1 . If two drivers arrive at the same time to a four-way intersection controlled by stop signs:

The driver on the left has the right-of-way.
The driver on the right has the right-of-way.
One driver may continue driving without stopping.
One driver should honk to indicate that they are giving up the right-of-way.

2 . This road sign means:

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed.
The road ahead winds a series of turns or curves.
Traffic increases ahead.
Steep grade ahead.

3 . If you are not traveling slowly enough when shifting into a lower gear, what could happen?

Your motorcycle may lurch and the rear tire may skid.
The horn may go off.
Your motorcycle may lurch and the front tire may skid.
Your motorcycle may lurch and a warning light will go on.

4 . At a school crossing sign, you should:

Always stop, whether there’s a stop sign or not.
Watch for children and be ready to stop.
Always sound your horn when you see children.
Be ready to help children crossing the street.

5 . An orange and red triangular sign on a vehicle always means:

The vehicle has the right-of-way.
Shoulder work ahead.
The vehicle is broken.
Slow-moving vehicle.

6 . To provide the best protection, a helmet should:

Have a few cracks.
Not be certified.
Have frayed straps.
Fit snugly.

7 . Always stop before crossing a crosswalk:

If there isn't room on the other side for you to completely cross the crosswalk.
If the crosswalk is located in a city or town that has very few pedestrians.
If you are carrying a passenger.
If you are not in a hurry.

8 . If there is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane, you should:

Make sure the pedestrian can see you before proceeding.
Cautiously ride around the pedestrian.
Stop and let the pedestrian finish crossing.
Accelerate past the pedestrian.

9 . What should a motorcyclist do to prevent possible injury when riding on a slippery surface?

Increase their speed.
Reduce their speed.
Make sudden moves.
Ride on the shoulder.

10 . When braking where traction is reduced, you should:

Apply the brakes more quickly than usual.
Apply the brakes more gently than usual.
Not use the rear brake.
Not use the front brake.

11 . To get the best possible protection, wear a helmet that:

Fits snugly.
Is well-worn and broken in.
Is pretty loose.
Does not have a chinstrap.

12 . Engine braking:

Is illegal.
Is slowing down by turning the engine off.
Is slowing down by downshifting.
Is not encouraged because of the damage it does to the engine.

13 . When riding in a group, inexperienced riders should position themselves:

Just behind the leader.
In front of the group.
At the tail end of the group.
Beside the leader.
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14 . You should travel in the left lane of a multilane roadway if:

You are passing another vehicle.
You are turning left.
The right lane is blocked.
All of the above.

15 . Before every ride, you should:

Make sure the clutch feels loose and free.
Wash your helmet.
Adjust the mirror to see the edge of your helmet.
Make sure each brake can hold the motorcycle.

16 . If you must stop quickly in a curve, you should:

Straighten up, square the handlebars, and stop.
Abruptly apply both brakes while leaning.
Apply only the rear brake.
Apply only the front brake.

17 . When entering a turn, a rider should:

Speed up.
Reduce their speed.
Move their shoulders to match the angle of the turn.
Sit up as high as possible.

18 . When passing parked vehicles, motorcycle riders should be especially cautious of:

Motorists looking for a place to park.
Cars leaving their parking spaces.
Oncoming traffic.

19 . When crossing angled railroad tracks, it is usually safest to approach the tracks:

By proceeding straight within your lane.
At a 45-degree angle.
At a 90-degree angle.
At a fast speed.

20 . When the road is slippery, maintain a following distance of at least:

One second.
Two seconds.
Four seconds.
Ten seconds.

21 . Which of the following will protect your eyes from the wind?


22 . Intersections are usually:

Safe since there is so much traffic there.
A dangerous spot for riders.
Difficult to figure out.
Safer than the open road.

23 . When entering a curve, a group should:

Ride in a single-file formation.
Ride in a staggered formation.
Ride in pairs.
Ride on the shoulder.

24 . What does this hand signal mean?

Slow or stop
Left turn
Right turn
Backing up

25 . Who should set the pace in a group of riders?

The leader
The riders just behind the leader
The rider in back
The oldest rider