1 . More than ____ during a single skills test exercise will result in an automatic failure.

One encroachment
Two encroachments
Three encroachments
Zero encroachments

2 . Your vehicle's final position should be:

Exactly where the examiner has instructed it to be.
Within five feet of the final position described by the examiner.
Wherever you can safely park.
Within two feet of the final position described by the examiner.

3 . When should you inspect the mirrors on a bus?

Before operating the bus
While operating the bus
After operating the bus
Is not necessary to inspect the mirrors.

4 . During a basic vehicle control skills test, what is considered a look?

Walking to the back of a vehicle to check its position
Using side mirrors to check a vehicle's position
Looking out of the driver's side window to check a vehicle's position
A driver glancing over their shoulder to check blind spots

5 . Exceeding the number of pull-ups allotted for a single exercise will result in:

Failure of only that exercise.
A reset of that exercise.
Automatic failure of the basic vehicle control skills test.
An extra point against your score.

6 . When students are boarding a school bus, the driver should do all of the following, except:

Let students know when it is safe to board.
Count the number of students at the bus stop and ensure that all have boarded.
Allow student to board in pairs.
Check all mirrors for students rushing toward the bus.

7 . When exiting your vehicle, you must maintain ____ with the vehicle at all times.

One point of contact
Four points of contact
Three points of contact
Two points of contact

8 . If a driver needs to exit a school bus to ensure all the students have boarded, the driver should:

Leave the bus running.
Turn off the engine and take the key.
Ask another bus driver to keep an eye on their bus.
Ask all students to exit the bus.

9 . What happens if a driver exceeds the number of permitted looks during any particular exercise?

They must restart the exercise.
They will automatically fail the basic vehicle control skills test.
They will fail only that particular exercise.
Three points will be marked against their test score.

10 . When asked to complete an offset back/left parking maneuver, you should:

Pull straight forward, then back to the right.
Pull straight forward, then back to the left.
Pull forward to the right, then back in a straight line.
Pull forward to the left, then back in a straight line.

11 . If a driver cannot account for a student after the student has exited the bus, the driver should:

Secure and leave the bus to look for the student.
Assume the student has safely exited the bus.
Walk to the back of the bus to see if the student got back on.
Ask another student if they've seen the student.
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12 . When performing a pre-trip inspection, you should make sure that:

The pedal surface has been smoothed out.
The gas pedal sticks.
Nothing is obstrucing the pedals.
There is something underneath the brake pedal.

13 . During exercises that are not the straight line backing exercise, how many pull-ups are allowed without penalty?


14 . During the basic control skills test, you can acquire points by:

Crossing over an exercise boundary.
Pulling up one time.
Exiting the vehicle one time to check your positioning.
Setting the parking brake.

15 . When asked to complete an offset back/right parking maneuver, you should:

Pull straight forward, then back to the right.
Pull straight forward, then back to the left.
Pull forward to the right, then back in a straight line.
Pull forward to the left, then back in a straight line.

16 . During the pre-trip vehicle inspection test:

Applicants will not have to identify the ABS.
Windshield wipers are not to be addressed.
Shock absorbers only need to be checked on one axle.
The steering box should be checked for leaks.

17 . If a bus has a brake and accelerator interlock system, the system should:

Be turned off in most situations.
Only be used in inclement weather.
Never be used in place of the parking brake.
Operate the rear door.

18 . When exiting your vehicle, you:

Must maintain four points of contact with the vehicle.
May turn to face the road before your exit is complete.
Must be facing away from the vehicle.
Must be facing the vehicle.

19 . During a basic vehicle control skills test, you may be asked to:

Parallel park.
Inspect your tires.
Monitor your gauges.
Pull forward into a parking space.

20 . If exiting a bus during the basic vehicle control skills test, you must:

Keep both hands on the handrail.
Not touch the handrail.
Maintain a firm grasp on the handrail.
Rush down the stairs.