1 . When following a car, usually the best portion of the lane to ride in is:

The left portion.
The center portion.
The right portion.
The left or right portions.

2 . When passing, you:

Should ride within the speed limits.
Should decelerate.
May ride 10 mph above the maximum speed limit.
May ride 15 mph above the maximum speed limit.

3 . If a friend has been drinking and wants to ride their motorcycle, you should:

Let them.
Encourage them to take less-crowded roads.
Push their bike over.
Encourage friends to talk them out of riding.

4 . The single most effective thing you can do to improve your chances of surviving an accident is:

Wear a helmet.
Read books on motorcycle safety.
Ask others about how to ride more safely.
Watch training videos.

5 . Which of the following is not a factor in determining blood alcohol content (BAC)?

The amount of alcohol consumed
How fast the alcohol is consumed
The drinker's body weight
How often the drinker consumes alcohol

6 . When you are being passed by a vehicle on your left, you should:

Help the other driver by moving as far to the right as possible.
Help the other driver by moving to the shoulder.
Ride in the center portion of your lane.
Ride in the left portion of your lane

7 . To increase your visibility, you should:

Turn off your headlight during the day.
Wear dark clothes.
Keep your headlight on at all times.
Ride in the right portion of the lane.

8 . In general, when riding at night, your headlight should:

Not be used.
Be used on its high beam setting.
Be used on its low beam setting.
Alternate between high beam and low beam settings.

9 . When is it important for a rider to use their mirrors?

When slowing down or stopping suddenly
When stopped at an intersection
When changing lanes
All of the above.

10 . Riding a motorcycle is ______ driving a car.

Less tiring than
More tiring than
Just as tiring as
No different from

11 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Two-way left turn.
Two-way traffic.
Minimum speed limit.

12 . Which of the following is not required to obtain a motorcycle license?

A written test
A skills test
A vision test
An IQ test

13 . Consequences for riding under the influence of alcohol may include:

License suspension.
Community service.
All of the above.
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14 . On which of the following surfaces does a motorcycle have the best traction?

Dry pavement

15 . Which of the following surfaces does not provide poor traction?

Wet pavement
Dry pavement
Lane markings

16 . Before riding, a motorcycle operator should check the clutch. A properly working clutch should feel:

Loose and rough.
Tight and smooth.
Loose and smooth.
Tight and rough.

17 . When passing another driver, you should:

Move out of their blind spot as quickly as possible.
Linger in their blind spot.
Decelerate in the passing lane.
Not worry about your own blind spot.

18 . A properly-fitted motorcycle:

Allows you to barely reach the foot pegs.
Allows you to only put one foot on the ground while seated.
Does not allow you to touch your feet to the ground while seated.
Allows you to put your feet flat on the ground while seated.

19 . You should check your tires for all of the following, except:

Air pressure.
General wear.

20 . The minimum size of a legal rearview mirror is:

Two square inches.
Four square inches.
Seven square inches.
20 square inches.

21 . Which riding formation should be used when entering a curve or leaving a highway while traveling in a group?

A staggered formation
A single-file line
Paired up
No single formation is better than another.

22 . If your drive chain breaks, you:

Should hold the chain in place.
Can continue safely riding.
Will notice a loss of power to the rear wheel.
Should remember to fix the belt on your next stop.

23 . What are the four steps to safely completing a turn?

Slow, shift, look, and lurch.
Slow, look, press, and roll.
Press, lean, turn, and grip.
Shift, lean, tuck, and roll.

24 . If your motorcycle begins to wobble, you should:

Keep riding, as the wobble will likely correct itself.
Quickly brake.
Close the throttle to slow down.
Accelerate quickly.

25 . A motorcycle operator can improve their visibility by:

Wearing darkly-colored clothing.
Turning off their headlight.
Following another vehicle very closely.
Wearing brightly-colored clothing.