1 . This road sign means:

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed.
The road ahead winds a series of turns or curves.
Traffic increases ahead.
Steep grade ahead.

2 . Always signal when:

Changing lanes.
Pulling into or out of a parking space.
Pulling into traffic from a parking area or alley.
All of the above.

3 . When exiting a highway, you should slow down:

On the main road, just before the exit lane.
Once you see a toll booth.
Once you have moved into the exit lane.
When you first see the exit sign.

4 . If you miss your exit on an interstate expressway:

Stop and make a U-turn.
Get off at the next exit and come back to the exit you missed.
Roll down your window and ask the driver next to you for help.
Back up on the highway.

5 . If an aggressive driver cuts you off, you should:

Call the police immediately.
Stay calm and move out of the aggressive driver's way.
Flash your vehicle's lights to let the aggressive driver know he is wrong.
Use a driving action of your own to get back at the aggressive driver.

6 . This sign means:

No right turn.
You must turn right.
Watch for traffic on your right.
Don’t park on the right side of the street.

7 . When driving in fog:

Use your parking lights.
Use your low beams.
Use your high beams.
It makes no difference which lights you use.

8 . You need to use extra caution when driving near a pedestrian using a white cane because:

He or she is deaf.
He or she is a police officer.
He or she is blind.
He or she has poor balance.

9 . Your vehicle's stopping distance increases when stopping:

On a wet or icy road.
On paved highways.
When driving at night.
All of the above.

10 . This sign means:

Curve ahead.
Roadwork ahead.
Merging traffic.
No left turn.

11 . This road sign means:

One-way road.
No right turn.
Sharp right turn in the road ahead.

12 . Red pavement markings or reflectors indicate:

Increased speed limits.
Decreased speed limits.
A no passing zone.
A roadway that must not be entered.

13 . To pass a slower-moving vehicle on a two-lane, two-way road, you must:

Not cross the centerline.
Flash your lights at oncoming traffic.
Use the shoulder.
Use the lane that belongs to oncoming traffic.

14 . If you are being followed too closely on a multilane highway, you should:

Speed up to match the speed of the car behind you.
Move into another lane to let the car pass.
Slow down but stay in your lane.
Let the driver pass and then tailgate them.

15 . Increasing your vehicle’s speed:

Increases your field of vision.
Decreases your field of vision.
Makes it easier to see cross traffic.
Has no effect on your field of vision.

16 . You may pass another vehicle:

In a curve or on a hill because the chance is small that another vehicle is coming.
By using the shoulder of the highway.
If your lane is next to a solid yellow line and the passing lane is clear ahead.
None of the above.

17 . If your car starts to skid, turn your steering wheel:

To keep the front wheels straight.
In the direction you want the vehicle to go.
In the opposite direction of the skid.
In any direction. It doesn't matter.

18 . As you drive, you're required to stop your vehicle:

At an intersection with a stop sign.
Where there is a red light.
When a traffic officer orders you to stop.
All of the above.

19 . When driving in traffic, it is safest to:

Fluctuate your speed to keep alert.
Drive faster than the flow of traffic.
Drive slower than the flow of traffic.
Drive with the flow of traffic.

20 . What does a flashing yellow traffic light mean?

Merging traffic
Proceed with caution.
Pedestrian crossing
Come to a full stop.

21 . What can you do to avoid the need to make emergency stops while driving in traffic?

Honk your horn to make others aware of your presence.
Look ahead and maintain a safe following distance.
Drive in the right lane only.
Drive more slowly than the flow of traffic.
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22 . Drivers may not park within ____ of a fire hydrant.

30 feet
20 feet
15 feet
50 feet

23 . Drivers should use hand-over-hand steering:

When turning the wheel during normal driving activity.
When avoiding a hazard at a high speed.
When turning the wheel at low speeds.
When backing, activating signals, turning on the radio, or activating windshield wipers.

24 . The best way to deal with tailgaters is to:

Speed up to increase the distance between you and the tailgater.
Slam on your brakes to get the other driver to back off.
Change lanes or gradually slow down to encourage them to pass.
Ignore them.

25 . While backing, you should:

Rely only on your mirrors.
Flash your lights.
Open your door to see if it is safe to proceed.
Turn your head and look through the rear window.

26 . Before turning left, it is important to:

Sound your horn.
Yield to oncoming vehicles.
Swing to the right side of your lane.
Wait until oncoming traffic has a red light.

27 . Which is the most common cause of traffic crashes?

New drivers
Human error
Bad weather
Bad roads

28 . You may cross solid yellow lines:

To pass traffic moving in the same direction.
During daylight hours only.
At any time.
When making turns.

29 . If you are approaching a traffic signal that you notice has been solid green for a long time, you should:

Prepare for the light to turn yellow.
Speed up to beat a red light.
Assume the light will stay green.
Assume the light is broken.

30 . Why is it important to adjust your headrest before driving?

Headrests can prevent whiplash.
Headrests provide maximum comfort.
Headrests can block your rearview mirror if not adjusted properly.
It is not important.

31 . This road sign means:

The left lane is reserved for vehicles with a specific number of occupants.
Specific turning movements are allowed from specific lanes.
Do not enter.
Drivers in both lanes are responsible for merging smoothly.

32 . You are driving on a busy street and your vehicle’s accelerator sticks open. You should:

Blow your horn.
Slam on your brakes.
Turn on your four-way flashers.
Turn off your ignition, taking care not to engage the steering wheel locking mechanism.

33 . Diagonal stripes sloping downward right on a barricade or panel mean:

The driver should stop.
The driver should bear to the right.
The driver should bear to the left.
The driver should drive in a straight line.

34 . When dealing with pedestrians, a driver must:

Make sure the pedestrian is aware of their vehicle.
Always yield the right-of-way, even if the pedestrian is in the wrong.
Yield the right-of-way only when the pedestrian is legally entitled to it.
Slow down and sound their horn near a crosswalk.

35 . When adjusting your rearview mirror, you should be able to clearly see:

Your own reflection.
The passengers in the backseat.
The entire rear window.
Most of the lane next to you.

36 . When encountering an aggressive driver, you should:

Avoid eye contact, slow down, and let them pass.
Cut them off to slow them down.
Retaliate by tailgating them.
Make sure they know you disapprove of their behavior.

37 . What is the first thing you should adjust, if needed, when you get into a car to drive?

Your seat belt
The steering wheel
Your rearview mirror
Your seat

38 . This sign means:

Watch for drunk drivers.
Curves ahead.
Slippery when wet.
Apply your brakes quickly.

39 . Drivers should use evasive action steering:

When turning the wheel during normal driving activity.
When avoiding a hazard at a high speed.
When turning the wheel at low speeds.
When backing, activating signals, turning on the radio, or activating windshield wipers.

40 . When driving on major highways:

Stay alert.
Keep your eyes moving.
Be ready to react to road hazards.
All of the above.