1 . Downward-facing triangular signs:

Tell riders to yield.
Indicate school zones.
Indicate construction zones.
Tell riders to speed up.

2 . This sign means:

You must drive slowly and sound your horn.
A bus stop is ahead.
You are entering a school's parking lot.
A school zone is ahead.

3 . How does the stopping distance for motorcycles compare to the stopping distance for cars?

Cars need much longer to stop.
Cars need a little longer to stop.
Motorcycles need longer to stop.
Both motorcycles and cars take about the same amount of time to stop.

4 . When operating a motorcycle on a slippery surface, you should:

Ride faster than usual.
Use only the front brake.
Reduce your speed.
Use only the rear brake.

5 . This sign means:

Narrow bridge ahead.
Lane ends or roadway narrows ahead.
Industrial area.
Freeway on-ramp ahead.

6 . Passengers should:

Lean as the operator leans.
Hold onto their seat.
Sit as far back on the bike as possible.
Never hold onto the operator.

7 . To provide the best protection to the wearer, boots or shoes should:

Be made of a soft material.
Have long laces that are not tucked in.
Cover the ankle and provide support.
Have tall heels.

8 . This sign means:

Railroad crossing.
One-way traffic.
Limited parking.
Playground ahead.

9 . Which of the following is not an example of a slippery surface?

A gravel road
A patch of leaves
An ice patch
Dry concrete

10 . When riding with a heavy load, you will want to adjust the:

Brake light.

11 . Maintaining a space cushion between your motorcycle and its surroundings is important because it:

Prevents distractions from other vehicles.
Keeps traffic flowing at a steady pace.
Allows you time to react to unexpected situations.
Keeps other drivers alert.

12 . When riding a motorcycle, you should:

Not wear a jacket if it's warm out.
Always wear a jacket, even if it’s warm out.
Wear shorts in warm weather.
Not be concerned about long shoelaces.

13 . This sign means:

Roundabout ahead.
Lane ends, merge left.
Turn around.
Curve ahead.

14 . When is it important for a rider to use their mirrors?

When slowing down or stopping suddenly
When stopped at an intersection
When changing lanes
All of the above.

15 . Motorists entering a highway from an entrance ramp to your right may not see your motorcycle. To help the entering drivers, you should:

Sound your horn.
Flash your lights.
Move to the left portion of your lane so they can share the lane, if necessary.
Move into another lane, if necessary.

16 . Drivers on an entrance ramp may not see you on the highway. What should you do to help an entering driver merge safely?

Stay in your lane, as it is not your responsibility to be seen.
Change to a lane away from the entrance ramp, if possible.
Move to the shoulder.
Weave within your lane to be more obvious to the entering driver.
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17 . Which of the following surfaces is unlikely to provide poor traction for motorcyclists?

Manhole covers
Painted lane markings
Dry pavement
Metal plates

18 . Before riding, a motorcycle operator should check the clutch. A properly working clutch should feel:

Loose and rough.
Tight and smooth.
Loose and smooth.
Tight and rough.

19 . This road sign means:

Divided highway begins.
A steep grade is ahead.
The overpass ahead has a low clearance.
Two lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions are about to merge.

20 . Riding on the far side of a lane when following another vehicle:

Is recommended because you will be seen easily.
Is not recommended because drivers seldom use their side mirrors and may not see you.
Is recommended because a passenger in the vehicle may tell the driver that you are there.
Is illegal because you have to ride in the center portion of the lane.

21 . Moving into another lane while taking a curve is often the result of:

Taking the turn too fast.
Lanes that are too narrow.
Not knowing how to steer.
Lanes that are too wide.

22 . When approaching a blind intersection, riders should:

Stop at the stop line before moving forward to improve their view of cross traffic.
Roll through the intersection.
Ignore the stop line and move forward to get a better look.
Stop at the stop line then proceed through the intersection.

23 . If you must brake and swerve to avoid a hazard, you should:

Do one, then the other.
Do both at the same time.
Always apply the brakes first, then swerve.
Try instead to use only the brakes.

24 . Your lane position should:

Avoid other road users' blind spots.
Provide a good view of the shoulder.
Provide a poor view of road hazards.
Invite others to share your lane.

25 . When riding, the best sitting position:

Requires your arms be used to hold you up.
Allows you to easily reach the controls.
Keeps your arms straight when reaching the handle grips.
Keeps your knees away from the gas tank.

26 . Mechanical turn signals are not required to be on a motorcycle if:

The roads you will travel are never crowded.
Turn signals were not part of the original equipment.
You don't plan on using them.
You will only travel during the day.

27 . When passing another driver, you should:

Move out of their blind spot as quickly as possible.
Linger in their blind spot.
Decelerate in the passing lane.
Not worry about your own blind spot.

28 . You should ride with your headlight on:

Only at night.
Only at night and in the rain.
At all times.
Under no circumstances.

29 . When choosing clothes for riding, which of the following is not a good choice?

A jacket and pants that cover your arms and legs completely
Boots or shoes that cover your ankles
Gloves made of leather
A baseball cap to cover your hair

30 . When checking tires before a ride, you should look at all of the following except:

Air pressure
General wear
General tread