nearby.
Treat the intersection like a four-way stop.
Come to a complete stop before proceeding.

36 . This road sign means:

No passing zone.
Winding road.
Pedestrian crossing.
Low ground railroad crossing.

37 . When exiting a highway, you should slow down:

On the main road, just before the exit lane.
Once you see a toll booth.
Once you have moved into the exit lane.
When you first see the exit sign.

38 . Coming to a complete stop at an intersection, yielding to cross traffic/pedestrians, and then proceeding through the intersection when the way is clear corresponds with:

A solid red light.
A flashing yellow light.
A solid green light.
A flashing red light.

39 . When passing another vehicle on a road with two lanes traveling in opposite directions, you should:

Return to the driving lane when there's enough room between you and the vehicle you passed.
Remain in the left lane if you intend to turn left.
Return to the right side of the roadway immediately.
Drive in either lane.

40 . When preparing to turn left, drivers should:

Slow down gradually while checking their rearview mirror.
Move into the left lane.
Watch for oncoming vehicles and pedestrians.
All of the above.