1 . If an officer is directing traffic at a working traffic light, drivers should:

Follow the directions indicated by the traffic light.
Follow the directions given by the officer.
Honk at the officer.
Check to see what the cars next to them are doing.

2 . If you are driving near a motorcycle, you must:

Allow the motorcycle to use a complete lane.
Drive on the shoulder beside the motorcycle.
Allow the motorcycle to use only half of a lane.
Pass using the same lane as the motorcycle.

3 . A driver approaching a flashing red traffic signal must:

Slow down at the light.
Drive carefully without stopping.
Merge to the right.
Stop before entering the intersection.

4 . A slow-moving vehicle emblem is:

A rectangular red sign.
A circular green sign.
A diamond-shaped yellow sign.
A triangular orange sign.

5 . As you drive, you're required to stop your vehicle:

At an intersection with a stop sign.
Where there is a red light.
When a traffic officer orders you to stop.
All of the above.

6 . This sign means:

Stop ahead.
Buggy warning.
Limited parking.
Do not block intersection.

7 . If you reach an intersection where you wish to turn but you are not in the proper lane, you should:

Quickly cut across traffic to make your turn.
Turn on your blinker and make the turn from your current lane.
Drive to the next intersection and make your turn then.
Safely change lanes then put your vehicle in reverse to go back to the intersection.

8 . A person walking with a white cane or guide dog is likely to be:

A deaf person.
A person involved with a traffic study.
A blind person.
None of the above.

9 . Drivers who have consumed alcohol before getting behind the wheel:

Are always aware of the risks they are taking.
Do not have sufficient control over their bodies and minds or the vehicles being driven.
Are better drivers because they are more careful than sober drivers.
Have quicker reaction times.

10 . This sign means:

Steep downgrade.
Crossroad ahead.
No right turn.
Narrow bridge.

11 . This sign means:

You must drive slowly and sound your horn.
A bus stop is ahead.
You are entering a school's parking lot.
A school zone is ahead.

12 . An arrow painted on the pavement means:

Drivers in the proper lane may make the movement indicated by the arrow, if they choose to do so.
Drivers in the proper lane must make the movement indicated by the arrow, but only if traffic lights are not working.
Drivers in the proper lane must always come to a complete stop before making the movement indicated by the arrow.
Drivers in the proper lane must make the movement indicated by the arrow while following directions indicated by traffic signals.

13 . This sign means:

No right turns.
Right turns are permitted.
Stop before turning right.
Sharp curve ahead.

14 . A flashing red signal means:

Slow down.
The same thing as a stop sign.
Caution, there may be danger.
Look both ways and then proceed.

15 . If you stop along the road at night:

Turn off all your lights.
Use your parking lights only.
Use your headlights only.
Turn on your emergency flashers and leave your low beams turned on.

16 . The best way to avoid hydroplaning is to:

Keep your tires properly maintained.
Slow down when roads are wet or slushy.
Watch out for standing water or puddles.
All of the above.

17 . This sign means:

Highway changes ahead and to the right.
Hiking trails ahead and to the right.
Hotel ahead and to the right.
Hospital ahead and to the right.

18 . Traffic signals sometimes display arrows to control turns from specific lanes. A solid red arrow:

Is never used as a traffic signal.
Has the same meaning as a circular red traffic light.
Means that drivers may turn in the direction indicated by the arrow.
Means that the traffic the arrow is pointing toward must stop.

19 . Which of the following is a safe way to drive through a curve?

Slow down as you enter, speed up as you exit.
Maintain a constant speed throughout the curve.
Speed up as you enter, slow down as you exit.
Stay near the right edge of your lane.

20 . This road sign means:

Road construction ahead.
The road ahead curves left, then right.
The road ahead curves right, then left.
Steep grade ahead.

21 . When parking uphill next to a curb, set the parking brake and:

Keep the rear tires against the curb.
Keep the front tires straight ahead.
Turn your steering wheel away from the curb.
Turn your steering wheel toward the curb.

22 . A good rule to remember for passing is:

Pass on the right whenever possible.
Drive with the flow of traffic and pass only as needed.
Try to get to the front of any slow-moving traffic so that you can see better.
Always flash your lights and sound your horn to alert other drivers to your intentions.

23 . It is best to keep a space cushion:

Only in back of your vehicle.
Only on the left and right sides of your vehicle.
Only in front of the vehicle.
On all sides of the vehicle.

24 . If a vehicle using high beams comes toward you, you should look toward ____ of the road.

Either side
The center
The right side
The left side

25 . A good defensive driver:

Drives slowly at all times.
Looks out for the actions of other drivers.
Travels at a constant speed.
Only drives in familiar areas.

26 . It is important to slow down:

On narrow or winding roads.
At intersections or railroad crossings.
When the road is wet or slippery.
All of the above.
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27 . What does a single dashed white line separating traffic mean?

Drivers may pass, even if it could be dangerous.
Lanes move in opposite directions.
Drivers may not pass.
Drivers may pass if it is safe to do so.

28 . This sign indicates that:

There is a steep hill ahead.
No trucks are allowed on an upcoming hill.
A logging road is ahead.
There are trucks on an upcoming hill.

29 . This sign means:

Work crew ahead.
Deer crossing.
Low clearance.
One-way traffic.

30 . Your first response to reduced visibility should be:

Turning on your headlights.
Reducing your speed.
Turning on your windshield wipers.
Looking for road edge markings to guide you.

31 . This road sign means:

Turn right after making a complete stop.
Right turns are not permitted.
Left turns are permitted.
None of the above.

32 . An "End school zone" sign indicates:

That the speed limit is 20 mph.
The beginning of a reduced speed zone.
The increased possibility of encountering pedestrians.
The end of a reduced speed zone.

33 . What kinds of drugs can affect your driving ability?

Allergy medicine
Cold remedies
All of these choices

34 . What should you do when you see this sign?

Look for a train station ahead.
Signal before going any further.
Slow down and yield for trains.

35 . This road sign means:

No right turn.
Turn right or left.
Traffic flows only in the direction of the arrow.

36 . If another car is in danger of hitting you, you should:

Sound your horn.
Wave your arms.
Use your emergency lights.
Flash your headlights.

37 . When making a turn, you must ____ your speed.


38 . Increasing your vehicle’s speed:

Increases your field of vision.
Decreases your field of vision.
Makes it easier to see cross traffic.
Has no effect on your field of vision.

39 . While backing, you should:

Rely only on your mirrors.
Flash your lights.
Open your door to see if it is safe to proceed.
Turn your head and look through the rear window.

40 . A driver who is taking a non-prescription drug should:

Read the labels on the drug before driving.
Drink alcohol instead.
Continue to drive regardless of any warning labels.
Drive only during daylight hours.

41 . You are driving on a divided multilane highway and see or hear the signal of an approaching emergency vehicle. You should:

Disregard the signal if there are other lanes available for the emergency vehicle.
Stop as quickly as you can.
Slow down, move your vehicle to provide a clear path for the emergency vehicle, and stop.
Increase your speed to get out of the way of the emergency vehicle.

42 . Regulatory signs:

Are placed in every location where there is a present danger.
Indicate what a driver must or must not do.
Are diamond-shaped and yellow or green.
May warn drivers that they are approaching a school zone.

43 . This sign means:

Traffic signal.
Fire station.
T intersection.
Left turn signal.

44 . Points assessed against your license will remain on your driver record for:

Six months.
Nine months.
One year.
Two years.

45 . While driving on a two-lane road without bicycle lanes, you encounter a bicyclist traveling in the same direction. What is the safest way to pass the bicyclist?

Slow down and wait until there is no traffic approaching, then pass the bicyclist while leaving him or her sufficient space.
Continue driving straight. It is the bicyclist’s responsibility to get out of your way.
Do not pass the bicyclist until you come to a traffic signal or stop sign.
Honk at the bicyclist to let him or her know you are about to pass.

46 . This sign means:

Left lane must turn left.
Left turn on arrow only.
Steep downgrade.
Deer crossing.

47 . At an intersection with a yield sign, you should:

Always stop before entering the intersection.
Yield just to the traffic on the right.
Yield just to the traffic on the left.
Slow down and yield the right-of-way to other traffic.

48 . This road sign means:

Increase your speed.
Railroad crossing ahead.
Intersection ahead.
Four-way stop ahead.

49 . This sign means:

No U-turn.
No left turn.
No right turn.
No turning.

50 . If you’re going to turn left onto a one-way street, you should complete the turn into:

The right lane.
The lane closest to your previous lane.
Either lane.
Neither lane.