1 . When you see this road sign, you should:

Keep right.
Keep left.
Pass with caution.

2 . A steady red arrow displayed on a traffic light means:

Drivers cannot turn in the indicated direction.
Drivers may turn in the indicated direction after coming to a complete stop.
Drivers may turn in the indicated direction.

3 . If there is no crosswalk and you see a pedestrian crossing your lane, you should:

Make sure the pedestrian can see you before proceeding.
Cautiously drive around the pedestrian.
Stop and let the pedestrian finish crossing.

4 . This road sign means:

You are about to enter a one-way street from the wrong direction.
U-turns are prohibited.
You may proceed if the way is clear.

5 . When a school bus is stopped ahead on your side of the road with its red lights flashing, you must:

Slow to a speed no faster than 10 mph.
Stop until the lights stop flashing.
Change lanes and pass cautiously.

6 . Your car must have a horn that can be heard from a distance of 200 feet.


7 . If a motorist sees pedestrians in an upcoming crosswalk, what should the motorist do?

Continue ahead. The motorist has the right-of-way.
Wait for the pedestrians to cross the street.
Pull to the right and go around the pedestrians.

8 . This road sign means:

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed.
The road ahead winds in a series of turns or curves.
Traffic increases ahead.

9 . After making a proper stop and yielding to traffic or pedestrians within the intersection, it is permissible for drivers on a one-way street to turn left at a red light onto another one-way street that moves traffic to the left.


10 . Slow vehicles should use the left-hand lane, except when passing or making a left turn.


11 . This sign means:

Do not drink and drive.
Slippery when wet.
Road curves ahead.

12 . This sign means:

No right turn.
You must turn right.
Watch for traffic on your right.

13 . This sign means:

School zone or crossing.
Pedestrian crossing.
Railroad ahead.

14 . This sign shows one type of:

Right turn.
Lane change.

15 . A driver whose license has been revoked as a result of DUI must meet several requirements, including an evaluation for alcohol and drug problems and paying a reinstatement fee, to regain their license.


16 . This sign means:

You can travel in either direction in this lane.
There is two-way traffic.
You are approaching a divided highway.

17 . This sign means you are approaching a railroad crossing that does not have a signal. You should:

Come to a complete stop.
Proceed at a consistent speed while looking and listening for approaching trains.
Slow down, look both ways, listen for any trains, and be prepared to stop if any trains are nearby.

18 . What should a driver do when approaching a traffic control signal that is not in operation?

Come to a full stop and yield the right-of-way before entering the intersection.
If the intersection is clear, the driver does not need to stop.
Drive quickly through the intersection to get out of the way of other vehicles.
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19 . When experiencing a tire blowout, the driver should apply the brakes quickly and pull off the roadway to check the tire.


20 . This sign means:

You should stop for other traffic.
Traffic is entering from another road and you should allow additional space for drivers to merge safely into the flow of traffic.
Traffic is entering from another road and you should keep right.

21 . This sign means:

No passing zone.
Slow-moving vehicle.
Two-way traffic.

22 . The faster the speed of your vehicle, the longer it takes to stop when you must react to other drivers' unexpected movements.


23 . When arriving to an uncontrolled intersection at the same time as vehicles to your right and left, you should:

Yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on your left.
Yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on your right.
Wait until there are no vehicles at the intersection before proceeding.

24 . When turning left from a two-way street onto a one-way street, you should:

Turn into any lane.
Turn into first lane.
Turn into second lane.

25 . You are driving on a city street and see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you. What should you do?

Drive to the right edge of the road and slow down.
Drive to the right edge of the road and stop.
Stay in your lane, slow down, and let it pass.

26 . This is the shape and color of a ____ sign.

Wrong way

27 . This sign means:

Merge right.
Divided highway begins.
Lane ends.

28 . Because driving involves some risk, it is wise to continually improve your driving and observation skills.


29 . This red and white sign means you should:

Stop and check for traffic coming from both directions before proceeding.
Give the right-of-way to traffic on the road you wish to enter or cross.
Maintain a steady speed and check for traffic coming from all directions.

30 . When you see this sign, you:

Are approaching a railroad crossing and should prepare to stop.
Will always stop at the upcoming railroad crossing.
Should stop and wait for a signal before crossing the railroad tracks.

31 . It is necessary to use your low beams any time you are:

On a lighted street.
On a freeway.
In fog.

32 . Highways and roads freeze before ramps and bridges.


33 . A driver does not need to allow as much distance when following a motorcycle as when following a car.


34 . Continuous hard braking on ice and snow often:

Helps you stop faster.
Locks the front wheels of a vehicle, causing a loss of steering.
Keeps the brakes from freezing.

35 . If a driver is arrested and refuses to submit to testing, driving privileges will be suspended for only three months.
