1 . If a vehicle has a vehicle inspection report, the driver:

Should not look at the report and instead try to find any issues themselves.
Should take the vehicle to a mechanic.
Should review the report.
Should not conduct a pre-trip inspection and rely only on the report.

2 . How many daily hours of sleep does an adult need to maintain alertness?

Six to seven
Seven to eight
Eight to nine
Four to five

3 . Distracted driving:

Always comes as a result of physical distraction, not mental distraction.
Can be elevated by pre-programming radio stations.
Can be avoided by eating while driving.
Can be avoided by not engaging in complex conversations while driving.

4 . Which of the following is not an indication of damaged brakes?

Cracked drums
Shoes with oil or grease on them
Shoes worn thinly
Pads free of oil or grease

5 . On a leaf spring, the leaves:

May be broken.
Are not required.
Should not be broken.
Should shift.

6 . After a tire has been changed, the driver should stop after a short distance to:

Check the tightness of the lug nuts.
Ensure that the tire tread depth is good.
Ensure that the correct tire was changed.
See if rocks have gotten into the tread.

7 . A pre-trip inspection:

Should never be completed the same way two times in a row.
Should always be completed in the same order.
Should only be done if it is sunny outside.
Should not be done if the driver thinks the vehicle is in good operating order.

8 . While driving:

A driver does not need to inform others of their intentions.
A driver should only use turn signals if a vehicle is next to them.
A driver should not use a turn signal if their lane change will be obvious.
A driver should always use turn signals to inform others of their intentions.

9 . If a driver begins to feel fatigued while driving, they should:

Continue driving.
Drink coffee.
Stop and rest.
Drive faster to finish the trip more quickly.

10 . When backing, you should:

Move quickly to get out of the way of other drivers.
Try not to use your mirrors.
Start from any position.
Use a helper, if possible.

11 . When passing another vehicle, you should:

Make eye contact with the other driver.
Assume the other driver doesn’t see you.
Honk your horn.
Wave to other drivers.
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12 . When driving through a work zone, you should:

Slow down.
Speed up.
Use a cell phone.
Steer with one hand to keep the other hand free.

13 . When starting the vehicle during the pre-trip inspection, the coolant temperature should:

Rise slowly.
Hold steady.
Jump quickly.

14 . What is the average driver’s reaction time?

One-sixteenth of a second
One-eighth of a second
Between three-quarters of a second and one second
Two seconds

15 . When a vehicle is started, warning lights and buzzers:

Should stay on for several minutes.
Should turn off within a few seconds.
Should stay on until manually turned off.
Should not come on.

16 . What is reaction distance?

The distance traveled between seeing a hazard and physically hitting the brakes
The distance traveled between a hazard becoming visible and a driver seeing the hazard
The distance traveled before a driver realizes they must brake
The distance traveled between physically hitting the brake and coming to a complete stop

17 . When you leave your vehicle, you should:

Apply the parking brake.
Apply the air brake.
Not apply any brake.
Leave the door open.

18 . When starting the engine as part of the pre-trip inspection, the driver should:

Listen for unusual noises.
Rev the engine.
Turn up the radio.
Turn on the heater.

19 . If you are driving so slowly that you could impede other vehicles, you should:

Stay in the left lane.
Drive with your emergency flashers activated.
Not use any lights.
Wave an arm out of your window.

20 . When it is difficult for others to see your vehicle, such as at dawn or dusk, you can help other drivers by:

Keeping your lights off.
Turning your lights on.
Driving on the shoulder.
Waving an arm out the window.