1 . Dual tires should:

Always come into contact with one another.
Come into contact with one another fairly regularly.
Not come into contact with one another.

2 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Six to seven
Seven to eight
Eight to nine

3 . On a bus, carry-on baggage should be stored:

In a manner that allows riders to exit through any window or door in an emergency.
In the aisle near the front of the bus.
On passengers’ laps.

4 . A person driving with an open window in cold weather may be:

A distracted driver.
A person who is dressed inappropriately.
A person who likes fresh air.

5 . If a vehicle's Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) is malfunctioning:

The vehicle will have no brakes.
The vehicle will still be able to brake.
The vehicle will likely travel faster than usual.

6 . A distracted driver:

Usually follows the rules of the road.
Usually has slowed perception.
Is a good person to follow.

7 . When exiting a vehicle, it is important to maintain ____ with your vehicle at all times.

Three points of contact
Four points of contact
Two points of contact

8 . Which of the following is the best advice for driving in fog?

Try not to drive in fog.
Use your high beam headlights.
Turn off your lights.

9 . If approaching a law enforcement vehicle that is on the side of the road with its lights flashing, you should:

Speed up.
Stop traffic.
Slow down.

10 . As part of the vehicle inspection test, you will be asked to:

Explain why you must check the items you are checking.
Change the coolant.
Replace a headlight.

11 . When performing a pre-trip inspection and looking into the fifth wheel gap, you should:

Make sure the locking jaws are open.
Make sure the locking jaws are fully closed around the kingpin.
Make sure the locking jaws are loose.
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12 . On a slippery road, a driver should:

Make turns as quickly as possible.
Refrain from passing slower vehicles.
Stop quickly.

13 . Broken suspension parts:

Are not a cause for concern.
Are extremely dangerous.
Cannot be identified.

14 . Broken suspension parts:

Should be repaired immediately.
Should be repaired, but not immediately.
Cannot be identified.

15 . A fatigued driver:

Is usually extra alert.
Is usually more conscientious than a typical driver.
May be slower to make critical decisions than a typical driver.

16 . Bridges usually:

Do not freeze.
Have heaters to prevent them from freezing.
Freeze before other surfaces.

17 . A vehicle that is smaller than your vehicle:

Will usually be able to stop faster than your vehicle.
Will usually take more time to stop than your vehicle.
Will take about the same amount of time to stop as your vehicle.

18 . People working on a disabled vehicle:

Are probably aware of the roadway.
May be distracted by the repair and not pay attention to the roadway.
Are exempt from traffic laws.

19 . Texting while driving is especially dangerous because:

It is both a mental and physical distraction.
A message may be upsetting to the driver.
People like to read and may become too engaged in their phones.

20 . When turning, when should the turn signal be canceled?

Before entering the turn
During the turn
After the turn is completed