1 . This road sign means:

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed.
The road ahead winds in a series of turns or curves.
Traffic increases ahead.

2 . If you become drowsy while driving, you should:

Try to fight it.
Take a break.
Take some caffeine pills.

3 . This sign means you are approaching a railroad crossing that does not have a signal. You should:

Come to a complete stop.
Proceed at a consistent speed while looking and listening for approaching trains.
Slow down, look both ways, listen for any trains, and be prepared to stop if any trains are nearby.

4 . In traffic moving at 50 to 55 mph, you are least likely to have an accident if you:

Drive a few miles per hour faster than most other vehicles.
Stay within that speed range.
Drive a few miles per hour slower than most other vehicles.

5 . When driving in a construction zone:

Slightly increase your speed.
Expect the unexpected.
Expect construction workers to yield to motorists.

6 . This sign is used to warn drivers about:

Upcoming intersections.
Road construction.
Road curves ahead.

7 . This road sign means:

No right turn.
Drive only in the direction of the arrow.
Curve ahead.

8 . At a red traffic light with a green arrow, you may proceed in the direction of the arrow if:

You first come to a complete stop.
You wait until the light changes.
You are in the proper lane and the roadway is clear.

9 . You want to make a right turn at the corner. A pedestrian with a guide dog is at the corner ready to cross the street in front of you. Before making your right turn, you should:

Turn off your engine until the person crosses the street.
Tell the pedestrian when to cross the street.
Wait until the person crosses the street.

10 . A driver who has been drinking is more likely to:

Yield right-of-way to emergency vehicles.
Keep a three to four second following distance.
Have a slower reaction time.

11 . When changing lanes, you should never:

Look over your shoulder to check your blind spot.
Change lanes abruptly or spontaneously.
Check for other vehicles moving into the same lane.

12 . This sign means:

Merge right.
Divided highway begins.
Lane ends.

13 . At an intersection with stop signs on all corners, yield the right-of-way to any driver:

On your left.
Who arrived before you.
Across from your vehicle.
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14 . A fluorescent yellow-green sign may indicate:

A library.
An acceleration lane.
A school zone.

15 . When driving in snowy or icy conditions, you should:

Decrease your speed.
Increase your speed.
Never come to a complete stop.

16 . If you need to pass a bicycle being ridden on the road, on the shoulder, or in a bike lane, you should:

Accelerate to pass the bike quickly.
Slow down and pass with at least three feet of clearance.
Honk to alert the bicyclist to your presence.

17 . If you are driving at night, when should you use your high beam headlights?

When you are within a one-block distance of an oncoming vehicle
When you are following another vehicle and are in heavy traffic
When there are no oncoming vehicles approaching

18 . You are especially likely to encounter aggressive drivers if:

You are driving in an area with road construction.
Traffic is moving at a steady pace.
There is not much traffic on the road.

19 . This road sign means:

Highway entrance ramp.
Road widens.
Right lane ends.

20 . This road sign means:

Watch for people crossing your path.
No passing zone.
Work zone ahead.

21 . This sign means:

Upcoming change in direction.

22 . If you are facing a green traffic light but the intersection ahead is blocked by traffic, you should:

Turn left and find another route.
Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears.
Follow the other vehicles and enter the intersection.

23 . When passing, you should move back into the right lane when:

You are one vehicle length ahead of the passed vehicle.
You can see both headlights of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror.
You are 50 feet ahead of the passed vehicle.

24 . What is a crosswalk?

Another name for a four-way intersection.
An area designated for road construction workers.
The area where pedestrians may cross the roadway.

25 . Under ideal driving conditions, you should maintain a following distance of at least:

Three to four seconds.
Two seconds.
Five to seven seconds.