1 . To avoid being in a truck or bus driver’s blind spot, you should:

Never pass them.
Avoid driving alongside them and avoid tailgating.
Flash your lights at them.
Sound your horn.

2 . Fog can greatly reduce the visibility of other vehicles, pedestrians, and traffic signals. When driving in fog, you should:

Drive cautiously and reduce your speed.
Not use your high beam headlights.
Use low beam headlights to better illuminate the road and objects.
All of the above.

3 . As you near an intersection, the traffic light changes from green to yellow. Your best action is to:

Speed up to beat the red light.
Apply the brakes sharply to stop.
Be prepared to stop in the center of the intersection.
Be prepared to stop before the intersection.

4 . Roads freeze quickly when they are:

In the sun.

5 . Do not pass:

On a hill or curve.
When school bus lights are flashing.
When approaching an intersection.
All of the above.

6 . What is a "No zone?"

A designated no passing zone
A one-way traffic area
The blind spot of a large vehicle
An area designated for motor vehicles

7 . If someone has consumed alcoholic drinks, what will help the person overcome the influence of those drinks?

Tomato juice and lime
Hot coffee
Fresh air
Only time

8 . When exiting a highway, you should slow down:

On the main road, just before the exit lane.
Once you see a toll booth.
Once you have moved into the exit lane.
When you first see the exit sign.

9 . You are turning onto a two-lane road divided by a broken yellow line. You know immediately that:

You are on a two-way road.
You are on a one-way road.
The road is under repair.
You must stay to the left of the broken yellow lines.

10 . If you are driving on the interstate and pass your exit, you should:

Quickly cut across traffic to make your turn.
Make a U-turn to go back to the exit.
Continue driving and use the next exit.
Put your vehicle in reverse to go back to the exit.

11 . Unless otherwise posted, the speed limit on streets that are not designated highways, freeways, or subdivision roads is:

25 mph.
35 mph.
45 mph.
55 mph.

12 . Lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions are divided by ____ lines.


13 . This sign means:

T intersection.
Lane shifting.
Side road.
Do not block intersection.

14 . A good defensive driver:

Drives slowly at all times.
Looks out for the actions of other drivers.
Travels at a constant speed.
Only drives in familiar areas.

15 . This road sign means:

All traffic must turn right.
No right turn.
All traffic must go straight ahead.
A road joins from the right.

16 . On the freeway, you see a "Merging traffic“ sign. You should:

Honk at incoming traffic.
Always remain at your present speed.
Speed up to avoid congesting traffic.
Move to another lane, if safe, to let traffic enter.

17 . You are driving up a hill and are approaching a heavy truck from the rear. You should know that:

The truck may be traveling at a speed slower than the posted speed limit.
You may not be able to safely pass the truck.
You may not be able to legally pass the truck.
All of the above.

18 . This road sign means:

The road ahead curves right. Slow down to the safe speed indicated.
Divided highway begins. Slow down to the safe speed indicated.
Merge. Slow down to the safe speed indicated.
Winding road ahead. Slow down to the safe speed indicated.

19 . “Highway hypnosis” is a driving condition that can result from:

Staring at the roadway for long periods of time.
Frequent rest stops.
Too much sleep the night before your trip.
Short trips on expressways.

20 . A red arrow displayed on a traffic light means that:

A driver must proceed slowly through the intersection.
A driver must stop and then proceed when the way is clear.
A driver must stop and then proceed when the signal changes to a green light or green arrow.
A driver may turn in the direction that the red arrow is pointing.

21 . Which statement about speed is true?

Driving too slowly on certain highways can be dangerous.
Speeding can kill.
Speeding is not dangerous if you are a skilled driver.
Both "Driving too slowly on certain highways can be dangerous" and "Speeding can kill."

22 . Distracted drivers are at a greater risk of a crash when they are using which of the following?

CD player
Cell phone
All of the above

23 . A person's ability to drive can be impaired by:

Any medication.
A lack of sleep.
All of the above.

24 . When driving on wet pavement, it's important to remember:

That pavement is especially slippery right after it starts to rain.
That wet roads can cause hydroplaning.
To give yourself additional space when coming to a stop.
All of the above.

25 . A yellow and black diamond-shaped sign:

Warns you about conditions on or near the road.
Helps direct you to cities and towns ahead.
Tells you about traffic laws and regulations.
Tells you about road construction ahead.

26 . When you see this black and yellow sign, it means:

The road to the right is for one-way traffic only.
That due to upcoming roadwork, there is a detour to the right.
Slow down because the road ahead changes direction at an extreme angle.
There is a crossroad to your right.
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27 . This sign means:

All traffic must turn left.
No left turn.
No U-turn.
Truck route to the left.

28 . When driving to an unfamiliar area, you:

Should depend on road signs to find your way.
Should plan your trip in advance.
Only have to know generally where your destination is.
Should always choose the most direct route.

29 . Night driving can be more difficult than driving during the day because:

Cars overheat more quickly at night.
Visibility is reduced in the dark.
It is more likely to be raining at night.
You are more likely to encounter a motorcycle at night.

30 . When approaching a railroad crossing, you should:

Slow down.
Look for a train.
Be ready to stop.
All of the above.

31 . When parking your vehicle downhill on a two-way street:

Turn your wheels to the right.
Turn your wheels to the left.
Keep your wheels pointed straight ahead.
Leave your transmission in neutral.

32 . If you experience a tire blowout:

Take your foot of the gas.
Do not immediately use your brakes.
Gradually slow down and pull off the side of the road.
All of the above.

33 . Your blind spot is the area of the road:

You cannot see without moving your head.
Directly behind your vehicle.
You see in your rearview mirror.
You see in your side mirror.

34 . When sharing the road with a truck, it is important to remember that trucks generally:

Require longer distances to stop than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on a downgrade than smaller vehicles do.
Require a smaller turning radius than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on an incline than smaller vehicles do.

35 . Anything that requires you to ____ could cause you to crash.

Take your eyes off the road
Take your hands off the wheel
Take your attention away from the task of driving
All of the above

36 . If involved in an accident, a driver should:

Stop their vehicle at or near the scene.
Not stand or walk in traffic lanes.
Turn off the ignitions of wrecked vehicles.
All of the above.

37 . Look over your shoulder to check your blind spot when:

Pulling toward or away from a curb.
Turning left or right.
Changing lanes.
All of the above.

38 . Which of the following is true about driving on a wet roadway?

As you drive faster, your tires become less effective.
Water does not affect cars with good tires.
Deep water is less dangerous than shallow water.
As you decrease your speed, the roadway becomes more slippery.

39 . A telltale sign of a drunk driver is:

They are weaving between lanes.
They are driving more slowly than the normal traffic flow.
They are making quick and sudden stops.
All of the above.

40 . If you want to get off the freeway but you have missed your exit, you should:

Go to the next exit.
Make a U-turn through the median.
Pull onto the shoulder and back your car to the exit.
Flag down a police officer for an escort back to your exit.

41 . When changing lanes on a highway, you should:

Signal a lane change.
Check your rearview and outside mirrors.
Check your blind spot by glancing over your shoulder.
All of the above.

42 . To pass a slower-moving vehicle on a two-lane, two-way road, you must:

Not cross the centerline.
Flash your lights at oncoming traffic.
Use the shoulder.
Use the lane that belongs to oncoming traffic.

43 . Blood alcohol content (BAC) depends on each of the following, except:

Your body weight.
How much you drink.
How much time passes between drinks.
How physically fit you are.

44 . Which of the following statements is true?

Signal at least 100 feet before changing lanes to pass and ensure there is no oncoming traffic.
Use your mirrors and look over your left shoulder to check your blind spot when passing to the left.
When passing, wait until you can see both headlights of the passed car in your rearview mirror before returning to your original lane.
All of the above.

45 . A good rule to remember for passing is:

Pass on the right whenever possible.
Drive with the flow of traffic and pass only as needed.
Try to get to the front of any slow-moving traffic so that you can see better.
Always flash your lights and sound your horn to alert other drivers to your intentions.

46 . Pennant-shaped signs indicate:

School zones.
No passing zones.
Speed limits.
Railroad crossings.

47 . When changing lanes, you should:

Rely on your mirrors.
Begin signaling as you move into the next lane.
Signal at least 500 feet before your lane change when driving on residential streets.
Always check your blind spot.

48 . What should you do if your vehicle’s right wheels leave the pavement?

Stop quickly.
Immediately pull all the way off of the road and get back on when it is safe.
Accelerate and steer back on the road quickly.
Take your foot off the accelerator, slow down, then ease back onto the road when it is safe to do so.

49 . What does alcohol do to your driving skills and judgement?

It helps driving skills but harms your judgement.
It harms both driving skills and judgement.
It has no effect on either driving skills or judgement.
It has no effect on judgement but it harms driving skills.

50 . When you see this sign, it means:

There is an object on the roadway.
Traffic is coming from the right.
The road is curving sharply to the left.
There is a merge point ahead.