1 . Before changing lanes on a multilane highway, you should:

Sound your horn.
Turn on your headlights.
Reduce your speed.
Check your mirrors and blind spots.

2 . If two drivers arrive at the same time to an open intersection:

The driver on the right has the right-of-way.
The driver on the left has the right-of-way.
One driver may continue driving without stopping.
One driver should honk to indicate that they are giving up the right-of-way.

3 . You experience an incident at work that has left you feeling angry. When you get to your car, you should:

Play the radio loudly so you won’t think about it.
Drive fast on the interstate to let off steam.
Take a few minutes to cool off before you begin your drive home.
Stop at your favorite bar and have a few drinks before driving home.

4 . You must stop at a railroad crossing when:

Directed to do so by a flagger.
It is controlled by a stop sign.
Flashing red signals and gates are present and operating.
All of the above.

5 . When changing lanes, you can check your blind spots by:

Using the inside rearview mirror.
Using the outside rearview mirror.
Using both inside and outside rearview mirrors.
Turning your head and looking over your shoulder.

6 . Stop lines are solid white lines painted across traffic lanes:

In curves and on hills.
Next to churches and schools.
At intersections and pedestrian crosswalks.
On freeway on-ramps.

7 . All headlights on your vehicle must work properly and be correctly adjusted:

Only when you plan to drive in a city.
At all times.
Only when driving on freeways.
Only when approaching other vehicles.

8 . When approaching a traffic signal displaying a flashing yellow arrow, drivers:

Should merge into a lane in the direction of the arrow.
Should come to a complete stop.
May turn left after yielding to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.
Have the right-of-way and may expect oncoming traffic to stop for them.

9 . This sign means:

All traffic must turn left.
No left turn.
No U-turn.
Truck route to the left.

10 . To ensure that your physical condition does not cause you to drive in an unsafe manner, you should:

Keep physically fit and have regular physical examinations.
Know the effect of any medicine on your driving ability.
Drive within your physical limitations.
All of the above.

11 . You are driving on the roadway and there is an emergency vehicle using its siren and flashing lights directly behind you. You are in heavy traffic and cannot get out of its way. You should:

Stop where you are.
Blow your horn.
Force your way into traffic in the adjoining lane.
Keep moving slowly until you can get out of its way.

12 . You are stopped in a line of vehicles waiting at a stop sign. If there is no cross traffic after the vehicles ahead have passed through the intersection, you:

May proceed through the intersection without stopping again.
Must stop again at the stop sign or stop line before proceeding.
May slowly roll past the stop sign.
May follow the vehicle directly ahead of you without stopping.

13 . If you are driving in another driver's blind spot, you should:

Move forward or drop back so the other driver can see you.
Keep a steady pace.
Stay in the driver's blind spot.
Honk to let them know you are there.

14 . Anything that requires you to ____ could cause you to crash.

Take your eyes off the road
Take your hands off the wheel
Take your attention away from the task of driving
All of the above

15 . You are driving along a street and hear a siren. You cannot immediately see the emergency vehicle. You should:

Keep driving until you see the vehicle.
Pull to the curb and look to see if it is on your street.
Slow down. Don't stop until you see it.
Speed up and turn at the next intersection.

16 . When changing lanes on a highway, you should:

Signal a lane change.
Check your rearview and outside mirrors.
Check your blind spot by glancing over your shoulder.
All of the above.
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17 . It is illegal for a person 21 years of age or older to drive with a minimum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of:

0.05 percent.
0.08 percent.
0.02 percent.
0.1 percent.

18 . Always signal when:

Changing lanes.
Pulling into or out of a parking space.
Pulling into traffic from an alley or parking area.
All of the above.

19 . This sign means:

A left curve is ahead.
A series of curves is ahead.
An S-curve is ahead.
The road will be slippery when wet.

20 . A single broken yellow line down the center of a two-lane road indicates:

Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in opposite directions and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are not permitted to pass.
Lanes are moving in the same direction and drivers are permitted to pass when it is safe to do so.

21 . You are driving on a divided multilane highway and see or hear the signal of an approaching emergency vehicle. You should:

Disregard the signal if there are other lanes available for the emergency vehicle.
Stop as quickly as you can.
Slow down, move your vehicle to provide a clear path for the emergency vehicle, and stop.
Increase your speed to get out of the way of the emergency vehicle.

22 . Night driving can be more difficult than driving during the day because:

Cars overheat more quickly at night.
Visibility is reduced in the dark.
It is more likely to be raining at night.
You are more likely to encounter a motorcycle at night.

23 . This sign means:

Four-lane traffic ahead.
Divided highway ahead.
Two-way traffic ahead.
Intersection ahead.

24 . A red flashing traffic light has the same meaning as a:

Solid red light.
Stop sign.
Yield sign.
Caution sign.

25 . This road sign means:

Keep right.
Keep left.
Pass with caution.
No passing.

26 . A copy of your vehicle inspection certificate:

Should be kept in the vehicle.
Should be filed with your income tax return.
Should be kept in a safe place in your home.
Will be sent to you by the County Department of Finance.

27 . If another car is in danger of hitting you, you should:

Sound your horn.
Wave your arms.
Use your emergency lights.
Flash your headlights.

28 . While driving, you come upon a sign displaying the words “Reduced speed, 35 mph." This means:

That the new 35 mph speed limit begins at this sign.
That the new 35 mph speed limit begins at the next speed limit sign.
That you have plenty of time to slow down before the reduced speed zone.
That you should reduce your speed to 35 mph, but only under poor weather conditions.

29 . A vehicle using emergency signals is approaching from the opposite direction on a two-lane street. You should:

Stop as quickly as you can.
Slow down, move as far to the right as possible, and stop.
Disregard the emergency vehicle because it is going in the opposite direction.
None of the above.

30 . Newer vehicles have equipment warning lamps installed on the instrument panel. Which of the following statements is correct?

All lamps should be illuminated when the ignition switch is first turned on before the engine is started.
No lamps should illuminate until the engine is running.
The lamps should never illuminate unless there is a malfunction.
The lamps will only illuminate if the headlights are turned on.