1 . You hit a parked vehicle and can't find the owner. What must you do?

Call your insurance company when you get home.
Wait for the owner to return.
Leave a note with your name and address on the parked vehicle.

2 . If your vehicle starts to lose traction because of water on the road, you should:

Drive at a constant speed to gain better traction.
Apply the brakes firmly to prevent your vehicle from sliding.
Slow down gradually and not apply the brakes.

3 . Signaling your intentions before turning, changing lanes, or driving away from a curb:

Is necessary only if other traffic is present.
Is a good driving habit and is required by law.
Is necessary only during the maneuver, not before.
Is not necessary if the maneuver is done slowly.

4 . At night, it is hardest to see:

Road signs.
Other motorists.
Street lights.

5 . When driving behind another vehicle at night, you should:

Keep your headlights on the low beam setting.
Use your high beam headlights until you are within 10 feet of the vehicle ahead.
Use your high beam headlights.

6 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Divided highway ends.
Two-way traffic.
Keep left.

7 . If you miss your exit on the freeway, you should not:

Continue on the freeway and find an alternate route to your destination.
Proceed to the next exit, leave the freeway, and return to your proper exit.
Back up on the road or shoulder.

8 . You may not cross a single broken white or yellow line:

When doing so would interfere with traffic.
When turning left into a driveway.
When the car in front of you is disabled.
When passing to the right on a one-way street.

9 . This sign means:

No right turn.
Keep right.
No U-turn.
Left lane must turn left.

10 . You are making a left turn from a two-way street onto a one-way street. When you have completed the turn, your car should be:

In the right lane of the street.
In the center of the street.
In the left lane of the street.
In the lane with the least traffic.

11 . Traffic signs and pavement markings:

Must always be obeyed.
Are merely suggestions.
Must be followed only when there is other traffic.
Must be followed only when a police officer is present.

12 . If you are driving and a tire suddenly goes flat, you should:

Rapidly pump the brake pedal several times.
Slow down gradually and not brake.
Press down on the brake pedal as hard as you can.

13 . Which of these statements is true about driving and taking medications?

Most cold medications can make a person drowsy.
Over-the-counter medications cannot impair driving ability if taken in the recommended dosages.
Medications are safe to take at any time, if prescribed by a doctor.

14 . Large trucks are likely to lose speed when:

Driving up long or steep hills.
Driving in long, gradual curves.
Driving down long, gradual hills.

15 . If you must park your vehicle in an area not usually used for parking:

Park with your reverse lights on.
Make sure your vehicle is visible to drivers approaching from any direction.
Park five feet from the curb.

16 . It is best to keep a space cushion:

Only in back of your vehicle.
Only on the left and right sides of your vehicle.
Only in front of the vehicle.
On all sides of the vehicle.

17 . When approaching an intersection controlled by a flashing yellow light, you must:

Come to a complete stop at the intersection.
Maintain your normal speed.
Slow down and proceed with caution.

18 . Which of these statements is true about roadwork zones?

Fines are the same for violations committed in work zones as they are under normal traffic conditions.
You must "Slow for the Cone Zone."
Slow down only if you think workers are present.
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19 . On a two-lane street, your vehicle is being followed by a fire engine that is not using its emergency signals. You should:

Continue to drive in a normal manner.
Stop as quickly as you can.
Speed up to get out of its way.
Slow down, move as far to the right as possible, and stop.

20 . When approaching a railroad crossing warning sign:

Be ready to drive faster than the train.
Be prepared to stop if a train is nearby.
Look for a way around any lowered gates.
Assume no trains are nearby and continue driving normally.

21 . Headlights are required when visibility is less than:

100 feet.
300 feet.
500 feet.

22 . If an aggressive driver cuts you off, you should:

Call the police immediately.
Stay calm and move out of the aggressive driver's way.
Flash your vehicle's lights to let the aggressive driver know he is wrong.
Use a driving action of your own to get back at the aggressive driver.

23 . At a school crossing sign, you should:

Always stop, whether there’s a stop sign or not.
Watch for children and be ready to stop.
Always sound your horn when you see children.
Be ready to help children crossing the street.

24 . You may drink alcoholic beverages in a vehicle on a public highway:

As long as you aren't driving.
If you are riding in the back seat.
If you are riding in the back of a pick-up truck.
Under no circumstances.

25 . If involved in an accident, a driver should:

Stop their vehicle at or near the scene.
Not stand or walk in traffic lanes.
Turn off the ignitions of wrecked vehicles.
All of the above.

26 . This road sign means:

You must travel at the speed indicated.
The maximum legal speed on the roadway is 55 mph.
You must travel through the intersection at the posted speed.
None of the above.

27 . What is the only effective way to remove alcohol from the body?

Drink strong coffee.
Take a cold shower.

28 . Before changing lanes on a multilane highway, you should:

Sound your horn.
Turn on your headlights.
Reduce your speed.
Check your mirrors and blind spots.

29 . ____ greatly increase stopping distances and severity of crashes.

High speeds
Slow speeds
Night drives
Uphill inclines

30 . You reach an intersection with stop signs on all four corners at the same time as the driver on your left. Who has the right-of-way?

The driver on your left has the right-of-way.
You have the right-of-way.
Whoever is signaling to make a turn has the right-of-way.

31 . If oncoming headlights are blinding you while you are driving at night, you should:

Look toward the right edge of the road.
Switch your lights to high beams.
Turn your lights on and off.

32 . Roads are slippery after it first starts to rain. When the road is slippery, you should:

Avoid making turns and stops while driving at high speeds.
Test your tires' traction while going uphill.
Decrease the distance you look ahead of your vehicle.

33 . You are driving when your power steering stops working. You should:

Honk your horn and turn off the ignition.
Turn on your hazard lights and brace yourself.
Work hard to steer, reduce your speed, drive to a safe area, and stop.
Slam on your brakes.

34 . This sign means:

Divided highway ahead.
Right lane ends ahead.
Watch for vehicles entering from the side.

35 . Increase your following distance when driving behind a large vehicle:

To better see around the sides of the vehicle.
Because other drivers tend to pull behind large vehicles before trying to pass them.
Because following too closely will get you caught in the vehicle's slipstream.