1 . When slowing down or stopping, you must:

Shift down through the gears.
Shift up through the gears.
Shift into neutral.
Never change gears.

2 . What does this hand signal mean?

Slow or stop
Left turn
Right turn
Backing up

3 . Convex mirrors make cars seem:

Farther away.

4 . To cross tracks that run parallel to your lane, you should:

Edge gradually across the tracks.
Cross the tracks at a 90-degree angle.
Move away from the tracks, turn, and cross at an angle of at least 45 degrees.
Wait for the tracks to end.

5 . Under normal conditions, you should maintain a minimum ______ following distance.


6 . When riding in a lane of traffic, a motorcycle operator:

Should always ride in the same part of the lane.
Should vary their lane position according to riding conditions.
Should always ride in the center of the lane.
Should always ride in the left part of the lane.

7 . This sign means:

Four-lane traffic ahead.
Divided highway ahead.
Two-way traffic ahead.
Intersection ahead.

8 . The Motorcycle Safety Foundation recommends a SEE strategy to make safe judgments while riding. What does "SEE" stand for?

Search, Evaluate, Execute
Scan, Erase, End
Stop, Error, Everywhere
Stop, Engine, Error

9 . A good way to handle tailgaters is to:

Change lanes and let them pass.
Ignore them.
Use your horn and make obscene gestures.
Speed up to put distance between you and the tailgater.

10 . When does an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) begin operating?

When maximum pressure is applied to only the front brake.
When maximum pressure is applied to only the rear brake.
When maximum pressure is applied to both the front and rear brakes.
When pressure is released from both the front and rear brakes.

11 . When traveling in a group, riders should:

Spread out to make the group easier to see.
Stay close together to make the group easier to see.
Separate occasionally.
Ride in pairs.

12 . When riding in a group, inexperienced riders should ride:

In the front of the group.
Right behind the leader.
At the back of the group.
Wherever they are most comfortable.

13 . A properly-fitted motorcycle:

Allows the rider to touch the ground with their feet while seated.
Has a seat even with the rider's waist.
Has a seat that is 10 inches above the rider's waist.
Has a seat that is 10 inches below the rider's waist.
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14 . Maintaining a space cushion between your motorcycle and its surroundings is important because it:

Prevents distractions from other vehicles.
Allows you time to react to unexpected situations.
Keeps traffic flowing at a steady pace.
Keeps other drivers alert.

15 . The proper body position on a motorcycle:

Allows you to sit far enough forward that your arms will be slightly bent when holding the handle grips.
Allows you to sit as far back as possible and have to stretch when trying to reach the handle grips.
Makes you lean over the bike, requiring your arms to hold you up.
Allows for your knees to be kept far from the gas tank.

16 . A child passenger:

Should be placed in front of the operator.
Should be placed behind the operator.
Does not have to be able to reach the footrests.
Should hold onto the motorcycle frame.

17 . Who is required to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle?

All passengers
Only passengers under the age of 18
Only passengers who do not have a motorcycle license
No one

18 . A motorcycle must be inspected:

Once every two years.
Once a year.
Every six months.
Once a month.

19 . Motorcycle riders:

Should wear hearing protection at all times to prevent hearing damage.
Should only wear hearing protection during long rides.
Should not wear hearing protection because it will muffle other noises, such as horns and sirens.
Do not need to use hearing protection if they are using a helmet.

20 . When changing lanes on a road with several lanes, you should:

Check only the lane next to you for traffic.
Check the lane next to you and the next lane over for traffic.
Rely only on your mirrors.
Not worry about signaling.

21 . When approaching a blind intersection, riders should:

Stop at the stop line before moving forward to improve their view of cross traffic.
Roll through the intersection.
Ignore the stop line and move forward to get a better look.
Stop at the stop line then proceed through the intersection.

22 . Before changing lanes, you should:

Turn your head to check for vehicles in your blind spot.
Rely on your mirrors to show you all of your surroundings.
Point in the direction of the lane change.
Speed up to get ahead of other vehicles.

23 . A danger of riding next to a row of parked cars is:

You may not find a parking spot.
A driver may unexpectedly pull out from the row into your path.
Others may be driving slowly while looking for a parking spot.
The road may be uneven.

24 . Your knees should be:

Against the handlebars.
Against the gas tank.
Straightened and wide.
Wherever you prefer.

25 . When riding, you should:

Turn your head and shoulders to look through turns.
Keep your arms straight.
Keep your knees away from the gas tank.
Turn just your head and eyes to look through turns.