1 . You are involved in an accident and your vehicle is blocking traffic. You should:

Move your vehicle off the traveled portion of the roadway, if possible.
Not move your vehicle under any circumstances.
Wait until the police arrive before moving your vehicle.
None of the above.

2 . This sign means:

One-way traffic.
Divided highway ahead.
Two-way traffic.
Keep left.

3 . Two vehicles are driving side by side ahead of your vehicle and you are in a hurry. You should:

Drive closely behind the vehicle in the left lane and flash your headlights.
Drive closely behind the vehicle in the right lane.
Drive in either lane with a two-second time interval between you and the vehicle ahead.
Quickly switch back and forth between the lanes.

4 . This sign means:

No left turn.
No stopping.
No U-turn.
Detour ahead.

5 . This sign means:

Stop sign ahead.
Lane closed ahead.
Railroad crossing ahead.
Traffic signal ahead.

6 . What does an orange-colored sign indicate?

The start of a no passing zone.
A railroad crossing is ahead.
A school zone is ahead.
The presence of construction work.

7 . When approaching a flashing red traffic light, drivers should:

Drive through the intersection if there is no crossing traffic.
Continue driving, as they have the right-of-way.
Stop if a police officer is nearby.
Treat the light like a stop sign.

8 . This sign means:

Lane ends.
No right turn.
Slippery when wet.
Two-way traffic.

9 . When riding in a vehicle, small children:

May be safely held by a strong adult.
Will be safe if they are standing on the floor in the back of the vehicle.
Will not be hurt in an accident because they are small.
Must never be allowed to ride while standing in the vehicle.

10 . This road sign indicates:

The maximum safe speed for a residential area.
The maximum safe speed for an expressway exit.
The maximum safe speed for an expressway entrance.
The maximum safe speed for a work zone.

11 . You are driving in moderate traffic on a four-lane highway behind a slow-moving vehicle. Before changing lanes, you must:

Signal your intentions for at least 100 feet.
Make sure your blind spot is clear.
Make sure there is sufficient room in traffic to make the move.
All of the above.

12 . You are driving when it starts to sleet or snow. You should:

Keep your windshield and mirrors clear.
Allow additional distance between your vehicle and the vehicles that you are following.
Approach all vehicles with caution.
All of the above.

13 . A “No stopping” sign means that, unless directed to do so by a police officer, you may stop only:

Long enough to unload packages.
To avoid conflict with other traffic.
To discharge passengers.
For less than five minutes.

14 . You are driving on a narrow road when you meet an oncoming vehicle. You must:

Pull completely off the road and stop.
Allow the oncoming vehicle at least one-half of the main-traveled portion of the road.
Demand the other vehicle pull over to make room.
Turn on your high beam headlights to make sure the other vehicle sees you.

15 . A driver who is taking a non-prescription drug should:

Read the labels on the drug before driving.
Drink alcohol instead.
Continue to drive regardless of any warning labels.
Drive only during daylight hours.

16 . Safety belts:

Should be worn at all times when driving or riding in a vehicle.
Should be worn only when traveling at high speeds.
Should be worn loosely.
Can only prevent drivers from injury.
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17 . This sign means:

Trucks only.
Trucks are entering the highway.
Upcoming hill.
Trucks have the right-of-way.

18 . Bicyclists are required to:

Obey traffic signs, signals, and laws.
Ride on the sidewalk in business districts.
Ride in the center of traffic lanes.
All of the above.

19 . When parking uphill on a hill or incline with a curb:

Turn your front wheels sharply toward the curb.
Turn your front wheels slightly to the right.
Turn your front wheels sharply away from the curb.
Keep your front wheels straight.

20 . You may pass another vehicle:

In a curve or on a hill because the chance is small that another vehicle is coming.
By using the shoulder of the highway.
If your lane is next to a solid yellow line and the passing lane is clear ahead.
None of the above.

21 . Your vehicle's stopping distance increases when stopping:

On a wet or icy road.
On paved highways.
When driving at night.
All of the above.

22 . Certain highway signs contain information about hazardous conditions. Such signs are known as:

Regulatory signs.
Warning signs.
Information signs.
Guide signs.

23 . You notice a vehicle defect which may affect the safe operation of your vehicle. You should:

Correct the defect as soon as possible.
Correct the defect when you can afford it.
Drive the vehicle at slower speeds.
Drive normally.

24 . Roads freeze quickly when they are:

In the sun.

25 . This sign means:

U-turns are prohibited.
U-turns are permitted.
Winding road ahead.
Sharp left turn ahead.

26 . Traffic signs and pavement markings:

Must always be obeyed.
Are merely suggestions.
Must be followed only when there is other traffic.
Must be followed only when a police officer is present.

27 . This sign means:

No U-turn.
No left turn.
No right turn.
No turning.

28 . When passing a motorcycle, you must:

Allow the motorcyclist the right half of a traffic lane.
Allow the motorcyclist the entire width of a traffic lane.
Begin moving past the motorcycle before your vehicle is entirely in the passing lane.
Not communicate with the motorcyclist.

29 . When changing lanes you should not:

Check your side and rearview mirrors.
Give a turn signal to signal your intentions.
Check for other drivers who may be moving into the same lane as you.
Use your cell phone to contact the police to determine if the road ahead is clear.

30 . While backing, you should:

Rely only on your mirrors.
Flash your lights.
Open your door to see if it is safe to proceed.
Turn your head and look through the rear window.