1 . If driving so slowly that you could impede the flow of traffic, you should:

Drive on the shoulder.
Drive while using your emergency flashers.
Drive without using any lights.

2 . Rims with welding repairs:

Are not safe to be used.
Are acceptable on combination vehicles.
Are acceptable only when traveling at speeds under 40 mph.

3 . When backing a truck, you should:

Only use the side mirrors on the driver’s side.
Use both side mirrors.
Never use a helper.

4 . After a tire has been changed, the driver should stop after a short distance to:

Check the tightness of the lug nuts.
Lower the tire's air pressure.
See if rocks have gotten into the tread.

5 . Eating while driving is:

A good way to save time.
A dangerous activity.
Acceptable if you are eating foods that are easy to eat.

6 . Unsafely reaching for a phone is:

Acceptable if you are driving without a passenger.
Acceptable if you plan to use a hands-free feature.
Unacceptable even if you plan to use a hands-free feature.

7 . Rust around wheel nuts may mean:

It recently rained.
The nuts are loose.
The tire is not clean.

8 . A CMV should:

Not have a fire extinguisher, unless it is being used to transport hazardous materials.
Not have a fire extinguisher, unless it will be traveling through remote areas.
Have a fire extinguisher and other emergency equipment.

9 . Blocking a load:

Is dangerous and should never be done.
Helps to stabilize the load.
Is only done with liquid cargo.

10 . Traction is important in:

Safe braking.
Properly using turn signals.
Operating the horn.

11 . When inspecting the interior of a bus, a driver should make sure:

Every seat is easy to remove.
There is no chipping paint.
All signaling devices work properly.
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12 . After a tire has been changed, the driver should stop after a short distance to:

Check the tightness of the lug nuts.
Ensure that the tire has remained clean.
Inflate the new tire.

13 . How long should it take for oil pressure to reach a normal level when starting a vehicle?

A few seconds
About a minute
About four minutes

14 . Eating while driving:

Is a good way to maximize your time.
Is encouraged during long trips.
Is a distraction to the driver.

15 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Six to seven
Seven to eight
Eight to nine
Four to five

16 . Blocking a load:

Is only done with liquid cargo.
Helps to stabilize the load
Is dangerous and should never be done.

17 . Roof hatches on buses:

Must be removed before driving.
Must always be closed when driving.
May be locked in a partially-opened position.

18 . If your vehicle is hydroplaning, you should:

Use the accelerator.
Not use the brakes.
Put the vehicle in a higher gear.

19 . During the vehicle inspection test, you must be able to do all of the following, except:

Show where the power steering fluid dipstick is located.
Check for adequate power steering fluid.
Ensure that the power steering fluid level is above the full mark.

20 . Improperly loaded cargo can:

Look bad to other drivers.
Hurt or kill the driver during a quick stop.
Make it easier to stop a vehicle.