1 . Radial and bias-ply tires:

Should be used together.
Should be used together on the front of a vehicle.
Should not be used together.

2 . What is a bobtail tractor?

A tractor without a trailer
A tractor attached to two trailers
A tractor with a tank

3 . A driver should ensure that:

The truck is overloaded.
The truck is properly loaded.
The cargo is mostly in the front of the trailer.

4 . What is often found in compressed air?

Brake fluid

5 . A low air pressure warning signal should activate:

When tank pressure falls below 120 psi.
When tank pressure falls below 60 psi.
When tank pressure falls below 10 psi.
When tank pressure falls below 5 psi.

6 . An after-trip inspection should be done:

Once a week.
Once a month.
After every trip.

7 . Drivers talking to passengers in their vehicle should be viewed as:

Responsible drivers.
Distracted drivers.
Knowledgeable drivers.

8 . When driving a vehicle equipped with an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS), brakes should be applied:

In the same way as they would be in a vehicle without ABS.
As the vehicle is placed in neutral.
With the hand brake.

9 . Mirrors should be:

Checked only when changing lanes.
Checked frequently.
Checked only if there is a reason to suspect a problem.

10 . When approaching your vehicle as part of a pre-trip inspection, seeing fresh oil underneath the vehicle is:

A good sign.
A cause for concern.

11 . When accelerating on a surface with poor traction, such as a wet road, a driver should:

Speed up quickly.
Speed up slowly.
Not be concerned about the pavement.
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12 . While driving, gauges are:

To be monitored for potential signs of trouble.

13 . A trolley valve:

Should be used while driving.
Should only be used to test trailer brakes.
Should be used when parking uphill.

14 . If your vehicle gets stuck on railroad tracks, you should:

Sit in the cab and call for help.
Exit the cab and walk away from the tracks.
Motion for another driver to push your vehicle.

15 . Mirrors should be checked:

Before every lane change.
When changing lanes, but only when other vehicles are nearby.
When changing lanes, but only if it is dark outside.

16 . When applying your brakes, the vehicle should:

Pull to one side.
Not pull to either side.

17 . When it’s difficult to see, such as at dawn or dusk, a driver can increase their vehicle's visibility by:

Driving while using their lights.
Driving with their windows open.
Flashing their lights periodically.

18 . When in heavy traffic, the safest driving speed is:

Slower than the speed being driven by surrounding traffic.
The same speed being driven by surrounding traffic.
Faster than the speed being driven by surrounding traffic.

19 . The minimum acceptable tread depth for rear tires is:

1/64 of an inch.
1/32 of an inch.
2/32 of an inch.

20 . When leaving your vehicle:

The air brakes should be applied.
The parking brake should be applied.
Brakes should not be applied if the vehicle is left out of gear.