1 . The brake pedal is part of which braking system?

The service brake system
The parking brake system
The emergency brake system
The auxiliary brake system

2 . If unsure if a road is becoming icy, a driver can:

Open the window and check the front of the mirror for ice.
Try to look at the road closely.
Look at a weather forecast.

3 . Roads are slippery when it first begins to rain because:

Water is slippery.
The fresh rain mixes with oil on the roadway.
The water has nowhere to go.
Concrete can be slippery.

4 . If confronted by an aggressive driver, you should:

Stay in their path.
Make eye contact with the driver.
Make gestures at the driver.
Report the driver.

5 . Multi-speed axles and auxiliary transmissions are used:

To make a vehicle run more smoothly.
To provide extra gears.
To get improved gas mileage.
To make a vehicle less noisy.

6 . When inspecting the interior of a bus, you should:

Assume all emergency exits work properly.
Loosen every seat.
Check all signaling devices.
Not waste time looking at the handrails and floor lining.

7 . Hydroplaning usually occurs:

When tires are properly inflated.
At speeds under 15 mph.
In areas where water collects on the road.
During the evening.

8 . Mirror adjustment can only be checked properly if:

The trailer is straight.
There is no trailer attached to the tractor.
The vehicle is on a slight incline.
The vehicle is on a slight decline.

9 . Failing to drain the tanks in an air brake system can result in:

Water freezing and causing brake failure.
Squishy brakes.
Too much air collecting.
Too much fuel being carried.

10 . If feeling sleepy while driving, you should:

Press on and finish the trip.
Drive faster to arrive to your destination sooner.
Leave the road and take a nap.
Take an energy pill.

11 . When driving in fog, you should:

Use the windshield wipers.
Use the low beam lights.
Use the high beam lights.
Use the heater.
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12 . Air tank drains:

Allow rain water to enter the tank.
Are used to drain water and compressor oil from the air tank.
Should never be opened.
Must remain open during transit.

13 . In general, refueling a bus should be done:

With passengers on board.
With passengers on board, but only if it is unavoidable.
With passengers on board if they say it is okay.
By a passenger.

14 . A low air pressure warning signal should activate:

When tank pressure falls below 120 psi.
When tank pressure falls below 60 psi.
When tank pressure falls below 10 psi.
When tank pressure falls below 5 psi.

15 . Which of the following surfaces provides the least amount of traction?

Ice that is dry
Ice that is wet
Wet pavement
Dry pavement

16 . Eating while driving:

Is a good way to maximize time.
Is encouraged on long trips.
Creates a distraction for the driver.
Is mandatory so cargo is not left unsupervised.

17 . The standee line is:

A line that passengers must stand behind.
A line that passengers must stand on.
A line that should be used as passengers exit the bus.
A line on the outside of a bus.

18 . Which of the following is not a sign of a person being drowsy?

Frequent blinking
Drifting from your lane
Feeling hungry

19 . When planning to drive a bus that has been parked for a few days:

The driver should assume the interior is in good working order.
The driver should call the local police department.
The driver should do a walkthrough inspection to ensure no damage has occurred since the last trip.
The driver should ask the passengers to check the interior of the bus.

20 . While driving any vehicle in Kansas:

Creating a text is not permitted, but reading a text is.
Creating a text is permitted, but reading a text is not.
Neither creating nor reading a text is permitted.
Only reading a text from an employer is permitted.