1 . When asked to complete a driver's side parallel parking maneuver, you should:

Pass the parking space while backing, then pull forward into it.
Pull forward past the parking space, then back into it.
Pull forward into the parking space without passing it first.
Back into the parking space without passing it first.

2 . A school bus must be evacuated if:

The bus has stalled in winter weather conditions.
The air conditioning system has broken.
There is any imminent danger of collision.
Students are getting motion sickness.

3 . When taking the basic vehicle control skills test:

Points are deducted for each pull-up.
A driver is allowed three pull-ups per maneuver.
A pull-up will earn points only if the driver gets out of the vehicle before pulling up.
Only an excessive number of pull-ups will be counted as errors.

4 . During a basic vehicle control skills test, you may be asked to:

Alley dock.
Parallel park to your right.
Parallel park to your left.
All of the above.

5 . After traveling under an overpass during the driving skills test, you may be asked to recall:

The posted clearance.
The posted weight limit.
The width of the opening.
If there was a shoulder near the roadway.

6 . A school bus stop:

Can be added by the driver if there is a need.
Should be voted on by the students.
May change, depending on weather conditions.
Should be established by the proper school district authorities.

7 . Failing to exit your vehicle properly during an exercise in the basic vehicle control skills test will result in:

Failure of only that exercise.
A reset of that exercise.
Automatic failure of the basic vehicle control skills test.
An extra point against your score.

8 . When driving on the expressway during the skills test, you should:

Switch lanes frequently.
Use your mirrors to check traffic as needed.
Drive on the left side of the lane.
Drive above the posted speed limit.

9 . As students exit the bus, the driver should watch students to ensure that:

They are leaving in pairs.
They do not get caught on the handrail or door.
They do not talk while exiting the bus.
They all have shoes on.

10 . When taking the on-road test, you will be evaluated on regular traffic checks. You should not:

Scan the road for pedestrians.
Check traffic regularly.
Avoid checking your mirrors near intersections.
Check your mirrors regularly.

11 . When should you inspect the mirrors on a bus?

Before operating the bus
While operating the bus
After operating the bus
Is not necessary to inspect the mirrors.
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12 . What should properly adjusted outside side flat mirrors on a school bus allow the driver to see?

The sides of the school bus
Under the school bus
The front tires touching the ground
Vehicles in front of the bus

13 . A blind spot extends at least ____ behind a school bus.

10 feet
50 feet
100 feet
1,000 feet

14 . If you must drive a school bus during periods of high winds, you should:

Loosen your grip on the steering wheel.
Increase your speed.
Reduce your speed.
Drive normally.

15 . About how many seconds in advance of a bus stop should warning lights be activated?

One to two seconds
Two to four seconds
Five to ten seconds
45 seconds

16 . During the straight line backing exercise, how many times are you permitted to exit the vehicle to check its position?

One time
Two times
Three times
Four times

17 . Drivers should try to stop ____ away from students at a bus stop.

About 100 feet
At least 50 feet
At least 10 feet
Less than 10 feet

18 . If a student drops an item near a stopped bus, they should:

Hurry and pick up the item.
Leave the item behind.
Ask the driver to pick up the object.
Have another student pick it up.

19 . Backing a school bus is:

Strongly encouraged.
Strongly discouraged.
Only to be done in the morning.
Only to be done with students guiding you.

20 . A school bus stop:

Can be added by the driver if students are given notice of the change.
Should be voted on by the students and parents.
Should change frequently.
Should be established by the school and not changed.