1 . There are oncoming vehicles to your left and a row of parked vehicles to your right. You should steer:

Closer to the oncoming vehicles than the parked vehicles.
Closer to the parked vehicles than the oncoming vehicles.
A middle course between the oncoming and parked vehicles.

2 . This road sign means:

Watch for people crossing your path.
No passing zone.
Work zone ahead.

3 . If you can see that the roadway up ahead is covered by heavy smoke, you should:

Turn on your four-way flashers and continue.
Reduce your speed, move as far to the right as possible, and stop off the roadway.
Turn on your high beam headlights and continue.

4 . This sign means:

School zone or crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Railroad ahead.

5 . Driving more slowly than surrounding traffic is:

A good idea if the weather is bad.
Appropriate if you don’t know the speed limit.
Often a hazard because other drivers may become frustrated and try to pass you.

6 . Broken yellow lines are used on streets and highways to:

Indicate no passing zones.
Separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.
Separate lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions.

7 . If pedestrians are illegally crossing in the middle of the street instead of in a crosswalk, you:

Must stop for them.
Do not have to stop for them.
Should honk your horn at them.

8 . When you see this yellow sign, you should:

Always stop at the crosswalk.
Stop at the crosswalk until a crossing guards signals for you to go.
Be prepared to stop if children are in the crosswalk.

9 . This white sign means you should not pass other vehicles:

Until after you pass the sign.
Unless it seems safe to do so.
For any reason.

10 . Hydroplaning occurs when tires ride on a thin film of water instead of on the surface of the road. To prevent hydroplaning in rainy weather, you should:

Put on your cruise control to maintain a constant speed.
Decrease your speed.
Move to the shoulder of the road as soon as it starts to rain.

11 . This sign means:

You should stop for other traffic.
Traffic is entering from another road and you should allow additional space for drivers to merge safely into the flow of traffic.
Traffic is entering from another road and you should keep right.

12 . The proper way to make a right turn is to:

Signal, slow down, and get into the lane closest to the centerline before turning.
Signal, slow down, and get into the lane closest to the right curb before turning.
Approach the corner in the lane nearest the right curb, but move over toward the middle of the street before turning.

13 . This sign means:

Trucks entering.
Truck exit only.
Steep downgrade ahead.

14 . If you see orange construction signs and cones on a freeway, you must:

Slow down because the lane ends ahead.
Be prepared for workers and equipment ahead.
Change lanes and maintain your current speed.

15 . If you are following a school bus or tank truck, you should:

Pass them on the right.
Be prepared to stop at all railroad crossings.
Expect them to drive above the speed limit.

16 . Temporary signs used in construction and maintenance work areas:

Have a red background with green writing.
Have an orange background with black writing.
Have a yellow background with blue writing.

17 . At dawn or dusk and in rain or snow, it can be hard to see and be seen. A good way to let other drivers know you are there is to turn:

Up the instrumental panel lights.
On your parking lights.
On your headlights.

18 . When you see an emergency vehicle approaching while using its flashing lights, you must:

Maintain your speed and stay in your lane until the vehicle has passed.
Move into the right lane and drive slowly until the vehicle has passed.
Pull over to the curb or edge of the road and stop until the vehicle has passed.

19 . What is the purpose of rumble strips?

They alert drivers to potential tire problems.
They test a vehicle's shock absorbers.
Through vibration and sound, they alert inattentive drivers to the fact that their vehicles have left the travel lane.

20 . If a truck or bus is making a right turn where you also need to make a right turn, you should:

Quickly turn before the truck or bus is able to.
Wait until the truck or bus turns before you turn.
Squeeze between the truck or bus and the curb.

21 . This sign means you are approaching a railroad crossing that does not have a signal. You should:

Come to a complete stop.
Proceed at a consistent speed while looking and listening for approaching trains.
Slow down, look both ways, listen for any trains, and be prepared to stop if any trains are nearby.
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22 . If you are feeling fatigued while driving, you should:

Increase your speed to reach your destination more quickly.
Increase the volume of your radio.
Find a safe parking area to take a short nap.

23 . This road sign means:

Sharp turn to the right ahead.
Upcoming sharp left and right turns.
Winding road ahead.

24 . At a crosswalk:

You must yield to pedestrians.
Pedestrians must yield to you.
Construction workers must yield to you.

25 . Which lane must you be in before making a left turn from a one-way street?

The lane nearest the left curb.
The lane nearest the center of the street.
The lane nearest the right curb.

26 . When driving at night on a dimly lit street, you should:

Drive slowly enough that you can stop within the area illuminated by your headlights.
Turn on your high beam headlights to better see the vehicles ahead of you.
Keep the instrument panel lights bright to be more visible to other drivers.

27 . After you have passed a vehicle moving in the same direction, it is safe to move back into the right lane:

After about three seconds.
When you can no longer see the passed vehicle over your right shoulder.
When you can see the entire front of the passed vehicle in your rearview mirror.

28 . This yellow sign means:

There is a sharp turn to the right.
The lane must turn right.
A right turn is permitted on a green arrow only.

29 . This sign means:

No right turn.
Stop sign ahead.
Divided highway.

30 . You should signal continuously while turning because it:

Is illegal to turn off your signal before completing a turn.
Lets other drivers know what your intentions are.
Is always unsafe to turn off a signal before completing a turn.

31 . Which of the following describes the thinking of defensive drivers?

They know other drivers will do the right thing.
They consider what other drivers might do and are prepared to react.
They expect no breaks and give none.

32 . When a driver behind you wants to pass your vehicle, you should:

Increase your speed.
Ease up on your accelerator to help them pass.
Press hard on your brakes.

33 . A driver should:

Assume all drivers automatically obey the right-of-way rules.
Assume most drivers obey the right-of-way rules.
Always be prepared to yield the right-of-way.

34 . This road sign means:

Steep grade ahead.
The road ahead winds with a series of turns or curves.
Slippery when wet.

35 . Blue traffic signs offer information on:

Motorist services.
Construction and maintenance.
Mileage information, such as distances to specific locations.

36 . You have stopped for a train at a railroad crossing. After the train passes, you should:

Wait for signal lights to stop flashing.
Look for a second train.
Both of the above.

37 . Streets and highways are most slippery:

When it has been raining hard for several hours.
When they are clean and dry.
Just after it starts to rain.

38 . A sign with this shape means:

Railroad crossing.
Signal ahead.

39 . This sign means:

No passing zone.
Slow-moving vehicle.
Two-way traffic.

40 . This sign means:

There is a 35 mph speed zone after the curve ahead.
Drive no slower than 35 mph around the upcoming curve.
Approach the upcoming curve at a speed of 35 mph or slower.