1 . Before every ride, you should:

Modify the exhaust system.
Clean and adjust your mirrors.
Clean your wheels.
Fill the gas tank.

2 . Which of the following surfaces is unlikely to provide poor traction for motorcyclists?

Dry pavement
Wet leaves
Loose gravel
An ice patch

3 . Which of the following provides a rider with the best protection?

A face shield
A windshield

4 . When you ride, the best gear to wear is:

Any gear that helps to protect you.
The lowest-priced gear.
Gear that looks good.
Any gear that fits.

5 . If drinking alcohol, you should:

Decide if you are still fit to ride based on how you feel after you finish drinking.
Set a limit beforehand so you can still safely ride.
Not ride.
Not be concerned about your riding abilities if you feel fine.

6 . The middle portion of the lane usually contains an oily strip. You should:

Try to avoid the oily strip when it is raining.
Ride only on the oily strip, as it provides increased traction.
Avoid the entire center portion of the lane.
Not worry about oil or other items in a lane.

7 . When riding at night you should:

Increase your speed.
Decrease your following distance.
Use the vehicle in front of you to help see.
Wear tinted glasses.

8 . An Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) operates:

When maximum pressure is applied to only the front brake.
When maximum pressure is applied to only the rear brake.
When pressure is released from both the front and rear brakes.
When maximum pressure is applied to both the front and rear brakes.

9 . To prevent fatigue when riding on long trips, you should:

Take frequent breaks.
Limit your distance.
Dress for the elements.
All of the above.

10 . When passing a row of parked cars to your right when there is no oncoming traffic to your left, you should:

Stay toward the right side of your lane.
Stay toward the left side of your lane.
Look to your left frequently.
Use your rearview mirrors more frequently than usual.

11 . How should you respond to wind blasts coming from other vehicles?

Ride more closely to the vehicle ahead.
Let the wind push you.
Lean into the wind.
Lean away from the wind.
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12 . When an operator's left arm is extended straight out to the left, it means the operator:

Is turning right.
Is turning left.
Is slowing or stopping.
Is pulling off of the road.

13 . Intersections are usually:

Safe since there is so much traffic there.
A dangerous spot for riders.
Difficult to figure out.
Safer than the open road.

14 . Motorcycle operators must wear helmets, unless:

They are at least 21 years of age.
They have at least $20,000 in first-party medical benefits.
They have held a motorcycle endorsement for two years.
All of the above.

15 . If under the age of 21, an operator is:

Required to wear a helmet.
Not required to wear a helmet.
Allowed to decide if they want to wear a helmet.
Safest without a helmet.

16 . When operating a motorcycle, you are:

Entitled to the full width of a lane.
Required to share a lane with trucks.
Required to ride on the shoulder, when available.
Allowed to operate on the sidewalk.

17 . Your lane position should:

Avoid other road users' blind spots.
Provide a good view of the shoulder.
Provide a poor view of road hazards.
Invite others to share your lane.

18 . When turning left, you should:

Press the right handgrip.
Press the left handgrip.
Press both handgrips at the same time.
Not press either handgrip.

19 . When riding in a group, inexperienced riders should position themselves:

Just behind the leader.
In front of the group.
At the tail end of the group.
Beside the leader.

20 . Once a motorcycle helmet has been involved in a crash, it should be:

Inspected closely.
Sold to another rider.
Outfitted with a new chinstrap.