1 . After picking up passengers at a stop, a driver should:

Allow the passengers time to sit or brace themselves before beginning to drive.
Honk their horn and re-enter traffic.
Begin driving as quickly as possible.

2 . During a trip, carry-on baggage:

May be left in the aisle.
Must be stored away from the aisle.
Must be kept on the rider’s lap.

3 . As a general rule, student safety is best maintained by:

Keeping students on the bus.
Letting some students evacuate the bus.
Letting students evacuate the bus and scatter.

4 . A passive railroad crossing:

Has a control device.
Does not have any control devices.
Should be avoided.

5 . If you are transporting a drunk passenger, you should:

Force them to immediately exit the bus.
Wait until you are at an appropriate area, such as a stop or well-lit area, to have them exit the bus.
Give them coffee to help them sober up.

6 . If a gate controlling a railroad crossing does not go back up after a train passes, you should:

Drive around the gate.
Wait for another vehicle to cross the tracks first to see if it is safe.
Call your dispatcher.

7 . If students on the bus cause a disturbance while other students are unloading, what should you do?

Immediately walk to the back of the bus and take care of the disturbance while students unload.
Wait until the students are done unloading and then take care of the disturbance.
Have a student who is closer to the disturbance handle the situation while you supervise unloading.

8 . Before evacuating a bus in response to a hazard, a driver should:

Ask the students if they want to leave.
Explain the situation to the dispatcher.
Take their time deciding if an evacuation is necessary.

9 . If a school bus stalls on a railroad track:

Students should remain on the bus.
Students should be evacuated to a location near the bus.
Students should be evacuated and moved away from the bus.

10 . If a student is believed to have suffered a back injury, you should:

Move them off the bus.
Not move them.
Encourage them to try to stand.

11 . When a school bus is approaching a bus stop, the driver should:

Not use the mirrors.
Approach with caution.
Drive quickly and stop abruptly.
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12 . If a bus leans toward the outside of a banked curve, the bus is:

Moving too slowly.
Moving at the proper speed.
Moving too fast.

13 . Before a bus enters a curve, the driver should:

Increase their speed.
Not change their speed.
Reduce their speed.

14 . When re-entering traffic after a bus stop, you should:

Assume other drivers will allow you to merge back into traffic.
Wait for a gap large enough to allow you to accelerate and merge with traffic.
Allow a passenger to leave the bus and halt traffic to allow you to merge.

15 . When stopped at a railroad crossing, one way for a bus driver to hear if a train is approaching is by:

Opening the emergency window.
Opening the forward door.
Waiting for the passengers on the bus to quiet down on their own.

16 . A school bus's danger zones are located:

Only to the front of the bus.
Only to the rear and left side of the bus.
To the front, sides, and rear of the bus.

17 . If a bus must be evacuated, it is safest for students to:

Stand no more than 50 feet away from the bus.
Stand downwind of the bus in the event of a fire.
Be led far away from any railroad tracks.

18 . ABS helps you:

Lock up your wheels.
Keep your wheels from locking up.
Count the number of students boarding the bus.

19 . Properly adjusted crossover mirrors allow you to see all of the following, except:

The right and left front tires touching the ground.
The area in front of the bus.
The tops of the right and left rear tires.

20 . At stops, a driver should:

Leave the bus.
Warn exiting passengers about potential hazards.
Talk with other bus drivers.