1 . A larger cushion of space may not be necessary if:

The pavement is slippery.
You cannot see through the vehicle ahead of you.
Weather and traffic conditions are perfect.
Traffic is heavy.

2 . When you ride, the best gear to wear is:

Any gear that helps to protect you.
The lowest-priced gear.
Gear that looks good.
Any gear that fits.

3 . In general, when riding at night, your headlight should:

Not be used.
Be used on its high beam setting.
Be used on its low beam setting.
Alternate between high beam and low beam settings.

4 . When riding three-wheeled motorcycles in a group, you should travel in:

A staggered formation.
The left portion of the lane.
A single-file formation.

5 . Lane sharing is:

Allowed in heavy traffic to maximize lane space.
Allowed if there is adequate lane space for both vehicles.

6 . Before every ride, you should:

Make sure your bike's brake lights work properly.
Make sure the paint on the bike is not peeling.
Make sure your bike is completely clean.
Make sure you can see your helmet in your mirrors.

7 . When slowing down or stopping, you must:

Shift down through the gears.
Shift up through the gears.
Shift into neutral.
Never change gears.

8 . If a driver is following you too closely, you should:

Flash your brake light before you slow to warn the other driver.
Pull over to the side of the road.
Slow down.

9 . If road conditions require a longer stopping distance than normal, you should:

Decrease your usual following distance.
Increase your usual following distance.
Travel on the shoulder.
Ask someone else to operate your motorcycle.

10 . A helmet should not:

Meet U.S. DOT standards.
Fit snugly.
Be without obvious defects.
Have been previously worn in an accident.

11 . If you must swerve, you should:

Shift your weight quickly.
Turn your handlebars quickly.
Press the handgrip in the direction of the turn.
Press the handgrip in the opposite direction of the turn.

12 . When passing another driver, you should:

Move out of their blind spot as quickly as possible.
Linger in their blind spot.
Decelerate in the passing lane.
Not worry about your own blind spot.

13 . This sign means:

Trucks under 18,000 lbs. allowed.
Hill ahead.
Truck stop ahead.
No trucks allowed.
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14 . A proper lane position should do all of the following, except:

Allow you to set up for turns.
Allow an escape route.
Allow you to avoid wind blasts from other vehicles.
Allow you to be in another vehicle’s blind spot.

15 . When riding a motorcycle, you should:

Wear long pants.
Wear shorts if it is warm outside.
Wear loose-fitting clothing.
Wear sandals.

16 . When applying the front brake, you should:

Apply the lever by squeezing firmly and progressively.
Grab at the brake with only two fingers.
Press down on the brake lever with your foot.
Stomp on the brake lever.

17 . As you accelerate, you should:

Shift up to a higher gear.
Shift down to a lower gear.
Remain in your first gear.
Remain in a neutral gear.

18 . When slowing or stopping, you should use both brakes:

Only if the pavement is wet.
Only when riding in the city.
Every time.

19 . Which of the following is true?

The front and rear brakes provide equal braking power.
The front brake provides more braking power than the rear brake.
The rear brake provides more braking power than the front brake.
Only the front brake should be used when braking.

20 . If you are riding over rain grooves or bridge gratings and your motorcycle begins to weave, you should:

Brake suddenly.
Steer in a weaving pattern.
Relax, maintain a steady speed, and ride straight across the grooves.
Move to the leftmost portion of the lane.

21 . More than half of all crashes:

Occur at speeds greater than 35 mph.
Are caused by worn tires.
Happen in the dark.
Involve riders who have little experience on their motorcycles.

22 . This sign means:

Slippery when wet.
Tow-away zone.
Steep downgrade.
Roadwork ahead.

23 . When gripping the handgrips, your hands should:

Be above your elbows.
Be close to your elbows.
Be even with or below your elbows.
Feel relaxed and free.

24 . When following a car, usually the best portion of the lane to ride in is:

The left portion.
The center portion.
The right portion.
The left or right portions.

25 . When passing, you:

Should ride within the speed limits.
Should decelerate.
May ride 10 mph above the maximum speed limit.
May ride 15 mph above the maximum speed limit.