1 . Mirror adjustment can only be checked properly if:

The trailer is straight.
There is no trailer attached to the tractor.
The vehicle is on a slight incline.
The vehicle is on a slight decline.

2 . If you’re unfamiliar with the area in which you must back up, you should:

Get out of your vehicle and walk around the area to become more familiar with it.
Not use both mirrors, as that can cause too much distraction.
Wait for someone else to back up in the area so you see how they do it.
Turn on your high beam headlights.

3 . Which agency helps coordinate emergency response to chemical hazards?

The National Response Center
The Federal Containment Organization
The United Center for Chemical Assistance
The National Transportation Network

4 . Roads are slippery when it first begins to rain because:

Water is slippery.
The fresh rain mixes with oil on the roadway.
The water has nowhere to go.
Concrete can be slippery.

5 . Driving at night is:

Safer than driving during the day.
Just as safe as driving during the day.
More dangerous than driving during the day.

6 . Many products classed as poison are also:


7 . While driving any vehicle in Kansas:

Creating a text is not permitted, but reading a text is.
Creating a text is permitted, but reading a text is not.
Neither creating nor reading a text is permitted.
Only reading a text from an employer is permitted.

8 . Unbaffled tanks are also referred to as ____ tanks.

Smooth bore

9 . Which of the following is not a sign of a person being drowsy?

Frequent blinking
Drifting from your lane
Feeling hungry

10 . When approaching a railroad crossing:

You will likely be able to outdrive a train.
You should not rely only on warning signals.
You should roll a window down to listen for an approaching train.
You should only worry about the track closest to your vehicle.

11 . If feeling sleepy while driving, you should:

Press on and finish the trip.
Drive faster to arrive to your destination sooner.
Leave the road and take a nap.
Take an energy pill.
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12 . If the trailer begins to skid, it is best to:

Release the brakes.
Quickly turn the steering wheel one way, then the other.

13 . When approaching a railroad crossing while transporting chlorine:

You must stop before crossing the tracks.
You must reduce your speed before crossing the tracks.
You can proceed without stopping if no warning lights are flashing.
You can proceed without stopping if no other vehicles are within sight.

14 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Six to seven
Seven to eight
Eight to nine

15 . Shipping papers should be:

Hidden from view.
Placed in the glove box.
Easily seen by anyone entering the cab.

16 . If a tire fails, you should:

Loosen your grip on the steering wheel.
Immediately apply the brakes.
Check your tires after coming to a complete stop.
Turn sharply off the road.

17 . What could indicate that a shipment you are accepting contains hazardous materials?

The cargo is stored in cylinder tanks.
The cargo is picked up from a supermarket.
The cargo is packaged in cardboard boxes.
The cargo has green packaging.

18 . An Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS):

Allows wheels to lock up.
Prevents wheels from locking up.
Makes it easier to turn a large vehicle.
Assists with the operation of brake lights.

19 . When driving in fog, you should:

Use the windshield wipers.
Use the low beam lights.
Use the high beam lights.
Use the heater.

20 . The trailer hand valve should be used:

To test the trailer brakes.
To check the connection between the trailer and tractor.
To accelerate.
To test the lights on the trailer.