1 . Hydroplaning occurs when tires ride on a thin film of water instead of on the surface of the road. To prevent hydroplaning in rainy weather, you should:

Put on your cruise control to maintain a constant speed.
Decrease your speed.
Move to the shoulder of the road as soon as it starts to rain.

2 . Drivers who have consumed alcohol before getting behind the wheel:

Are always aware of the risks they are taking.
Do not have sufficient control over their bodies and minds or the vehicles being driven.
Are better drivers because they are more careful than sober drivers.
Have quicker reaction times.

3 . On which side(s) of a vehicle should drivers maintain a space cushion?

Only to the front of the vehicle
Only to the back of the vehicle
Only to the left and right of the vehicle
All sides of the vehicle

4 . If an aggressive driver cuts you off, you should:

Call the police immediately.
Stay calm and move out of the aggressive driver's way.
Flash your vehicle's lights to let the aggressive driver know he is wrong.
Use a driving action of your own to get back at the aggressive driver.

5 . After passing a vehicle, it is safe to return to your driving lane when:

The driver you passed signals for you to return to your lane.
You signal your intention for three seconds.
You see the headlights of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror.

6 . During school hours, the speed limit is ____ in a school zone.

10 mph
15 mph
25 mph
30 mph

7 . When changing lanes, you should never:

Look over your shoulder to check your blind spot.
Change lanes abruptly or spontaneously.
Check for other vehicles moving into the same lane.

8 . To enter a freeway:

Signal, yield to existing traffic, and enter at the same speed that traffic is moving.
Signal and enter the freeway. Freeway traffic must yield.
Drive slowly so you can check traffic.
Always come to a complete stop first.

9 . Night driving presents unique problems because:

The speed limit is increased at night.
There are fewer cars on the roads at night.
Distance and vehicle speed are difficult to judge in the dark.

10 . Double solid yellow line markings down the center of a road indicate that passing is:

Allowed from both directions.
Allowed only from your direction of travel.
Not allowed from either direction.

11 . This sign means:

Slippery when wet.
Tow-away zone.
Steep downgrade.
Roadwork ahead.

12 . A blood alcohol concentration of 0.02 percent:

Won't have any effect on your driving.
Won't put other drivers at risk.
Will double your chances of having an accident.

13 . Bicycles on the road:

Must always yield the right-of-way to motor vehicles.
Do not follow specific rules of the road.
Are nothing to worry about.
Are considered vehicles with the same rights and responsibilities as motor vehicles.

14 . On long trips, you can prevent drowsiness by:

Turning on your car radio.
Slowing down.
Stopping at regular intervals for a rest.
Moving your eyes from side to side as you drive.

15 . If it is necessary to make an emergency stop while driving on an interstate, you should:

Sound your horn at passing cars to get their attention.
Get out of your vehicle and flag down the first vehicle that passes.
Pull off the road, turn on your emergency flashers, and stay in your vehicle, if you can.

16 . This yellow warning sign means:

You are approaching a school or school crosswalk.
Slow down, drive with caution, and watch for children.
Both of the above.

17 . Before backing your vehicle, you should do which of the following?

Walk completely around the vehicle to be sure no person or obstacle is behind it.
Look to the front, sides, and rear of the vehicle.
Both of the above.

18 . If you drive more slowly than the flow of traffic, you will most likely:

Interfere with traffic and receive a ticket.
Improve traffic flow.
Demonstrate defensive driving techniques.

19 . As you drive, you're required to stop your vehicle:

At an intersection with a stop sign.
Where there is a red light.
When a traffic officer orders you to stop.
All of the above.

20 . This road sign means:

School crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Jogging trail.
Busy sidewalk.

21 . To avoid the need for last-minute braking and turning, you should consistently look down the road ____ ahead of your vehicle.

One to three seconds
Five to seven seconds
10 to 15 seconds
20 seconds

22 . What should you do if your vehicle’s right wheels leave the pavement?

Stop quickly.
Immediately pull all the way off of the road and get back on when it is safe.
Accelerate and steer back on the road quickly.
Take your foot off the accelerator, slow down, then ease back onto the road when it is safe to do so.

23 . ____ limit your concentration, perception, judgment, and memory.

Only a blood alcohol level greater than the legal limit can
Alcohol does not
Even the smallest amount of alcohol can
Only a blood alcohol level greater than 0.05 percent can

24 . When passing another vehicle on a road with two lanes traveling in opposite directions, you should:

Return to the driving lane when there's enough room between you and the vehicle you passed.
Remain in the left lane if you intend to turn left.
Return to the right side of the roadway immediately.
Drive in either lane.

25 . Every motor vehicle in the state of Maine is required to be covered by liability insurance.


26 . When driving in a construction zone:

Slightly increase your speed.
Expect the unexpected.
Expect construction workers to yield to motorists.

27 . You should not start across an intersection if you know you will block the intersection when the light turns red:

Under any circumstances.
Unless you entered the intersection on a yellow light.
Unless you entered the intersection on a green light.

28 . The best way to avoid loss of control under wet conditions is to increase your vehicle's speed.


29 . When approaching a steady green traffic light, drivers should:

Continue driving, unless there are vehicles or pedestrians already in the intersection.
Stop if a police officer is nearby.
Treat the intersection like a four-way stop.
Come to a complete stop before proceeding.

30 . Fines for moving traffic violations in school zones are:


31 . When you see this yellow sign, you should:

Always stop at the crosswalk.
Stop at the crosswalk until a crossing guards signals for you to go.
Be prepared to stop if children are in the crosswalk.
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32 . You are approaching an intersection where a traffic signal is displaying a steady yellow light. If you have not already entered the intersection, you should:

Speed up to beat the red light.
Reduce you speed and proceed carefully through the intersection.
Come to a safe stop.

33 . When driving near a blind pedestrian who is carrying a white cane or using a guide dog, you should:

Slow down and be prepared to stop.
Take the right-of-way.
Proceed normally.
Drive away quickly.

34 . When you are merging onto the freeway, you should be driving:

At or near the speed of traffic on the freeway.
Five to 10 mph slower than the speed of traffic on the freeway.
The posted speed limit for freeway traffic.

35 . This sign means:

No right turn.
You must turn right.
Watch for traffic on your right.

36 . The maximum posted speed limit should be driven only:

During the night.
During the day.
Under ideal conditions.

37 . Which of the following driving skills are affected by the use of alcohol and/or drugs?

Alertness and concentration.
Reaction time and coordination.
All of the above.

38 . When driving under snowy or icy conditions:

It is safe to use your cruise control.
Make speed and directional changes more gradually than you would otherwise.
Drive as you would under normal conditions.

39 . When approaching a flashing red traffic light, drivers should:

Drive through the intersection if there is no crossing traffic.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Stop if a police officer is nearby.
Treat the light like a stop sign.

40 . If your vehicle begins to skid, you should:

Turn your steering wheel into traffic.
Turn your steering wheel in the direction you want to go.
Release the steering wheel.

41 . This sign means:

Slow down if an emergency vehicle is approaching.
Look both ways as you cross the intersection.
Always come to a full stop at the intersection.
Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

42 . Car drivers should know that large trucks:

Have large blind spots.
Can stop more quickly than passenger vehicles.
Do not need more room to maneuver than passenger vehicles.
All of the above.

43 . If your car breaks down on a highway, you should:

Sit in your car and wait for help.
Use your four-way flashers to warn other drivers.
Sound your horn at passing motorists.
Flash your headlights at oncoming traffic.

44 . A diamond-shaped sign:

Warns of existing or possible hazards.
Alerts drivers to school zones.
Alerts drivers to public recreation areas.
Alerts drivers to upcoming food and gas locations.

45 . Construction zone signs are generally:

Square or rectangular with white and red coloring.
Round or octagonal with black and yellow coloring.
Diamond-shaped or rectangular with orange and black coloring.

46 . What does this road sign mean?

Winding road
Loose gravel
Slippery when wet

47 . When entering a freeway, you should look for a gap of ____ seconds.

One to two
10 to 15

48 . When driving under low-visibility conditions due to fog, you should:

Turn on your high beam headlights.
Slow down and use your low beam headlights.
Increase your speed so you do not cause an accident.

49 . When involved in a collision, you should:

Move the injured as far away from the road as possible.
Move the injured to their desired location.
Insist the injured are fine without immediate medical attention.
Avoid moving the injured yourself unless absolutely necessary.

50 . A “No stopping” sign means that, unless directed to do so by a police officer, you may stop only:

Long enough to unload packages.
To avoid conflict with other traffic.
To discharge passengers.
For less than five minutes.

51 . When driving at night, you should:

Always use your high beams.
Look directly at the headlights of an oncoming vehicle.
Increase your following distance.

52 . When driving to an unfamiliar area, you:

Should depend on road signs to find your way.
Should plan your trip in advance.
Only have to know generally where your destination is.
Should always choose the most direct route.

53 . It is necessary to use your low beams any time you are:

On a lighted street.
On a freeway.
In fog.

54 . This sign shows one type of:

Road curve.
Right turn.
Lane change.

55 . You reach an intersection with stop signs on all four corners at the same time as the driver on your left. Who has the right-of-way?

The driver on your left has the right-of-way.
You have the right-of-way.
Whoever is signaling to make a turn has the right-of-way.

56 . A steady green traffic light at an intersection means:

Increase your speed.
Adjust your mirrors.
You may continue through the intersection at a safe and reasonable speed, if it is clear to do so.

57 . Slowing down just to look at collisions or anything else out-of-the-ordinary:

Causes traffic congestion.
Prevents rear-end collisions.
Improves traffic flow by preventing collisions.

58 . When using a roundabout or traffic circle, drivers should:

Yield to traffic already in the roundabout.
Yield to entering traffic.
Drive in a clockwise direction.
Stop within the traffic circle.

59 . What do large flashing arrow panels indicate?

Drivers may stay in their current lane.
There is something to look at in the direction of the arrow.
Drivers should merge into the lane indicated by the arrow.

60 . This road sign means:

Road construction ahead.
The road ahead curves left, then right.
The road ahead curves right, then left.
Steep grade ahead.