1 . The center of the roadway is marked with one solid yellow line and one broken yellow line. If the broken yellow line is directly next to your traffic lane, it means:

You are not allowed to pass in this area.
You are in a passing zone and it is safe for you to pass other vehicles on the left if no oncoming traffic is present.
You are only allowed to make right turns in this area.

2 . If oncoming headlights are blinding you while you are driving at night, you should:

Look toward the right edge of the road.
Switch your lights to high beams.
Turn your lights on and off.

3 . Should you always drive more slowly than other traffic?

No, you can block traffic when you drive too slowly.
Yes, it is a good defensive driving technique.
Yes, it is always safer than driving faster than other traffic.

4 . Before you enter an intersection, you should look to your:

Left, your right, then your left again.

5 . At a railroad crossing, you must:

Watch for vehicles that must stop at all railroad crossings (school buses, trucks carrying hazardous materials, etc.).
Watch for multiple trains.
Both of the above.

6 . At intersections with a "Yield" sign, you must:

Yield the right-of-way to cross traffic that is near enough to cause conflict.
Yield the right-of-way only to vehicles on your right.
Always slow down and proceed without stopping.

7 . Your license will:

Expire on your birthday.
Never expire.
Renew automatically.

8 . A flashing red traffic light at an intersection means:

The same thing as a yield sign.
The light is about to turn green.
The same thing as a stop sign.

9 . If it feels like your tires have lost contact with the surface of the road, you should:

Slow down by shifting into a lower gear.
Ease your foot off the gas pedal.
Slow down by pumping the brakes quickly and firmly.

10 . When parking next to a curb, you should use your turn signals:

Only when pulling away from the curb.
When pulling next to, but not away from, the curb.
When pulling next to or away from the curb.

11 . When passing a row of parked vehicles, you should:

Be prepared for a person or vehicle to unexpectedly enter your lane.
Expect all other drivers and pedestrians to respect your right-of-way.
Drive closely to the parked vehicles to allow more room for moving traffic.

12 . Interstate driving requires drivers to:

Have the ability to safely drive at increased speeds.
Be constantly alert.
Both of the above.

13 . If your vehicle has an Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) and you need to stop quickly, you should:

Firmly press the brake pedal and hold.
Pump the brake pedal.
Gradually press the brake pedal.
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14 . If a truck or bus is making a right turn where you also need to make a right turn, you should:

Quickly turn before the truck or bus is able to.
Wait until the truck or bus turns before you turn.
Squeeze between the truck or bus and the curb.

15 . Temporary signs used in construction and maintenance work areas:

Have a red background with green writing.
Have an orange background with black writing.
Have a yellow background with blue writing.

16 . At a crosswalk:

You must yield to pedestrians.
Pedestrians must yield to you.
Construction workers must yield to you.

17 . Streets and highways are most slippery:

When it has been raining hard for several hours.
When they are clean and dry.
Just after it starts to rain.

18 . This sign means:

Yield sign ahead.
Side road entering from left.
Stop sign ahead.

19 . At a red traffic light with a green arrow, you may proceed in the direction of the arrow if:

You first come to a complete stop.
You wait until the light changes.
You are in the proper lane and the roadway is clear.

20 . When driving in fog, you should:

Use your high beam headlights.
Use your parking lights.
Use your low beam headlights.

21 . What does this road sign indicate?

Directions for children
School zone ahead
Playground area ahead

22 . What does this road sign mean?

Be ready to merge with traffic entering your lane.
Always stop.
Divided highway ahead.

23 . When changing lanes, identify a:

Two- to three-second gap in traffic.
Three- to four-second gap in traffic.
Four- to five-second gap in traffic.

24 . A flashing yellow light at an intersection means you should:

Slow down and proceed with caution.
Come to a complete stop as quickly as possible.
Stop and proceed only when the intersection is clear.

25 . This road sign means:

Flagger ahead.
Turn left at the intersection.
Last turn before a toll road.