1 . This sign means:

No right turn.
You must turn right.
Watch for traffic on your right.
Don’t park on the right side of the street.

2 . You have been drinking alcohol. If you wait an hour for each drink before riding your motorcycle:

You cannot be arrested for drinking and riding.
Your riding skills will not be affected.
Side effects from the drinking may still remain.
You will be okay as long as you ride slowly.

3 . When braking:

Use only one brake if it is a non-emergency situation.
Only use both brakes if you are riding on wet pavement.
Use both brakes regardless of the circumstances.
Use only the front brake.

4 . This sign means:

Roundabout ahead.
Lane ends, merge left.
Turn around.
Curve ahead.

5 . Downward-facing triangular signs:

Tell riders to yield.
Indicate school zones.
Indicate construction zones.
Tell riders to speed up.

6 . This road sign means:

Parking spaces are reserved for people with disabled parking permits.
A circular intersection is ahead.
Traffic in the lane must turn in the direction of the arrow.
Lanes are reserved for buses and vehicles with a driver and one or more passengers.

7 . When a group of riders is passing another vehicle on a two-lane road, the riders should:

Pass one at a time.
Pass in a staggered formation with several riders passing at the same time.
Pass in pairs.
Pass at one time as a group.

8 . Where should a load be placed?

As low as possible
As high as possible
Behind the rear axle
On one side of the motorcycle

9 . Your motorcycle’s brake light is:

More noticeable than a car’s brake lights.
Less noticeable than a car’s brake lights.
Less important than a car’s brake lights.
More easily seen than a car’s brake lights.

10 . Before every ride, you should:

Modify the exhaust system.
Clean and adjust your mirrors.
Clean your wheels.
Fill the gas tank.

11 . When approaching a blind intersection, riders should:

Stop at the stop line before moving forward to improve their view of cross traffic.
Roll through the intersection.
Ignore the stop line and move forward to get a better look.
Stop at the stop line then proceed through the intersection.

12 . Which of the following is a reason for ending the motorcycle skills test?

The applicant drops the motorcycle.
The applicant rides safely.
The applicant obeys traffic laws.
The applicant follows instructions.

13 . When looking for a protective jacket or pair of pants, you should look for:

Items made of leather.
Items made of polyester.
Items made of light materials.
Items that are darkly-colored.
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14 . If you are using an unfamiliar motorcycle, what should you do before riding?

Ride like you would on your bike, since all bikes are about the same.
Check the controls and shift pattern.
Take the owner’s word that everything is in working order.
Assume you know where all the controls are located.

15 . When you are stopped, you:

Should remain in first gear.
Should remain in neutral.
Should remain in fifth gear.
Can remain in any gear.

16 . Helmets are:

Required for all motorcycle operators.
Required only for motorcycle operators under age 21.
Required only for motorcycle operators who have held their license for a year or less.
Not required, but recommended.

17 . Which of the following is not a type of protective riding gear?

A leather jacket
Boots that go above the ankle
Hearing protection
Pants made of a soft material

18 . If your front tire locks while braking, you should:

Keep the brake engaged until you come to a full stop.
Release both brakes and coast to a stop.
Release the brake lever and use only the rear brake.
Release the brake lever until the tire regains traction.

19 . The Motorcycle Safety Foundation recommends a SEE strategy to make safe judgments while riding. What does "SEE" stand for?

Search, Evaluate, Execute
Stop, Early, End
Signal, Exit, Error
Search, Enter, Error

20 . You should choose the lane position that can:

Minimize your space cushion and allow you to be seen by others.
Maximize your space cushion and allow you to be seen by others.
Maximize your potential for encountering road hazards and allow others to pass you.
Minimize your potential for encountering road hazards and allow you to closely follow another vehicle.

21 . A motorcyclist should continually scan the road ahead for:

Road conditions.
Traffic conditions.
Escape routes.
All of the above.

22 . When your mirrors are properly adjusted, you should see:

The lane behind you and the lane next to you.
Only behind your motorcycle.
Only next to your motorcycle.
The front of your helmet.

23 . This road sign means:

Turn right after making a complete stop.
Right turns are not permitted.
Left turns are permitted.
None of the above.

24 . If you began a curve on the outside and no traffic is present when you are exiting the curve, you should move:

Toward the center of the curve.
Toward the inside of the curve.
Toward the outside of the curve.
Wherever you prefer.

25 . If you lock the rear tire on a good traction surface, you should:

Release and re-apply the rear brake.
Keep it locked until you completely stop.
Release the rear brake and only use the front brake.
Release the rear brake and use both brakes to stop.