1 . A driver should:

Always use turn signals when changing lanes.
Only use turn signals if there is a vehicle next to them.
Not use a turn signal if a lane change is obvious.

2 . If a vehicle is accompanied by a vehicle inspection report:

The driver should first inspect the vehicle, then compare their notes with the report.
The driver should first look at the report when completing an inspection.
The driver should not conduct a pre-trip inspection and should rely only on the report.

3 . If a vehicle is equipped with power steering, the hoses should be checked:

For leaks.
For the proper amount of brake fluid.
To ensure that they are connected to the battery.

4 . If your vehicle is hydroplaning, you should:

Use the accelerator.
Not use the brakes.
Put the vehicle in a higher gear.

5 . When starting an engine as part of a pre-trip inspection, the driver should:

Listen for unusual noises.
Place the engine in first gear.
Turn on the heater.

6 . Fully-loaded rigs:

Usually are very responsive to steering.
Are more likely to roll over than empty rigs.
Can stop quickly.

7 . When a vehicle is started, the coolant temperature should:

Rise slowly.
Jump quickly.

8 . Which of the following does not indicate bad brakes?

Cracked drums
Pads free of oil or grease
Very thin shoes

9 . Mirrors should be used:

Only when there may be an emergency.
By a helper to monitor your blind spots.

10 . When checking tires, which of the following should not cause concern?

Too much air pressure
Tread of at least 4/32 of an inch on front tires
Radial and bias-ply tires used together

11 . The steering wheel should be:

Held with both hands.
Held with one hand to keep the other hand free.
Held with one hand at a time, alternating between hands.
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12 . If loading corrosive materials, you should not:

Roll the containers.
Load the containers by hand.
Use the vehicle’s parking brake.

13 . If a tire fails, you should:

Use the brakes.
Stay off the brakes.

14 . If you have an engine fire, you should:

Open the hood as soon as possible.
Turn off the engine as soon as possible.
Not use a fire extinguisher.

15 . After a vehicle is started, warning lights and buzzers:

Should stay on for several minutes.
Should turn off within a few seconds.
Should stay on until manually turned off.

16 . If transporting a package that contains radioactive materials, it is important to know that:

Radiation surrounds the package and will pass through to other packages.
The package should be transported in the cab.
The package should be loaded on their side.

17 . If an aggressive driver is involved in a crash down the road, you should:

Pull over and yell at them.
Stop after the crash scene and report the other driver’s behavior to police.
Block the driver in with your vehicle.

18 . An exhaust system should be:

Fastened securely.

19 . Combination vehicles:

Often have taller trailers than single commercial vehicles.
Are usually lighter than single commercial vehicles.
Require more skill to drive than single commercial vehicles.

20 . If a driver is given a leaking package or shipment, they should:

Accept it.
Refuse it.
Leave it on the side of the road.