1 . If a vehicle is power steering-equipped, the hoses should be:

Checked for leaks.
Securely connected to the battery.
Carrying fuel.

2 . Drivers talking to passengers in their vehicle should be viewed as:

Responsible drivers.
Distracted drivers.
Knowledgeable drivers.

3 . A driver should ensure that:

The truck is overloaded.
The truck is properly loaded.
The cargo is mostly in the front of the trailer.

4 . What is a retarder?

A device that prevents a vehicle from going too fast
A device that prevents a vehicle from being too loud
A device that improves a vehicle's gas mileage

5 . To avoid a collision with a hazard on the roadway:

You should always try to stop.
Swerving may be a safer option than stopping.
You should never swerve.

6 . When approaching your vehicle as part of a pre-trip inspection, seeing fresh oil underneath the vehicle is:

A good sign.
A cause for concern.

7 . When should a driver sign a vehicle inspection report?

After every trip
If noted defects are repaired
After each fueling

8 . When it’s difficult to see, such as at dawn or dusk, a driver can increase their vehicle's visibility by:

Driving while using their lights.
Driving with their windows open.
Flashing their lights periodically.

9 . When applying your brakes, the vehicle should:

Pull to one side.
Not pull to either side.

10 . If mirrors are dirty before starting a trip:

They will likely become clean after driving a short distance.
It should not be a concern.
They should be cleaned before the vehicle is driven.

11 . When driving on a long downhill slope, you should brake by:

Only using the brakes.
Mostly using the brakes and occasionally downshifting.
Downshifting and then using the brakes.
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12 . Regrooved tires are:

Allowed only on the front of a bus.
Allowed only on the rear of a bus.
Not allowed anywhere on a bus.

13 . When trying to put out an electrical fire, you should:

Use water.
Use a B:C extinguisher.
Use an X extinguisher.

14 . A truck should be parked:

So that it must be backed up to leave the space.
So that it can be pulled forward to leave the space.
On the grass.

15 . The weight of a truck:

Usually has no impact on stopping distance.
Is a major factor affecting stopping distance.
Is not as important as the type of cargo in determining stopping distance.

16 . On a slippery surface, stopping distance:

Is longer than on a regular driving surface.
Is not as long as on a regular driving surface.
Is about the same as on a regular driving surface.

17 . A steering wheel should be:

Held with one hand while the other hand rests.
Held with both hands to ensure an adequate grip.
Released if the vehicle is approaching a bump.

18 . When starting from a stop:

A vehicle should shift to the right.
A vehicle should be put into third gear.
A vehicle should not roll back.

19 . When coming to a stop, you should apply the brake pedal by:

Pushing down gradually.
Pushing down quickly.
Pulling up gradually.

20 . An after-trip inspection should be done:

Once a week.
Once a month.
After every trip.