1 . If the road is wet, you should avoid:

The left portion of a lane.
The center portion of the lane.
The right portion of the lane.
All areas of the lane.

2 . To improve your chances of being seen, you should:

Use your headlight only at night or when conditions reduce visibility.
Always use your headlight.
Add an orange tint to your headlight.

3 . When looking through a turn, you should:

Turn your head and shoulders.
Turn just your head.
Turn your head, shoulders, and torso.

4 . Increase your following distance:

If the roadway is slippery.
If there are only a few vehicles on the roadway.
If the sun is shining.
If drivers are following the speed limit.

5 . If you cannot see through the vehicle ahead of you, your following distance should be a minimum of:

One second.
Two seconds.
Four seconds.
Ten seconds.

6 . When gripping the handgrips, your hands should:

Be above your elbows.
Be even with or below your elbows.
Be close to your elbows.
Feel relaxed and free.

7 . To be effective, an eye or face shield must:

Fasten securely.
Prevent air from passing through.
Not allow for eyeglasses to fit underneath.
Restrict your vision to the sides.

8 . This sign is used to prevent:

Entrance to full parking lots.
Entrance to road construction areas.
Entrance to dead-end streets.
Entrances from the wrong direction on one-way streets and expressway ramps.

9 . An Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) operates:

When maximum pressure is applied to only the front brake.
When maximum pressure is applied to only the rear brake.
When pressure is released from both the front and rear brakes.
When maximum pressure is applied to both the front and rear brakes.

10 . If wearing a jacket for protection while riding in hot weather, you should:

Take frequent breaks to cool off.
Remove the jacket to stay cool while in the sun.
Keep the jacket on to protect you from the heat.

11 . When traveling in heavy traffic, maintain a minimum ______ following distance.


12 . Your knees should be:

Against the handlebars.
Against the gas tank.
Straightened and wide.
Wherever you prefer.

13 . When preparing to pass another vehicle on the left, you should ride in:

The left side of the lane.
The center of the lane.
The right side of the lane.
Either the right or center portions of the lane.
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14 . One way to tell if your rear tire has gone flat while riding is if:

There is a hissing noise coming from the rear of the bike.
The back end is jerking from side to side.
You are unable to accelerate.
The rear brake does not work.

15 . Experienced riders use the acronym "SIPDE" as a way to stay aware of conditions around them. What does the "S" stand for in "SIPDE?"


16 . A rider's lane position should:

Hide them from other drivers.
Change frequently to avoid monotony.
Protect them from the wind.
Allow them to surprise other drivers.

17 . When being passed, it is usually best for motorcyclists to be in which part of the lane?

The right
The center
The left

18 . A motorcycle must include all of the following, except:

A headlight.
A windshield.

19 . To increase your line of sight when preparing to pass another vehicle on its left, you should:

Ride in the left portion of your lane.
Ride in the right portion of your lane.
Ride in the center portion of your lane.
Try to stand up on your motorcycle.

20 . When riding behind a car, traveling in the left third of the lane allows the driver to see you in their side mirror. What is a downside to this?

Most people don’t use their side mirrors as often as they use their rearview mirror.
The wind may prevent the use of a side mirror.
Side mirrors should not be used by motorists.

21 . The front brake:

Should only be used in an emergency.
Should be used with the rear brake.
Is unsafe to use.

22 . Which of the following surfaces is unlikely to provide poor traction for motorcyclists?

Manhole covers
Painted lane markings
Dry pavement
Metal plates

23 . When sitting on a motorcycle, you should:

Use your arms to hold up your body.
Sit at an angle so your arms can support your weight.
Sit so you can use your arms to control the motorcycle.

24 . Each traffic lane gives the motorcyclist how many paths of travel?


25 . When braking, you should:

Squeeze the front brake and press the rear brake.
Grab at the front brake and squeeze the rear brake.
Jam on the front brake and grab at the rear brake.
Press down on the front brake and jam on the rear brake.