1 . Your brake lights tell other drivers that you:

Are making a turn.
Have your emergency brake on.
Are changing lanes.
Are slowing down or stopping.

2 . This sign means:

Winding road.
No parking.
Right lane closed.
Multiple turns.

3 . To avoid last-minute braking or the need to turn suddenly, you should consistently look down the road:

One to three seconds.
Five to seven seconds.
10 to 15 seconds.
20 seconds.

4 . When two vehicles enter an intersection from different highways at the same time, which vehicle must yield the right-of-way?

Either one
The vehicle on the left
The vehicle on the right

5 . This road sign means:

Side road.
Keep to the side indicated by the arrow.
You may drive in the left lane.
You have the right-of-way.

6 . What should you be most concerned about when you see this sign?

Driving with your headlights out of alignment because one side of your car is higher than the other.
Damaging a tire from drifting onto the shoulder.
Hydroplaning, if the shoulder has water on it.
Losing control of the vehicle if you drift onto the shoulder.

7 . When a traffic signal light turns green, you should:

Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians.
Accelerate as quickly as possible.
Back up slowly.
Not move until another driver waves you on.

8 . Work zone signs mean:

It is summer.
You must immediately stop and back up.
Less than ideal conditions are present for driving.
You should drive faster to get out of the work zone.

9 . This sign means:

Narrow bridge ahead.
Lane ends or roadway narrows ahead.
Industrial area.
Freeway on-ramp ahead.

10 . A driver should be extra alert to motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians because:

They’re difficult to see in traffic.
They obey different traffic laws than larger motor vehicles.
They always have the right-of-way.
They don’t have rearview mirrors.

11 . This road sign means:

Keep right.
Keep left.
Pass with caution.
No passing.

12 . When should drivers use one-hand steering?

When turning the wheel during normal driving activity.
When avoiding a hazard at a high speed.
When turning the wheel at low speeds.
When backing, activating signals, turning on the radio, or activating windshield wipers.

13 . Night driving can be more difficult than driving during the day because:

Cars overheat more quickly at night.
Visibility is reduced in the dark.
It is more likely to be raining at night.
You are more likely to encounter a motorcycle at night.

14 . If you need to slow down while driving on a slippery road, the first thing you should do is:

Firmly apply your brakes.
Take your foot off the gas pedal.
Apply your parking brake.
Pump your brakes.

15 . When preparing to turn left, drivers should:

Slow down gradually while checking their rearview mirror.
Move into the left lane.
Watch for oncoming vehicles and pedestrians.
All of the above.

16 . A person's ability to drive can be impaired by:

Any medication.
A lack of sleep.
All of the above.

17 . When passing a parked vehicle, you should:

Be prepared for a person or vehicle to unexpectedly enter your lane.
Expect all other drivers and pedestrians to respect your right-of-way.
Honk to alert drivers and pedestrians to your presence.
Pass quickly to avoid any pedestrians.

18 . You are driving when your power steering stops working. You should:

Honk your horn and turn off the ignition.
Turn on your hazard lights and brace yourself.
Work hard to steer, reduce your speed, drive to a safe area, and stop.
Slam on your brakes.

19 . Your chances of being killed are ____ times greater if you are thrown from your car during an accident.


20 . The most effective safety restraints in a traffic crash are:

Only a lap and shoulder belt.
Only an airbag.
Both a lap/shoulder belt and an airbag.
No safety restraints.

21 . If two drivers arrive at the same time to a four-way intersection controlled by stop signs:

The driver on the right has the right-of-way.
The driver on the left has the right-of-way.
One driver may continue driving without stopping.
One driver should honk to indicate that they are giving up the right-of-way.
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22 . When passing other vehicles:

Check your mirrors and blind spots.
Honk your horn at least three times.
Re-enter your lane within 10 feet of the passed vehicle.
There is no need to signal.

23 . When you are being tailgated:

Move over to the right, if there is an open lane to your right.
If there is not an open lane to your right, wait until the way is clear ahead and reduce your speed slowly to encourage the tailgater to drive around you.
Never slow down abruptly.
All of the above.

24 . Which is a characteristic of a defensive driver?


25 . Regulatory signs:

Are placed in every location where there is a present danger.
Indicate what a driver must or must not do.
Are diamond-shaped and yellow or green.
May warn drivers that they are approaching a school zone.

26 . Allow a larger space cushion than usual when stopping:

On an incline.
At an intersection.
At a stop sign.
At a toll plaza.

27 . An inattentive driver is a driver who:

Stares at objects off the roadway or daydreams while driving.
Maintains eye contact during a conversation with a passenger while driving.
Only watches the vehicle ahead of their vehicle.
All of the above.

28 . A single broken white line down the center of a two-lane road indicates:

Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.

29 . You may drive around or under a gate that is being lowered or raised at a railroad crossing:

As long as an approaching train is not too close.
If your vehicle can do so without damaging the gate.
If you first look carefully in both directions.
Under no circumstances.

30 . A traffic light displaying a green arrow and a red light means that:

You may only drive straight ahead.
You may drive only in the direction of the green arrow.
You must wait for a solid green light to proceed in any direction.
Vehicles moving in any direction must stop.

31 . What is the meaning of the "D" in the SIPDE acronym?

Defensive driving.
Decide on a safe action.

32 . This sign means:

Trucks are permitted on an upcoming narrow bridge.
The bridge ahead is open to one-way traffic only.
The bridge ahead is wide enough for only one car at a time.
The bridge ahead may be too narrow to meet or pass a truck.

33 . When driving on an interstate:

Stop on the shoulder of the road if you are tired.
You should always use cruise control.
Signal, check mirrors, and check blind spots before changing lanes.
You should change lanes often.

34 . If you have the legal right-of-way at an intersection, you should:

Assume other drivers will follow right-of-way laws.
Wave other drivers forward before proceeding.
Immediately move through the intersection.
Check for traffic, pedestrians, and bicyclists before moving forward.

35 . You are waiting in the intersection to complete a left turn. You should:

Signal and keep your wheels turned to the left.
Signal and keep your wheels straight.
Flash your headlights so drivers will let you through.
Drive around the rear of a car if it blocks you.

36 . This sign shows one type of:

Road curve.
Right turn.
Lane change.

37 . If you leave your vehicle unattended, you must:

Turn off the engine.
Lock the ignition and remove the key.
Set the parking brake.
All of the above.

38 . What are the colors of warning signs indicating upcoming hazards?

Black letters or symbols on a white background
Black letters or symbols on a yellow background
White letters or symbols on a blue background
White letters or symbols on a green background

39 . This sign means:

School ahead.
School crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Construction workers on or near the roadway.

40 . When checking your tires, you should make sure:

The tread is not worn away.
The air pressure is not too low.
They are not flat.
All of the above.