1 . When riding on a slippery surface, you should:

Increase your speed.
Use only your rear brake.
Avoid making sudden moves.

2 . What does this road sign mean?

Falling rocks
Trucks use second gear
Steep hill

3 . Most motorcycle/automobile accidents occur:

At intersections.
On the open road.
In parking lots.

4 . When riding on a slippery surface, you should:

Not make sudden movements, if possible.
Handle your motorcycle roughly.
Use only your front brake.

5 . This sign means:

Four-lane traffic ahead.
Divided highway ahead.
Two-way traffic ahead.

6 . When traveling in heavy traffic, maintain a minimum ______ following distance.


7 . Having only one alcoholic drink before riding:

Will not lead to a DUI conviction.
Will never affect your riding skills.
Can affect your ability to operate a motorcycle.

8 . This sign means:

Trucks under 18,000 pounds are allowed.
Hill ahead.
Truck stop ahead.

9 . A pre-ride inspection:

Takes only minutes.
Takes about an hour.
Should only be done by a certified mechanic.

10 . Whichever style of helmet you choose, you will get the most protection by ensuring that your helmet:

Fits snugly.
Is clean.
Looks cool.

11 . What does alcohol do to your riding skills and judgement?

It harms both riding skills and judgement.
It helps riding skills but harms your judgement.
It has no effect on either riding skills or judgement.

12 . Before starting a turn, a motorcyclist should change gears to:

Prevent a change in power in the middle of the turn.
Be able to keep both hands on the handle grips during the turn.
Prevent the motorcycle from slowing down.

13 . When motorcyclists ride in a group:

Inexperienced riders should lead the group.
Inexperienced riders should be near the front of the group.
Inexperienced riders should be in the back of the group.
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14 . The faster you drink alcohol:

The faster the alcohol is removed from your body.
The faster the alcohol accumulates in your body.
The less the alcohol affects your body.

15 . This sign shows one type of:

Right turn.
Lane change.

16 . A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield:

Protects your face, but not your eyes.
Protects your eyes, but not your whole face.
Helps protect your whole face.

17 . When your mirrors are properly adjusted, you should see:

The lane behind you and the lane next to you.
Only behind your motorcycle.
Only next to your motorcycle.

18 . What does this sign mean?

No right turn
No left turn
No U-turn

19 . Should you wear gloves while riding a motorcycle?

Yes. Your hands may cold while riding.
Yes. They provide an improved grip and help protect your hands.
No. Gloves are not recommended as they can interfere with the controls.

20 . A sign with this shape means:

Railroad crossing.
Signal ahead.

21 . When it starts to rain, it is usually best to:

Ride on the right side of the lane.
Ride on the edge of the road.
Ride in the tire tracks left by cars.

22 . You should operate the engine cut-off switch and pull in the clutch when:

The throttle is stuck and you cannot free it.
You start to lose control in a curve.
The motorcycle starts to wobble.

23 . This road sign means:

School crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Jogging trail.

24 . When preparing to pass a vehicle on the left, you should ride in which portion of the lane?


25 . The proper action to take when riding an unfamiliar motorcycle for the first time is to:

Just start riding. There is no better way to learn than by doing.
Just start riding. Most bikes are similar, so you don’t have to take the time to identify safety features.
Work the throttle, clutch, and brakes before riding to learn the bike's gear pattern.