1 . A broken yellow line beside a solid yellow line indicates that passing is:

Permitted from the side next to the solid yellow line.
Not permitted from either direction.
Permitted from the side next to the broken yellow line.

2 . This road sign means:

When pavement is wet, reduce your speed.
The road ahead winds in a series of turns or curves.
Traffic increases ahead.

3 . When changing lanes:

Check your side mirror and look over your shoulder to make sure the lane is clear.
Check the inside rearview mirror.
Slow down.

4 . When approaching an intersection controlled by a flashing yellow light, you must:

Come to a complete stop at the intersection.
Maintain your normal speed.
Slow down and proceed with caution.

5 . Before a driver can regain driving privileges after losing them for failure to pay damages caused by a crash, the driver must file proof of financial responsibility with the Secretary of State’s office.


6 . If your vehicle has a mechanical problem:

Signal and pull into the slow lane.
Stop in your lane and put on your hazard lights.
Put on your hazard lights and pull off the road.

7 . When preparing to make a left turn from a two-way street, you should drive:

Near the right-hand side of the road.
Near the centerline.
On the left of the centerline.

8 . It is illegal for persons under age 21 to drive with any trace of alcohol or drugs in their system.


9 . This sign means:

No right turn.
You must turn right.
Watch for traffic on your right.

10 . This sign means:

Do not drink and drive.
Slippery when wet.
Road curves ahead.

11 . It is unlawful to:

Pass another vehicle in any marked no passing zone.
Pass another vehicle over a railroad crossing.
Both of the above.

12 . Drivers may open car doors on the side on which traffic is moving only when it can be done safely and without interfering with traffic.


13 . To turn left from a multilane one-way street onto a one-way street, you should start your turn from:

Any lane (as long as it is safe).
The lane closest to the left curb.
The lane in the center of the road.

14 . What is the penalty for being convicted of illegally passing a stopped school bus?

Driving privilege or vehicle registration suspension and a minimum $150 fine.
A 60-day suspension of driving privileges.
A $30 fine and 14-day suspension of driving privileges.

15 . This sign means:

Change in direction or narrowing of roadway.
No right turn.
No passing zone.

16 . Increase your following distance when driving behind a large vehicle:

To better see around the sides of the vehicle.
Because other drivers tend to pull behind large vehicles before trying to pass them.
Because following too closely will get you caught in the vehicle's slipstream.

17 . If moving with a stream of vehicles across a railroad track, it is safe to stop on the track for a short period of time.


18 . Drivers are always required to stop for a stopped school bus when driving on a two-lane road.

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19 . This yellow sign means:

There is a sharp turn to the right.
The lane must turn right.
A right turn is permitted on a green arrow only.

20 . This sign tells a driver that:

A construction flagger is ahead.
A police officer is ahead.
A parking attendant is ahead.

21 . Regardless of fault, a crash report must be filed by the driver of a vehicle if the crash involves death, bodily injury, or property damage of more than $1,500 (or more than $500 if a vehicle is uninsured).


22 . You see pedestrians near the road. You should:

Sound your horn and maintain your speed.
Speed up to clear the area quickly.
Slow down and pass with caution.

23 . This sign is a:

Yield sign.
School crossing sign.
Stop sign.

24 . This sign is used to warn drivers about:

Upcoming intersections.
Road construction.
Road curves ahead.

25 . This yellow signs means:

The road ahead has many curves.
There is a sharp curve in the road ahead.
The road ahead may be slippery.

26 . Extra space in front of a large truck is needed for:

Other drivers to merge onto the freeway.
The truck driver to stop the vehicle.
Other drivers when they want to slow down.

27 . This sign indicates:

The distance from road surface to a bridge or overpass.
The maximum legal height of a vehicle allowed in this state.
The maximum width of a vehicle allowed on the highway.

28 . This sign means:

No U-turn.
No left turn.
No right turn.

29 . When passing another vehicle, a driver should wait until the entire car they've just passed is visible in the rearview mirror before changing back into the right-hand lane.


30 . When waiting at an intersection and the traffic signal light turns green, a driver should look to the left and then right before proceeding into the intersection.


31 . While in a motor vehicle on a highway, it is:

Illegal to either drink from or possess open containers of alcohol.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're not driving.
Legal to drink alcohol if you're driving but not drunk.

32 . A sign with this shape means:

No passing zone.
Right turn permitted on red.
Yield right-of-way.

33 . This yellow sign means:

One lane ahead.
Merging traffic ahead.
Lane ends ahead.

34 . If a traffic light shows both a red light and a green arrow, a driver may not turn in the direction of the arrow until the red light has changed.


35 . This road sign means:

The roadway ends ahead.
Drivers must bear either right or left.
A four-way intersection is ahead.