1 . Riding at night:

Is discouraged.
Is made safer by wearing reflective clothing.
Is not safe because other drivers cannot see your turn signals.
Should only be done in the city.

2 . Drivers on an entrance ramp may not see you on the highway. What should you do to help an entering driver merge safely?

Stay in your lane, as it is not your responsibility to be seen.
Change to a lane away from the entrance ramp, if possible.
Move to the shoulder.
Weave within your lane to be more obvious to the entering driver.

3 . Anti-Lock Braking Systems (ABS) are designed to:

Prevent skidding and wheel lock-up.
Prevent brakes from activating if the roadway is dry.
Apply brakes automatically.
Warn you when your brake pad needs replacing.

4 . An engine will seize due to:

A lack of fuel.
A lack of oil.
A lack of coolant.
Improper tire inflation.

5 . This sign means:

School ahead.
School crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Construction workers on or near the roadway.

6 . What does alcohol do to your riding skills and judgement?

It harms both riding skills and judgement.
It helps riding skills but harms your judgement.
It has no effect on either riding skills or judgement.
It has no effect on judgement but it harms riding skills.

7 . When a lead rider extends their left arm straight out with their palm facing up before swinging their arm upward, it means:

Speed up.
Pull over.
Hazard in the roadway.
Slow down.

8 . On a motorcycle, a horn:

Is useless.
Usually cannot be heard by others.
Can be used to get someone’s attention quickly.
Should not be used.

9 . Maintaining a space cushion between your motorcycle and its surroundings is important because it:

Prevents distractions from other vehicles.
Keeps traffic flowing at a steady pace.
Allows you time to react to unexpected situations.
Keeps other drivers alert.

10 . When riding in a group, you should:

Never use a staggered formation.
Place inexperienced riders at the back of the group.
Not use your mirrors.
Not tailgate other riders within the group.

11 . When riding at night, you should:

Be flexible about your lane position and adjust to changing conditions.
Travel at a faster speed than usual to get to your destination more quickly.
Always use your low beam headlight to see better.
Decrease your following distance so you can be as close as possible to the vehicle ahead.

12 . This sign means:

Curve ahead.
Roadwork ahead.
Merging traffic.
No left turn.

13 . This sign means:

The highway ahead curves only to the right.
The highway ahead turns sharply to the right.
The highway ahead curves to the right and then to the left.
The highway ahead curves to the left and then to the right.
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14 . What should you be most concerned about when you see this sign?

Driving with your headlights out of alignment because one side of your car is higher than the other.
Damaging a tire from drifting onto the shoulder.
Hydroplaning, if the shoulder has water on it.
Losing control of the vehicle if you drift onto the shoulder.

15 . When riding in a group, inexperienced riders should ride:

In the front of the group.
Right behind the leader.
At the back of the group.
Wherever they are most comfortable.

16 . This road sign means:

Do not enter.
No parking.
No U-turn.
No left turn.

17 . In any crash, you have a better chance of avoiding serious injury if you do all of the following, except:

Wear an approved helmet.
Wear face or eye protection.
Wear protective clothing.
Have a windshield.

18 . Scan the road ______ ahead of your motorcycle.

12 seconds
10 seconds
Five seconds
Three seconds

19 . This sign is used to prevent:

Entrance to full parking lots.
Entrance to road construction areas.
Entrance to dead-end streets.
Entrances from the wrong direction on one-way streets and expressway ramps.

20 . At an intersection with a yield sign, you should:

Always stop before entering the intersection.
Yield just to the traffic on the right.
Yield just to the traffic on the left.
Slow down and yield the right-of-way to other traffic.

21 . Which of the following will protect your eyes from the wind?


22 . If your motorcycle begins to wobble, you should:

Accelerate out of the wobble.
Use the brakes gradually.
Grip the handlebars firmly and close the throttle gradually.

23 . In addition to hazardous road conditions, riders should search for:

Traffic approaching from behind.
Oncoming traffic that could turn left in front of them.
Traffic entering from side roads to the left and right.
All of the above.

24 . When changing lanes, riders should:

Rely only on their mirrors to identify other vehicles.
Turn their head to look for traffic behind them.
Not worry about other traffic.
Slam on the brakes to allow any vehicles in their blind spot to pass.

25 . When a lead rider extends their left arm straight out with their palm facing down before swinging their arm downward, it means:

Slow down.
Double-file formation.
Single-file formation.
Speed up.