1 . Bicyclists must refrain from:

Carrying passengers, unless the bicycle is equipped to do so.
Riding on the sidewalk in every location.
Riding at night.
Riding in the roadway in a business district.

2 . Drivers must yield to a pedestrian:

Even if the pedestrian crosses the street carelessly.
Only when the pedestrian is in a crosswalk.
Only if the pedestrian is on the same side of the road as the driver.
If the pedestrian uses a hand signal to ask oncoming drivers to stop.

3 . Pentagonal signs indicate:

No passing zones.
School zones.
Speed limits.
Railroad crossings.

4 . This sign means:

No right turns.
Right turns are permitted.
Stop before turning right.
Sharp curve ahead.

5 . You may pass a school bus from the front or rear on an undivided roadway:

Under no circumstances.
When the red lamps on the school bus are flashing.
When the red lamps on the school bus are not flashing.
At anytime, if you drive slowly.

6 . If worried, nervous, angry, or crying, a driver:

Will drive no differently than they would if they were thinking more clearly.
Can drive faster because they are more in touch with their senses.
Should take the time to focus on driving before starting the engine.
Should call a friend to vent while driving.

7 . A leaking exhaust system can:

Cause excessive oil use.
Require your vehicle to have a tune-up sooner than normal.
Make you drowsy while driving.
Set grass fires on country roads.

8 . If your wheels drop off the pavement and onto the shoulder of the road, you should:

Brake hard and turn sharply back onto the pavement.
Stop your car on the edge of the road.
Slow down and very carefully turn back onto the pavement.
Maintain your speed and turn sharply back onto the pavement.

9 . A driver should be extra alert to motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians because:

They’re difficult to see in traffic.
They obey different traffic laws than larger motor vehicles.
They always have the right-of-way.
They don’t have rearview mirrors.

10 . When sharing the road with a truck, it is important to remember that trucks generally:

Require longer distances to stop than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on a downgrade than smaller vehicles do.
Require a smaller turning radius than smaller vehicles do.
Require less time to pass on an incline than smaller vehicles do.

11 . You are driving when it begins to rain. You should:

Drive faster than surrounding traffic.
Drive at the maximum posted speed limit.
Slow down.
Drive closely behind the vehicle in front of you.

12 . This sign indicates that:

There is a steep hill ahead.
No trucks are allowed on an upcoming hill.
A logging road is ahead.
There are trucks on an upcoming hill.

13 . You are involved in an accident and another person is injured. You should:

Moved the injured away from the scene immediately.
Always leave the injured where they are.
Not move the injured unnecessarily. Keep the injured warm and administer first aid.
Stay away from the injured.

14 . A driver entering public traffic from a driveway or private road:

Has the right-of-way.
Should yield to drivers already on the public road.
May force their way into traffic.
Can assume that other drivers will change lanes to make room.

15 . If your car starts to skid, turn your steering wheel:

To keep the front wheels straight.
In the direction you want the vehicle to go.
In the opposite direction of the skid.
In any direction. It doesn't matter.

16 . A police officer asks you to take a test determining the amount of alcohol in your blood. You:

Do not have to take the test if you can prove that you weren’t drinking
Must take the test or risk losing your license.
Do not have to take the test if you have not violated any traffic rule.
Must take the test or risk a fine.
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17 . To pass a slower-moving vehicle on a two-lane, two-way road, you must:

Not cross the centerline.
Flash your lights at oncoming traffic.
Use the shoulder.
Use the lane that belongs to oncoming traffic.

18 . You wish to drive a heavy truck in Hawaii. You must:

Be at least 21 years old.
Have a valid driver license for the category of vehicle you wish to drive.
Have no special qualifications.
Drive the truck only on truck routes.

19 . As a pedestrian, you should:

Always insist on the right-of-way over a vehicle when using a crosswalk.
Never enter a street or crosswalk when vehicles are approaching.
Enter a crosswalk at any time because it is the vehicle driver’s responsibility to stop.
Use crosswalks only if they are convenient.

20 . This road sign means:

Sharp turn to the right.
Double curve.
Winding road.
Pavement ends.

21 . You and another vehicle are approaching an intersection that has no traffic signs or signals. Which vehicle has the right-of-way?

The vehicle on the left
The vehicle on the right
The biggest vehicle
The vehicle that enters the intersection first

22 . You may avoid the risks of alcohol-related crashes by:

Deciding before you start drinking that you are not going to drive.
Simply saying, "No thanks, I'm driving," if someone offers you a drink.
Calling a taxi.
Doing any of the above.

23 . An approaching driver fails to dim their high beam headlights. Where should you look?

At the wheels of the approaching vehicle.
Toward the right side of the road.
Toward the left side of the road.
Straight down the middle of the road.

24 . Signs indicating areas of public recreation are:


25 . As a pedestrian, you should:

Look for turning vehicles before crossing a street.
Never run alongside or across a street.
Walk on the left side of the street, facing traffic.
All of the above.

26 . If someone has consumed alcoholic drinks, what will help the person overcome the influence of those drinks?

Tomato juice and lime
Hot coffee
Fresh air
Only time

27 . If you change your address, you must notify the county examiner of drivers:

In writing, within 30 days.
In writing, within 10 days.
In person, within 10 days.
By telephone, within 30 days.

28 . This sign means:

Emergency vehicles ahead.
Uncontrolled intersection ahead.
Four-way stop ahead.
Traffic signal ahead.

29 . To practice defensive driving, you should:

Be aware of developing traffic situations around you.
Consistently look well ahead of your vehicle and maintain proper following distances.
Have an alternate plan of action ready.
All of the above

30 . If you are driving so slowly that traffic is backing up behind you, you should:

Decrease your speed.
Pull off the right side of the road and let traffic pass.
Not let the other cars pass your vehicle.
Use your four-way flashers.