1 . A diamond-shaped sign:

Alerts operators to school zones.
Alerts operators to public recreation areas.
Warns of existing or possible hazards.
Warns of poor weather conditions.

2 . To cross tracks that run parallel to your lane, you should:

Edge gradually across the tracks.
Cross the tracks at a 90-degree angle.
Move away from the tracks, turn, and cross at an angle of at least 45 degrees.
Wait for the tracks to end.

3 . As you slow or stop, you should:

Shift up through the gears.
Shift down through the gears.
Take the bike out of gear.
Stay in the same gear.

4 . Increase your following distance if:

The pavement is dry.
Riding conditions are normal.
The roadway is wet.
You can see through the vehicle in front of you.

5 . This sign means:

Stop ahead.
Buggy warning.
Limited parking.
Do not block intersection.

6 . Before mounting the motorcycle, your pre-ride inspection should include all of the following, except:

A tire check.
A taillight test.
A headlight test.
A paint check.

7 . If you are being chased by a dog, you should:

Kick it away.
Stop until the animal loses interest.
Swerve around the animal.
Approach the animal slowly, then speed up.

8 . Engine braking:

Is illegal.
Is slowing down by turning the engine off.
Is slowing down by downshifting.
Is not encouraged because of the damage it does to the engine.

9 . When riding in traffic, it is important to remember that motorcycles:

Are too small to have blind spots.
Have blind spots that are too small to cause any problems.
Have blind spots that require head checks.
Have only one blind spot.

10 . An approved helmet:

Allows the wearer to see as far to the sides as necessary.
Restricts the field of vision.
Is usually uncomfortable.
Does not have any markings or tags.

11 . When braking:

Use only one brake if it is a non-emergency situation.
Only use both brakes if you are riding on wet pavement.
Use both brakes regardless of the circumstances.
Use only the front brake.

12 . Motorcycles:

Do not have blind spots because of their small size.
Have blind spots, but they are so small they should not cause concern.
Have blind spots that should be routinely checked.
Are too small to have blind spots.

13 . When approaching a blind intersection, riders should:

Stop at the stop line before moving forward to improve their view of cross traffic.
Roll through the intersection.
Ignore the stop line and move forward to get a better look.
Stop at the stop line then proceed through the intersection.

14 . When riding a motorcycle, clothing:

Should be loose enough to flap in the wind.
Should not cover your arms or legs completely.
Should not include a jacket if the weather is warm.
Can provide protection in the event of a crash.

15 . More than half of all crashes:

Occur at speeds greater than 35 mph.
Happen at night.
Are caused by worn tires.
Involve riders who have ridden their motorcycles for less than six months.

16 . If a driver is following you too closely, you should:

Flash your brake light before you slow to warn the other driver.
Pull over to the side of the road.
Slow down.
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17 . When you see this sign, you must:

Stop completely and check for pedestrians and cross traffic.
Slow down without coming to a complete stop.
Stop completely and wait for a green light.
Slow down and check for traffic.

18 . This sign tells you that:

No turns are allowed on this road.
The road narrows ahead.
There are a series of curves ahead.
The road may be slippery when wet.

19 . When looking for a protective jacket or pair of pants, you should look for:

Items made of leather.
Items made of polyester.
Items made of light materials.
Items that are darkly-colored.

20 . This sign means:

Don't drink if you are going to drive.
Slippery when wet.
Road curves ahead.
You are approaching a hill.

21 . If your drive chain breaks, you:

Should hold the chain in place.
Can continue safely riding.
Will notice a loss of power to the rear wheel.
Should remember to fix the belt on your next stop.

22 . When being followed too closely by another vehicle, you should:

Speed up.
Move onto the shoulder.
Allow the other driver to pass you.
Exit the roadway.

23 . The gear shift lever is located:

In front of the left footrest.
In front of the right footrest.
Behind the left footrest.
Behind the right footrest.

24 . When passing another driver, you should:

Move out of their blind spot as quickly as possible.
Linger in their blind spot.
Decelerate in the passing lane.
Not worry about your own blind spot.

25 . It is recommended that you take a curve by beginning on the outside of the curve, moving to the inside of the curve, and exiting on the outside of the curve. An alternate option is to:

Start on the inside of the curve and drift toward the outside.
Start in the center of the curve and stay there until you exit.
Weave between all three lane positions while taking a curve.
Start on the inside of the curve and stay there until you exit.

26 . When traveling in a group, you should generally ride:

In a staggered formation.
In a single-file line.
On the shoulder.

27 . The first thing you should do if your throttle becomes stuck is:

Operate the engine cut-off switch.
Twist the throttle back and forth.
Jump off the motorcycle.
Weave back and forth in your lane.

28 . When changing lanes:

There is no need to do a head check if you use your mirrors.
Mirrors provide a full view of the road around your motorcycle.
You should turn your head and look over your shoulder.
You can assume drivers will properly respond to your turn signal.

29 . The primary source of information about your motorcycle should come from:

The motorcycle's former owner.
The owner’s manual.
A library book about motorcycles.
A motorcycle enthusiast.

30 . When approaching an object or uneven surface that you cannot avoid, you should:

Make sure the motorcycle is leaning to one side.
Speed up.
Swerve quickly.
Rise slightly off the seat to allow your legs to absorb the shock.