1 . Cargo with a high center of gravity:

Can make a vehicle likely to tip over.
Is encouraged in inclement weather.
Is required on some roads.

2 . Hydroplaning:

Rarely happens to trucks.
Usually happens when vehicles are traveling at speeds above 65 mph.
Can occur with a minimal amount of water on the roadway.

3 . In low temperatures, bridges usually freeze:

After other parts of the roadway.
Before other parts of the roadway.
At the same time as other parts of the roadway.

4 . When the wheels of a trailer lock up:

The trailer will be drivable.
The trailer may swing around.
The vehicle will maintain steering.

5 . An after-trip inspection should be done:

Once a week.
Once a month.
After every trip.

6 . When starting the engine of a truck with a trailer, you can tell that your vehicle's ABS is not working if:

The yellow light on the left rear of the trailer stays on.
The red light on the right side of the trailer flashes three times.
All the rear lights flash and then turn off.

7 . Before a trip, ensure that the fifth wheel is:

Free of grease.
Not touching the locking jaws.
Securely mounted.

8 . If a load is 10 feet long, it must be secured by a minimum of ____ tie-downs.


9 . Of the following, which is the most slippery surface?

Ice that is dry
Ice that is wet
Wet pavement

10 . Blocking a load:

Is only done with liquid cargo.
Helps to stabilize the load
Is dangerous and should never be done.

11 . The "crack-the-whip" effect can:

Turn over a trailer.
Be more effective than braking.
Make a truck move faster.
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12 . Header boards:

Should never be used.
Protect drivers from being hit by cargo.
Protect drivers' heads when they are entering the cab of a truck.

13 . When transporting cargo, drivers must check the securement of the cargo every:

10 miles.
150 miles.
500 miles.

14 . When backing a truck, you should:

Only use the side mirrors on the driver’s side of the vehicle.
Use both side mirrors.
Not use a helper.

15 . A low air pressure warning signal should activate:

When tank pressure falls below 120 psi.
When tank pressure falls below 60 psi.
When tank pressure falls below 10 psi.

16 . A truck should be parked:

So that it must be backed up to leave the space.
So that it can be pulled forward to leave the space.
On the grass.

17 . What should you do if the braking system cannot build up hydraulic pressure?

Hold the brake pedal down as far as it will go.

18 . If the coolant temperature gauge goes above the highest safe temperature, you should:

Continue to drive.
Pull over and figure out what's wrong.
Run the air conditioner.

19 . Braking mechanisms are located inside:

The fifth wheel.
A brake drum.
The landing gear.

20 . When loading a trailer, you should:

Place as little weight as possible over the axles.
Place a well-balanced amount of weight over the axles.
Not be concerned with how the weight is distributed.