1 . In a vehicle equipped with an automatic tractor protection valve, the valve will pop out when air pressure drops to a level between:

20 and 45 psi.
75 and 105 psi.
50 and 65 psi.

2 . If manufactured after 1998, converter dollies on doubles and triples:

May have ABS.
Will not have ABS.
Do not always have ABS.

3 . The parking brake in a newer vehicle is applied by:

Moving a lever to the right.
Pushing a yellow, diamond-shaped knob.
Pulling a yellow, diamond-shaped knob.

4 . When backing a trailer, you must turn the steering wheel:

In the direction you want the trailer to move.
In the direction opposite of where you want the trailer to move.
To the left until backing is complete.

5 . A low air pressure warning signal should activate:

When tank pressure falls below 120 psi.
When tank pressure falls below 60 psi.
When tank pressure falls below 10 psi.

6 . When slowing down, you should ____ to warn other drivers

Use a turn signal
Sound your horn
Tap your brakes

7 . Move over laws require:

Drivers to move into lanes that are not next to stopped law enforcement vehicles.
People to sit on the edge of their seats while in moving vehicles.
Vehicles to stop before approaching a law enforcement vehicle pulled over on the side of a road

8 . To prevent becoming an aggressive driver you should:

Increase your speed.
Make gestures at other drivers.
Give other drivers the benefit of the doubt.

9 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Six to seven
Seven to eight
Eight to nine

10 . An Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS):

Is not available for most trucks.
Is not helpful in most situations.
Is required on newer trucks.

11 . About how many drinks does it take for a 200-pound person to reach a 0.02 percent blood alcohol concentration (BAC)?

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12 . Most drivers are the least alert:

In the morning.
In cold weather.
At night.
After work.

13 . Air tank drains:

Allow rain water to enter an air tank.
Are used to drain water and oil from an air tank.
Should never be opened.
Must remain open during driving.

14 . If an aggressive driver is involved in a crash on the road ahead of you, you should:

Block the driver in with your vehicle.
Stop after the crash scene and report the driver’s aggressive behavior to the police.
Continue driving and mind your own business.
Pull over and yell at the driver.

15 . To prevent a vehicle from rolling backward when beginning to move forward from a stopped position, you should:

Turn off the engine.
Partly engage the clutch.
Apply the emergency brake.

16 . Skids happen when:

Tires lose their grip on the road.
There is too much weight in the trailer.
ABS kicks in.

17 . Fatigue:

Has little effect on driving.
Can impair driving.
Is not noticeable.

18 . If making a tight turn, the operator of a CMV should:

Be able to drive as fast as the driver of a car.
Not be concerned about speed, but focus on the road.
Warn drivers behind by braking early and slowing gradually.

19 . While driving, spring brakes are generally held in place by:

Air pressure.
Foundation brakes.
Sturdy ties.

20 . When inspecting your vehicle, which of the following should not cause concern?

Exhaust system parts rubbing against fuel system parts
Exhaust system parts that are leaking
Missing mounting brackets
Exhaust system parts made of aluminum