1 . When exiting a vehicle, it is important to maintain ____ with your vehicle at all times.

Three points of contact
Four points of contact
Two points of contact

2 . With the exception of the straight line backing exercise, a driver may exit their vehicle and check its position during testing exercises up to:

One time.
Two times.
Three times.

3 . If there is a fire on a school bus, the students:

Must be evacuated.
Should stay on the bus but be moved to a part of the bus unaffected by the fire.
Should stay in their seats.

4 . When stopping to pick up students, be sure to park at least 10 feet away from the students because:

You will have a good view of their movements.
It will be difficult to get any closer to the students.
Students should walk for exercise.

5 . If a student drops an item while approaching a school bus, the student should:

Stop and pick up the object.
Have another student pick up the object.
Ask the driver to pick up the object.

6 . For a basic vehicle control skills test, you are expected to be able to:

Alley dock.
Weave between a line of cones.
Complete an emergency stop.

7 . If a school bus needs to be evacuated, passengers should :

Always exit through the rear door.
Use the exit deemed safest.
Always exit through the front door.

8 . ABS allows you to:

Drive faster.
Drive less carefully.
Maintain control under slippery conditions.

9 . When performing a pre-trip inspection and looking into the fifth wheel gap, you should:

Make sure there is a gap between the kingpin and the locking jaws.
Make sure the locking jaws are fully closed around the kingpin.
Make sure the locking jaws are loose.

10 . If your bus stalls on a railroad track, what should you do?

Get everyone out of the bus and move far from the bus.
Keep everyone inside of the bus and try to wave down the train to make it stop.
Keep everyone inside the bus and wait for help.

11 . If your vehicle's ABS is malfunctioning:

You will not have any working brakes.
You will still have brakes.
You should only use the parking brake.
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12 . The overhead rearview mirror is located:

On the right side of a bus.
On the steering wheel of a bus.
Above the windshield inside a bus.

13 . When alley docking, you should first:

Position your vehicle directly in front of the alley.
Back up directly in front of the alley.
Stop parallel to the outer boundary of the alley.

14 . When taking the basic vehicle control skills test, failing to exit your vehicle properly during any exercise will result in:

Failure of only that exercise.
An extra point against your final score.
Automatic failure of the basic vehicle control skills test.

15 . A school bus's danger zones are located:

Only to the front of the bus.
Only to the rear and left side of the bus.
To the front, sides, and rear of the bus.

16 . When asked to make a lane change during the driving test, you should:

Make the change as soon as the examiner asks, without looking.
Use your turn signal and change lanes when safe.
Make the lane change as quickly as possible, even if that means cutting off another driver.

17 . Active railroad crossings:

Have traffic control devices installed.
Do not have any traffic control devices installed.
Are crossed by at least 10 vehicles every hour.

18 . A bus driver approaching a bus stop should stop at least 10 feet away from waiting students because:

The students will have to walk to the bus, making it easier to see their movements.
Buses are difficult to drive.
The students may get scared of the bus coming toward them.

19 . When encountering a railroad crossing during the driving test, you should:

Pass another vehicle on the tracks if the other vehicle is moving too slowly.
Change lanes while on the tracks.
Not change gears while on the tracks.

20 . If you are stopped at a railroad crossing while operating a school bus, you should:

Prepare to proceed as soon as a train passes.
Ignore signs and signals.
Open the door to listen for approaching trains.