1 . When making a turn, when should you cancel your turn signal?

Before you enter the turn
In the middle of the turn
After the turn is completed
It does not matter.

2 . If you see lights ahead while driving in fog:

You can assume the lights are on the road.
It may be a reflection.
It may be an optical illusion.
The lights may not indicate where the road is as the vehicle may have pulled off the roadway.

3 . On slippery roads, you should:

Pass vehicles if they aren’t driving the speed limit.
Adjust driving to match the conditions.
Drive on the shoulder.
Accelerate and decelerate frequently.

4 . Before entering a curve, you should:

Speed up.
Drive on the shoulder.

5 . Without oil in its engine:

A vehicle will likely run smoothly.
A vehicle will make quick jerks while driving.
A vehicle's engine may be damaged quickly.
A vehicle's gas mileage will improve.

6 . Why should rental trucks be approached with caution?

It is a rental vehicle, so it likely isn’t insured.
Drivers are usually worried about their cargo.
Drivers may not be familiar with the limited views to the sides and rear.
They do not respond to the driver as well as other vehicles.

7 . If your trailer begins to drift off course while you are backing, you should:

Continue trying to back up without stopping.
Turn the top of your steering wheel in the direction of the drift.
Turn the top of the steering wheel in the direction opposite of the drift.
Return the steering wheel to the 12 o’clock position.

8 . What does the tractor protection valve do?

Protects the tractor from being stolen
Protects the tractor from exceeding a set speed
Keeps air in the braking system, should the trailer break away or develop a leak
Ensures oil adequately lubricates the engine

9 . Once cargo is secured:

You may complete an entire trip without checking it.
You can drive at least eight hours without checking it.
You should check it every three hours or 150 miles.
You should not check it.

10 . To help prevent a rollover, cargo should be:

Placed as high as possible inside the trailer.
Placed as low as possible inside the trailer.
Placed on the passenger side of the trailer.
Placed on the driver’s side of the trailer.

11 . What is the Johnson bar?

A hand valve that works the trailer brakes
A valve that indicates the fuel level
A valve that measures the amount of liquid in the air brake system
A valve that allows for the release of excess pressure in the braking system
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12 . If colors are being used to distinguish glad hands, which color is used for service lines?


13 . Escape ramps are:

Ramps to exit the interstate quickly.
Ramps connecting four-lane highways and two-lane highways.
Ramps that can be used by stop runaway vehicles on steep downhills.
Ramps that cannot be used by automobiles.

14 . For safest handling, the heaviest trailer should be:

Closest to the tractor.
Between two other trailers.
The last trailer.
Covered with a tarp.

15 . Brake fade is a result of:

Exposure to sunlight.
Exposure to moisture.
Excessive use.
Not using the brakes enough.

16 . If you’re driving and the ABS warning light comes on, it means:

The ABS is working properly.
The ABS has just been activated.
The ABS is not working properly.
The ABS needs to be activated.

17 . When inspecting the engine compartment, you should not:

Check the engine oil level.
Check the coolant level in the radiator.
Drain the brake fluid.
Check the windshield washer fluid level.

18 . Foundation brakes are used:

Only at the front wheels.
Only at the rear wheels.
Only at the driver’s side wheels.
At each wheel.

19 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Six to seven
Seven to eight
Eight to nine
Four to five

20 . To make a stop in a vehicle using air brakes, the driver should:

Press down the brake pedal.
Lift the brake pedal toward them.
Push in the brake knob.
Pull out the brake knob.