1 . A safety valve is set to open at ____ pounds per square inch (psi).


2 . When you are about to start down a hill, you should switch into a ____ gear.


3 . ____ make up the emergency brake system.

Only parts of the parking brake system
Only parts of the service brake system
Parts of the parking and service brake systems

4 . Air tank drains:

Should not be used in cold weather.
Are helpful to remove water and oil from the air tanks.
Are used to move air to the brakes.

5 . If an air compressor is belt-driven, the belt should be routinely checked to ensure that it is:

Properly tightened.

6 . Alcohol evaporators are:

Used to add alcohol to braking systems to prevent items from freezing.
Only allowed on vehicles carrying hazardous materials.

7 . During an applied leakage test, what is the maximum leakage rate that is safe for a single vehicle with air brakes?

10 psi in one minute
5 psi in one minute
3 psi in one minute

8 . A driver can rely on front wheel braking to work:

On dry roadways only.
Under all conditions.
Under all conditions, except for snow.

9 . An Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS):

Is not available for vehicles with air brakes.
Is not helpful in most driving situations.
Can help you maintain control when braking.

10 . While operating on a downgrade, you should brake until you reach a speed that is:

5 mph below your safe speed.
10 mph below your safe speed.
15 mph below your safe speed.

11 . Air brakes use ____ to function.

Compressed air
Liquid nitrogen
Carbon dioxide

12 . If the safety relief valve in an air brake system is releasing air:

You should not be concerned as this is a normal process.
There is something wrong with the brakes.
The valve is operational.

13 . What color light indicates a vehicle's ABS is not working?

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14 . Failing to drain air tanks could result in:

Water accumulations freezing and causing brake failure.
Squishy brakes.
Too much air collecting in the tanks.

15 . What is often found in compressed air?

Brake fluid

16 . The rods in S-cam brakes move the slack adjusters when air pressure is added to the brake chambers. This air pressure is added to the chambers when the driver:

Presses the brake pedal.
Uses the emergency brake.
Uses the trailer hand valve.

17 . Brakes can get out of adjustment quickly, especially:

If they are hot.
In the winter time.
If they are used frequently.

18 . When operating a vehicle with a dual air brake system, the driver should:

Let the vehicle warm up before driving to ensure that the fuel reaches the engine.
Let the air compressor build up a minimum of 100 psi pressure in the primary and secondary systems before driving.
Begin driving just after the vehicle starts.

19 . If the low air pressure warning signal comes on in a vehicle with air brakes, the driver should:

Test the brakes while driving, but continue driving if nothing seems wrong.
Immediately stop driving.
Drive with the hazard lights activated.

20 . Once the air tanks are at an air pressure level of 125 psi, the air compressor governor will:

Stop the compressor from pumping air.
Release air from the tanks.
Begin pumping air into the tanks.

21 . During an applied leakage test, the maximum leakage rate for a double combination vehicle is ____ in a minute.

2 psi
4 psi
6 psi

22 . In a dual air brake system, air pressure should build from 85 to 100 psi within ____ seconds.


23 . An alcohol evaporator is especially important:

In cold weather.
In hot weather.
In dry weather.

24 . Do not operate a vehicle if any brake drums have cracks that are larger than ____ of the width of the friction area.

One half
One third
One fifth

25 . How much distance will an air brake-equipped vehicle need to come to a complete stop if it is traveling at 55 mph under ideal driving conditions?

300 feet
100 feet
450 feet